Plane Universe

Chapter 1960: Super assist talent

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My Nima!

Cheng Buyun's mouth twitched and cramped. Alice just said that her human deity and golden horned monster are 10,000 kilometers apart. He is just strange.

It turned out to be waiting here.

What's special.

"Alice is a special life now, right?" Cheng Buyun asked with certainty.


Time and space whispered and explained slightly: "A part of Chaos Engulfing Secret Code has been added. If it hasn't changed a bit, where is my face?"

"the host."

Alice continued at this time: "More than that, I have cultivated the complete contents of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code. I have two more talents. One is a ten-fold increase in height and two is a ten-fold increase in strength. , As if sealed, has no effect. "

When she said the question, Cheng Buyun also explained, the original words of time and space, "Due to the cultivation of the complete content of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, you will change from the acquired special life to the innate special life. adult."

In fact, the two talents that Alice has are the weakening plates of Cheng Buyun's own two abnormal talents, which have only one-tenth of the effect.

In addition, Alice must practice the secret method of increase and reach the peak, in order to have a thousand-fold increase in power.

But this is amazing.

The universe is limited, and its power can increase up to 100 times.

With this talent, in the future, she will be more powerful than other strong.

Ten times the increase in power, at the same level, her power is ten times that of others, it is difficult for melee combat to be a strong opponent.

Alice ’s potential is even stronger.

At this time, gluttonous sitting on the side was very wronged, staring at the owner, like an abandoned puppy.

He also wanted to have the size of Alice.

Not only gluttonous, even the sisters Chongrou and Bai Suzhen looked at Cheng Buyun with a longing look, hoping that they would also allow him to practice the powerful secret method of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

No one does not want to be stronger.

Cheng Buyun considered for a moment, and then solemnly said: "The gluttonous people can go to practice the complete contents of the Nine Tribulation Secrets, but there are conditions and the minimum space law reaches the limit to allow cultivation."

"Thank you Master, I will work hard." The gluttonous excitement was so trembling with excitement, that **** look, I wish I could go to the enlightenment immediately and enlighten the law of space to the limit.

Gluttonous this guy, the perception is still a little worse, without forcing him, he drank all day and went to sleep, and woke up to eat, the ghost knows what year and what month to become a true respecter of the universe.

"Suzhen and Xiaoqing, you two sisters, also have the conditions, at least 60 times the life gene is obtained, this is a qualified line." Cheng Buyun gave the content of practicing the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, so that they can better exercise their will.

When the time comes, they will have to go out to exercise and take a risky turn.

You can't always install a vase at home and be a good girl.

"Thank you Master, our two sisters will work hard, and will not let the young master down." The two sisters Bai Suzhen suddenly happily.

"Don't be too happy, you can only practice two layers." Cheng Buyun said quietly.

The talents of their two sisters are really limited. He was afraid that after their two sisters practiced the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, they would not even be able to make breakthroughs.

At that time, they are not helping them, but harming them.

Sister Lien was disappointed when she heard that she could only be allowed to practice two levels, but since the young master had so commanded, there were naturally his reasons.

I thought it over in my head, young master, they couldn't break through the shackles!

Suddenly glanced at each other, secretly cheer yourself up, not to disappoint the young master, but to work harder to practice.

The last one, Zhongrou, where she sat quietly.

"Your problems are the same as those of Su Zhen. For the time being, you can only practice the four robbers. Follow up on your ability." Cheng Buyun said comfortably: "It depends on yourself what the future is."

Zhongrou immediately understood that before the master only asked her to practice the contents of the Four Tribulation, she already wanted to understand.

This will make you think less.

"So ..." Cheng Buyun's words have not been spoken,

"Master, what about me?" Catherine, who was sitting quietly on the side, was immediately anxious.

After a round of talk, why stop when you are here?

Looking at Catherine's eager look, Cheng Buyun finally thought about it and said, "Well, add you one."

The mother emperor's cultivation talent and perception are very good, and it is definitely the kind of super genius. You can know it by looking at the proportion of the strong.

In the Zerg, most of the universe's masters are almost empresses.

With the permission of the host, Catherine was extremely happy and happy.

The development behind the mother emperor, the remote control of the subordinate warrior battle, is not too useful.

For the Lord of the Universe, the tens of thousands of venerable level of attack joint does not have too many threats.

Otherwise, the Zerg Mother Queen has long unified the universe.

The strength of the ordinary universe venerable is far from the universe master to the difference between ordinary people and immortal gods.

If there is no Queen Mother sitting on the side, no more Venerable Worm Warrior is enough to kill the universe.

A single master of time and space will make the Venerable Universe unable to resist.

One thought can make the Venerable Universe fall.

In face-to-face situations, most of the top cosmic Venerables cannot escape.


Catherine, who was allowed to practice the Secret of the Nine Tribulation, calmed down contentedly, and her beautiful face showed an inscrutable expression of excitement.

She longed for this day long ago.

It finally came true today!

Nine Tribulation Secret Code!

The secret method that can increase the genes of life

How tall!

At this time, Cheng Buyun was also sighing, not enough places!

His face was bitter in his heart.

When one day, the four members of the family knew that he had such a powerful secret method that he didn't practice for them, and he didn't know how to be angry.

Forget it!

let's discuss it later!

Looking up at everyone, everyone quickly sat down, Cheng Buyun smiled faintly and asked, "Alice, after your genes reach their peak, what gift of the universe gives you the secret law?"

"Go back to the master, a trick to enhance the class secrets, I named it-Golden Armor." Alice quickly replied, with a trace of excitement in her face, "The Golden Armor can increase the divine body and double the divine power. "


Cheng Buyun was taken aback by surprise, and turned out to be a super-assistant talent secret!

It's a bit of luck.

Everyone in the room even showed surprise, and the gluttonous eyes were even envious.

In terms of gluttony's current strength, his divine power is more than 1 billion times. If there is Alice's left talent talent secret method, it will directly double to reach 2 billion times divine power.

What awesome!

Cheng Buyun also couldn't figure it out. How could the rules of the universe give Alice this talent secret recipe, much more powerful than the gift he gave him.

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