Plane Universe

Chapter 1958: Teacher, show you a big baby

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Now that he has a decision in his heart and promised Chaos teacher, Cheng Buyun will not be perfunctory this time, but will inevitably try to break through.

He wanted to be the pride in Chaos teacher's heart and the pride of the human race.

Be the pillar!

Admired by countless human members.

"Teacher, that disciple will go back here." Cheng Buyun saluted respectfully, raising his hand and preparing to recall the World Tree, but suddenly he was standing on his back.

He remembered something that had not been reported to Chaos teacher yet.

"Why? Is there anything else?" Chaotic City Lord was also strange, looking at Cheng Buyun puzzled.

"Teacher, I want to show you a big baby." Cheng Buyun smiled, a mysterious look.

big baby?

It can make Cheng Buyun say that it is a big treasure, and the chaotic city master is very intrigued.

His disciple is not an ignorant person, there are two top-level treasures.

So what can be called a big baby by him must be extraordinary.

"What is it?" The Lord of Chaos smiled and smiled curiously: "Take it out and let the teacher open his eyes."

The owner of Chaos City seemed to have never seen the world, so Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "It will not disappoint the teacher, but this big baby can't get it out, in the world inside me."

Obviously, this guy is ready to use the sea to scare the chaos master.

But Youhai really can be regarded as a big baby, a big baby with too much endurance.

Countless objects are more precious than the highest treasure.

"Can't get it out?" The Lord of Chaos was really curious at this time, his face dignified a little bit, and he became much anticipated.

"Teacher, you share a trace of mental strength, follow me into the body world, and then you understand." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

The Lord of Chaos nodded his head, shrinking his divine power as much as possible, and separated a thin spiritual consciousness. With the guidance of Cheng Buyun's spiritual power, he entered his inner world.

The vast inner world, with a diameter of a light-year range, is also incomparably lamented by the Lord of Chaos.

It was one thing to listen to Cheng Buyun before, but it was another to see it with my own eyes.

There is nothing more shocking than seeing it with your own eyes.

The inner world of one light-year in diameter has never been heard, let alone possessed.

When he was still an immortal level, the diameter of the kingdom of God was only about one light year.

Even now, the diameter of his kingdom is only a thousand light-years in diameter, but he is the master of the universe, the most top kind.

With a sigh of emotion, the Lord of Chaos randomly looked around the vast space with no breath of life, making him strange.

However, he quickly stopped because he sensed something strange and his mental consciousness flew quickly. The next moment, he was completely dull.

The immense **** ocean, the silhouette sitting on the ocean surface, and the soul wave in the blood ocean, all indicate a thing.


The whole chaos master was stupid, looking down at the huge sea of ​​blood below, his face full of excitement.

The blood-colored ocean is huge to trillions of kilometers. Every blood-colored sea in the blood sea contains the soul fluctuations of Cheng Buyun. Needless to say?

"What kind of stuff?"

The spiritual power of the chaotic city master rose sharply, causing vague fluctuations in all directions.

Cheng Buyunlian said: "Teacher, calm down! Calm down!"

The Lord of Chaos quickly converged his mental strength and said in amazement: "It's me who's lost."

Then carefully looked at the Scarlet Ocean, and said for a long time: "You big baby, will it not be the same kind of object as the ocean of the Lord of Nine Nethers?"

The Lord of Chaos looked very surprised, and his heart was surging.


He didn't know what to say for a while.

Cheng Buyun did not answer the question of the Lord of Chaos positively, but said with a smile: "I went to Jiu You Space and Time some time ago, the teacher should know it."


The Lord of Chaos nodded and waited for Bu Yun's next words.

"After I got the seeds of Venerable Tree, I was about to go back. I thought about it later, and all came, and I couldn't order the treasure. I couldn't explain it, so I took this mentality and entered the core of the Nine Nether Clan." Yun explained with a smile, "According to the information I found, the teacher has a friendship with the Lord of Nine You. Wherever I went, he couldn't kill him."

"You are smart." The Lord of Chaos smiled slightly.

Did not think too much.

These things are not secret, and to the point of Cheng Buyun, many can be found in the virtual universe database.

The purpose is for the Venerable Universe to venture out and meet the strong ones, to have the opportunity to speak out the background, make a name, and let the other party look at the friendship and let them go.

"Since going to Nine Nine Time and Space, I always have to do some preparations." Cheng Buyun smiled and continued to explain: "When I went to the core of Nine Nine Time and Space, I found out that the Lord of Nine Nine had 108 seats. many."

"What? 108?" The Lord of Chaos was also surprised, because according to the data, there were only three heirs on the bright side of the Lord of Nine Nethers, all of whom are the level of the universe's Venerable.

This will suddenly pop up 105 more?

"Well, 108 of them, most of them are masters."

"At that time, teacher, you couldn't think of my surprise at all."

"It is indeed a big surprise."

The Lord of Chaos also shook his head. For people with secret secrets, such an encounter is almost the same as the door.

But the chance is there, but it is another foreign affair to get it.

But now the fact that it is in front of him, Cheng Buyun got it, and it was successfully bred.

"Yeah, I sneaked into the past and took a handful of **** seawater when they weren't paying attention. I wanted to run." Cheng Buyun smiled, and didn't go on, the chaotic city master interfaced, "Jiuyou Lao Blame it. "

"Yes, the Lord of Nine Nether came out and shouted and killed me, scaring me."

"At that time, I panicked, but actually stabilized the stone mill ..."

Cheng Buyun explained what happened at the time, while making an adapted expression, as if to restore the scene.

The matter was originally said, but Cheng Buyun did not tell the truth, did not say that he was going to threaten with human feelings, but said friendship.

"You can talk, but fortunately I do have a friendship with Jiu You, and he also values ​​you, so that you can bring this secret out so easily." The chaotic city master shook his head and smiled, and the master of Jiu You was also in his heart. Love.

I'm glad that this friend didn't have a casual relationship.

After all, if you think about it, you will know that this secret has not been known for hundreds of millions of years.

"It's not that I would pull it. It's all the credit of the teacher. If the teacher is not good with the master of Jiuyou, I won't go to him." Cheng Buyun said seriously: "So I can condense this Youhai avatar, There is also a credit for the teacher. "

"That's enough genius for you, even if there is no teacher in this respect, the Lord of Nine You will still agree to your request." The Lord of Chaos shook his head and didn't do anything.

The genius is like Cheng Buyun, the ancestral religion has long been very concerned, otherwise the Lord of Dragons said at that time, can the ancestor God agree so happily?

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