Plane Universe

Chapter 1941: Target fulfillment

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Chapter 88 The Goal is Complete

After all, Xiaohong's defense is too strong and his body is too hard, to be honest.

He really can't hurt the other party.

The most important thing is that he is not strong enough and Xiaohong gets bigger later.

Once the battle resumed, then he was caught and fell, pressed and beaten.

It's ugly.

He, Venerable Lei Yan is also a very famous and powerful person in the universe, but he can't afford to lose that person.

After generously buckling a stone several kilometers in size, he handed it to Xiaohong and asked, "Who was that human just now? Did he want this stone?"


Xiaohong took it over with a smile, feeling that Venerable Lei Yue was so magnificent that he had withdrawn such a large stone to her. This was not a stone formed by divine power, but the most primitive body material on Lei Yu. Contains the most primitive life genes.

It is equivalent to human flesh and blood.

In the beginning, Cheng Buyun began to want to rely on the stones on his body to obtain his life genes.

Venerable Lei Yue has become a god, and the whole body is composed of thunder and lightning power. The stones flying in the battle are just divine powers.

Just like the immortal gods of human beings, the whole person is smashed and scattered into a crystal of the earth without any flesh and blood.

Even if the body and soul die, you won't get the other's life genes.

Because it is already immortal, matter has changed.

Only when he is alive is he willing to give you his life gene.

The only way!

"Thank you."

Xiao Hong was very happy to put away the stones, and then said seriously again: "Yeah, that man was my elder brother just now, and the stones are him to study. Before we came to get your life genes, we have actually been to the tree island."

"Tree Island?"

Venerable Lei Yue was shocked that the world tree is a special plant life more powerful than him.

"Yes, Shudao." Xiaohonghou proudly smiled: "My elder brother is a very genius character, don't believe it, even the genius that the Lord of Nine Nighs attaches great importance to."

A genius that the Lord of Nine Serenities must value?

Venerable Lei Yue was also embarrassed, living in the time and space of the Nine Nether, can you not know the Lord of Nine Nether?

He not only knew, but the other party was his boss.

However, he still had doubts about Xiao Honghou's remarks. Fox questioned: "Your eldest brother is a genius? Wrong, all of them are in the universe, and they are also geniuses!"

"Hee hee, you're wrong."

Xiaohong was extremely proud, looking at Venerable Lei Yan earnestly and said: "My elder brother looks like a Venerable Universe on the surface, but in fact he is just a real master."

Cheng Buyun, hidden in the world of Yu Pei, shook his head and smiled when he saw Xiao Hong holding him to scare Venerable Lei Yue.

"What, Lord?"

Sure enough, Venerable Lei Yan's expression was shocked, with a look of suspicion, he didn't quite believe what Xiaohong said.

Before he attacked the so-called elder brother of Xiaohong, the thunder and lightning secret technique he used, but his talent ability, every thunder and lightning power is not lower than the power of the higher universe.

However, his so-called eldest brother was solved by a punch.

You tell me now that he is only the realm?

"Are you scaring me?" Venerable Lei Yue said incredulously.

"What's the benefit of cheating you? In fact, my eldest brother has also joined the ancestral religion and joined the master of Jiuyou. You will know after you check it." Xiaohong explained with a smile.

The news revealed by Xiao Hong later surprised him one by one, but he did not doubt it if he thought about it. If it was what she said, then human beings are only the realm.

Such a genius, who will let it go?

Suddenly, a voice resounded, but it was the voice of the Lord of the Nine Nether, "No more discussion about the matter of Cheng Buyun joining my Nine Nether Religion."

Suddenly, the Lord of Nine Nine's sudden confession confessed that Venerable Lei Yan was shocked directly, and quickly respected him.

After Xiaohong, it was a lip.

The Lord of Nine You lived for too long, and snatching genius became his fun.

This time he grabbed a genius like Cheng Buyun early, of course he wanted to hide aside, watch it carefully, and watch other leaders' jokes.

And Venerable Lei met that Cheng Buyun was also a member of the same organization, and became more polite, invited him out, and sincerely received a reception.

When Cheng Buyun left, he went to learn more about Cheng Buyun.

This investigation shocked him.

Extremely surprised and admired.

Cheng Buyun's achievements in less than 10,000 years have simply broken through his imagination.


Saying goodbye to Lei Yanzun, Cheng Buyun left Leiming Mountain.

The life gene of Venerable Lei Ming, after time and space analysis, was unexpectedly excellent.

The surprise that made Cheng Buyun so incomparable is a feeling of being worthwhile.

It turned out that the talent that the Leiyu Venerable had never disclosed turned out to be the control of thunder and lightning. No wonder he had a rock life, but he was so proficient in the law of thunder and lightning.

It was so unexpected.

After getting such a powerful life gene, you don't need to fuse it, you can breed it directly, then copy it.

There is no need to take a long time to fuse, just like the fusion of gold training talents and space training talents.

Everything becomes very simple.

Especially with the life gene of the Lord of Nine Nethers-creation.

Time and space only need to create a life based on the life gene of Leiyu Venerable, and then copy the talent-control thunder and lightning.

Simple and fast.

It is a little more energy consumed.

The energy of hundreds of treasures.

After getting the talent for thunder and lightning cultivation, Cheng Buyun was already a bit tempted and wanted to go back to the original secret realm.

But before going back, there is one more thing to do.

With a grin, Cheng Buyun showed a wretched expression, facing the void and yelling softly, "God Lord."


Suddenly, an angry voice rolled.

This angry anger would naturally not scare Cheng Buyun, he said very calmly and slowly: "God Lord, the monk does not swear!"

"Old bald scoop, I kill you!"

The Nine Nether Lord was half angry, and his teeth were almost bitten.

Cheng Buyun's words meant that the Lord of the Nine Nethers was very clear. If he didn't give it, he would play around in front of the Lord of Chaos and sing his naughty Lord Nine Nethers.

How can an old friend accept such a hob meat!

Faceless and skinless, everyone has to be happy.

"Take it, let me roll, and then I will break your leg." The Lord of Nine Nine in the rage, had to admit that he was guilty, and gave Cheng Buyun a group of his own blood water genes.

After getting the seawater of the Lord of Nine Serenities, Cheng Buyun thanked again and again.

It's just that the Lord of Nine Nethers no longer needs to see him, so he sends him out.

Out of sight out of mind!

This is also the master of the Nine Nethers seized by Cheng Buyun.

The more powerful the existence, the more value the face.

Owing to the hostess of Chaos City, plus Cheng Buyun is indeed a genius, recruiting into his army naturally has to pay some price.

In the final analysis, it is still the Lord of Nine Nethers who takes the advantage.

At a minimum cost, Cheng Buyun was taken over.

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