Plane Universe

Chapter 1946: Sprout growth

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Cheng Buyun still understands that the soul can be better integrated into the doppelgangers by washing the soul into a whiteboard.

The background of the world tree is very strong, but no matter how powerful, the new world tree is only a small sapling, and its strength is limited.

Once the entering soul is too strong, the new world tree will collapse.

He didn't want such consequences, and neither time nor space.

The time for washing the soul seems to have passed for a long time, and it seems that only a moment has passed, and the thinking seems so dull.

But obviously, this is a natural reaction.

Suddenly, an irresistible force appeared. This force gently and gently wrapped his entire soul and rolled into a world full of endless green.

Endlessly full of vitality, green energy is nourishing his soul.

I feel very comfortable.

That natural breath makes his soul sublimate and become light at this moment.


In fusion!

Time does not know how long has passed, and finally, Cheng Buyun's consciousness came clear.

He found that his body had turned into a round ball, a flat body.

"The fusion is successful." Cheng Buyun's conscious thinking at this moment raised an uncontrollable excitement.

He looked at himself, clearly saw his body, and felt the endless green light in his body, which was a powerful and powerful law of wood.

A strong desire emerged from his body, making him almost unable to suppress the huge impulse.

This desire was so strong that it impacted his soul, making him want to take root in all directions.

The essence of life, whether it is a plant or an animal, longs for its own strong survival, and has the ability to protect itself from countless foreseeable dangers.

The World Tree is no exception, this feeling is more urgent.

However, this is not a world tree seed without spiritual wisdom.

The urge to become stronger to protect himself was suppressed.


In another energy warehouse, after the split of the soul, Cheng Buyun's deity inevitably fell into weakness again.

But this time the soul fell into weakness, compared with the previous one, the result is undoubtedly much better.

The result of such a result is that Cheng Buyun is now stronger.

Although the soul did not make the final leap and became an eternal realm, but the progress of strength. The promotion of the law realm will also cause the soul to become stronger.

Moreover, the second avatar was given authority twice by the supreme rule of the Panlong universe, making his soul power indistinguishable from that of many universe sages.


The energy compartment contracted toward both sides, and Cheng Buyun sat up a little slowly, shaking his head gently.

Like ordinary people after drinking and hangover before, their reaction thinking is slow.

The result of the split of the soul, a temporary situation.

It will be better after time recovery.

"Master, okay." Alice and Glutton quickly helped Cheng Buyun out and asked with a concerned expression.

Cheng Buyun smiled lightly and nodded to the two to let themselves go, saying, "I'm not weak enough to move."

Xiaohong shouted on the side: "Look, the seeds are flying."

Cheng Buyun turned his head to look, and the seeds of the world tree covered with strange mysterious patterns radiating with colorful light floated towards him, suspended in front of him.

In fact, after splitting the half of the soul and merging into the world tree seed, he could already feel that he could even choose the soul to come.

It is a pity that the world tree is still a seed, and its strength is very limited, once his main soul comes to depend.

In the next moment, the seed of the world tree is estimated to collapse directly, and then turn into the most original energy of the universe.

In his judgment, the world tree is less than the domain master level, and his master soul cannot come.

It is expected that after the main level of the world tree, the soul can come, or because the soul has the same origin.

Unfolding the right hand, the world tree seeds automatically fell in the palm of the hand, Cheng Buyun said with great expectation: "Go out and find a place to plant the world tree."

Flashing away from the temple, Cheng Buyun quickly found a quieter place outside, and then gently dropped the world tree seed.

It is also magical.

As soon as the seeds of the world tree are put down, they immediately slam and bud.

First, two small green leaves grew out of the seeds, and then several small roots protruded from below and plunged into the soil.

Bizarre mysterious waves permeate away, letting a lot of wandering energy around as if moths swarming at the fire.

The saplings with only two green seeds are extremely greedily absorbing these energies and strengthening themselves.

Seen to the naked eye, the seedlings are growing up.

Almost every second, young saplings are growing.

It was like hitting chicken blood hormones. In less than a minute, the young sapling had a big tree in front of several people's eyes.

A big tree ten meters high.

And this big tree is still growing up, more crazy than before.

Countless energy in the surrounding space condenses towards this side, making the condensed energy very sticky.

Even now ordinary people can see that the invisible energy has turned into a liquid like water.

This water-like liquid energy is guided, turned into a stream of water and poured into the world tree, becoming its nutrients, allowing him to grow.

Half a day later, the world tree changed from seeds to seedlings, and now to the giant towering tree.

It has a height of nearly 100,000 kilometers and a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers.

The area covered by the canopy is more than 200,000 kilometers.

Incomparably majestic.

The movement here has already attracted countless soldiers to stop and watch.

However, these warriors were curious in their hearts and dared not come near to watch. They just stood in the distance and spoke softly about what happened.

It feels amazing.

The two sisters Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing were also alarmed, and quickly rushed over, standing behind Cheng Buyun, their eyes showing strange colors, and carefully looking at the unknown tree that had grown so huge in less than a day .

It can be very important for Cheng Buyun to come to plant in person and look at the nameless tree.

The two sisters still understand this.

"Master, what kind of tree is this? It feels so mysterious." Xiao Qing asked curiously as he looked at the world tree that had stopped growing up.

Although the world tree is as high as 100,000 kilometers, on the surface, it looks like an ordinary tree, but it has no strength at all.

Very normal, the current level of the world tree, in spite of its high growth, is actually still in the seedling stage.

Just like human infants and babies.

There is no power of self-preservation.

It is only through instinct to slowly absorb the surrounding energy and grow itself.

This process takes many years. When it grows to one hundred thousand kilometers, it starts to practice automatically and awakens the mind.

When you enter the apprenticeship, spiritual wisdom will be born.

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