Plane Universe

Chapter 1933: Arrive at Huanghai

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In the palace, His Royal Highness summoned His Holiness His Highness and asked, "Do you know the name Cheng Buyun?"

"Cheng Buyun?"

"Have not heard."

"His Royal Highness, you ask what does this name mean? Is it the name of the foreigner?"

"Yes, I have asked the father emperor, the name is that of the foreigner, so I will ask you if you know the other party's details are not." His Royal Highness nodded, looking at everyone with a little expectation.

This is a humanity that even the father and emperor said admired, there must be something to be proud of.

"His Royal Highness, we haven't been out for a long time, so we know very little about the outside world, especially the last one or two hundred million years."

His lords shook their heads.

Indicates that he has never heard of this name.

"Since I don't know, let me inquire about it. It is not difficult for such a powerful human being to get his information." His Royal Highness commanded, "Go, get the information of the foreigners quickly, I will take a look , Just how powerful. "

After hearing the words, everyone quickly led away.

His Holiness Jiuyou, who went to inquire about the information, quickly passed his friends and some channels to inquire into the details of Cheng Buyun's past by his name.

Among humans, perhaps the name Cheng Buyun may have the same name among ordinary people, but it is unique at the level of the strong like a forest.

The information was heard, but the information made the Nine Nine Clan Venerables ... almost unable to believe everything they heard.

Almost scared to pee.

The Supreme Venerable can be killed with a stick, can it be scary?

Previously, these powerful men still kept talking, trying to capture this kind of existence.

It's ridiculous!

In other words, the other party has a good temper, otherwise he will not be able to hit him with a stick.

His Royal Highness, who got the information, was also shocked.

He did not think that the identity of the foreigner who broke in this time turned out to be only a realm, but his strength was comparable to the existence of a cosmic overlord.

No wonder even the father and emperor said admiration.

Who can not admire such talents?

He was terrified on the spot, and the whole person was in a mess. The proud achievements of the past were smug and smashed into a place.

After stunned for a long time, His Royal Highness also figured it out. Father and Emperor told himself that the name of the foreigner should be to motivate himself. To learn like this human genius, tell yourself that there is heaven outside of heaven, and you must not be complacent.

The emperor is still very concerned about himself.

Although shocked by Cheng Buyun, a foreigner, the prince was very happy to know his father's concern.

"It turns out that the father and emperor did not come forward to suppress this human being. I am afraid that they wanted to solicit the other party's mind to join in the effectiveness of his subordinates. This is the case." The royal prince is not stupid.

In this way, His Royal Highness, who knows Cheng Buyun's strength, no longer holds the thought of pushing human Cheng Buyun out.

What about forcing it out?

Like the father emperor said, is it embarrassing again?


On the other side, the Xiaohonghou Palace, which was moving forward and forward, suddenly found that all the nine Nine Clan warriors retreating around, no longer looking for their traces, and also a little stunned.

Is it too long to give up?

Not too possible!

The excitement of those Nine Nine Warriors before, give up?

Just kidding.

There should have been an accident that caused them to stop searching.

"They must have got some information." Xiaohong later watched the countless nine-you soldiers evacuate and said with a smile: "It must be knowing your strength, knowing that you can't deal with it, and ran away."


Cheng Buyun also nodded and said with a smile: "It's been more than half a year, and no trace of me can be found. The prince will definitely seek to see the Lord of Nine Nether. Once he sees the Lord of Nine Nether, the other party will definitely remind me of my identity and strength level."

As for the trap or something.

It is not impossible to retreat intentionally and then wait for the flaws to be exposed on the periphery.

But Cheng Buyun didn't think too much.

In any case, knowing your own level of strength or arranging traps, as long as the Lord of Nine Serenities does not come forward, who is your opponent in this time and space?

The Nine You Clan, the only digital cosmic overlord, is simply impossible to deal with itself.

Moreover, the nine Nine Nether Clans universe overlords, the princes can not move.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you want more.

Regardless of the arrangement of the prince in this realm, of course, with that little power, it is certainly impossible to take him.

With strength and cards, of course confidence is enough.

As long as the Lord of Nine Serenities does not come out, no strong man can stop him.


The palace of Xiaohong ’s incarnation increased in vain and went deeper inward.

Inside the core of Jiuyou Space-Time, it is vast and boundless. Even if it flies at the speed of light, it takes only half a month to see the first city in this world.

In an ancient city, there are a lot of low-rise buildings in the ancient city without walls. Many people with **** bodies and crooked heads live in it.

With a little scan of Cheng Buyun's soul consciousness, nearly a hundred million Jiuyou tribes live in the city, which is not a big city.

Thousands of kilometers of cities are not big?

Which one is bigger?

Cheng Buyun was hidden in the palace, carefully listening to the conversation between the Nine You tribes, asking for some information he needed to know.

Because the Nine You Clan has a special talent, ignoring the soul confusion and phantom spirit, Cheng Buyun cannot appear. Once he appears, he will be directly seen through.

At that time, it is another chase, no need!

After a long exploration, Cheng Buyun also knew his current position.

In Nine Nine Space and Time, all cities are surrounded by 108 Huanghai buildings. As long as they fly towards the center, they can reach the area where the Huanghai is located.

easy to understand!

Now that he knew the direction and location, Cheng Buyun didn't want to drag any more and immediately rushed towards the central core.

Half a year later, the tiny palace that was flying at the speed of light and much smaller than the dust, and was invisible to the naked eye, finally reached the area where 108 Huanghai was located.

Looking down from the sky, the 108 imperial seas seem to be endless, magnificent and magnificent. What a magical existence.

Only by knowing the details of these oceans can we sigh that the universe is great.

It can even breed such a miraculous life.

The 108 imperial seas, 56 of which are sea-red, are blood red, just like blood.

These 56 imperial seas are the same size and have a diameter of 80 million kilometers.

But these 56 blood seas are not called the emperor sea in the mouth of the indigenous people.

Because these seas of blood can not be born into the Nine You tribe.

Cheng Buyun understood that because the masters of the 56 blood seas are still only the level of the realm of the realm, and the divine power has not transformed, it is naturally impossible to nurture the birth of the Nine You tribe.

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