Plane Universe

Chapter 1986: Suspicion

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"Everything has passed." Cheng Buyun laughed: "At least after experiencing this life-and-death crisis, you should have gained a lot."

"It's a lot of gains." Luo Feng smiled, but secretly said in his heart: much more than expected!

A star tower alone will give him the rank of top powerhouse in the future, comparable to the existence of chaos teacher.

Such a harvest, go big!

Cheng Buyun looked at Luo Feng ’s immature face and smiled with a smile: "However, although you said that you have gained a lot, I have seen a lot of my secret methods, but I have fallen a lot. All right, deserve the chance. "

In fact, Cheng Buyun really wanted to ask, what did the old monster sitting on the mountain think?

Finally gave up.

The place is wrong, it seems safe here, but within the time and space controlled by the Lord of Chaos, every move, especially the return of Luo Feng, must be concerned.

The conversation between the two of them could not be concealed at all.

Secondly, some things cannot be made too clear.

It's not time yet!

Many things really cannot be explained clearly.

In fact, his words already made Luo Feng feel very surprised.

From Cheng Buyun's remarks, he felt that he had known the chance this time.

Even if you do n’t know everything, you should know a lot about yourself and the aliens.

Yes, this feeling was not conceived out of thin air.

Because, the black metal plate was given to him by Brother Yun.

Since he can recognize the black metal plate, it doesn't make sense that Brother Yun can't recognize the Lord.

Obviously, Brother Yun knew what the black metal plate was before he gave it to himself.

As for why Yunge is not practicing.

Luo Feng sighed softly in his heart, he had done a comprehensive understanding of what happened in the past thousands of years.

Because Brother Yun has a better practice secret code, Weineng is estimated to be much stronger than the Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

Thousands of years ago, Cheng Buyun broke into the seventh extra-territorial battlefield, that is, the extra-territorial battlefield he went to, where even a special life, comparable to the immortal special life of the venerable universe, was enslaved.

And when fighting, the body has grown to thousands of kilometers.

It was terrifying.

At least the Nine Tribulation Secret Code he cultivated had no such effect.

After circling for a while, Luo Feng suddenly asked abruptly: "Brother Yun, do you know what happened to me at the Star Tower?"

When asked abruptly, Cheng Buyun didn't have any unexpected expressions. He looked at Luo Feng indifferently and nodded gently. "You can say that."

Luo Feng felt extremely shocked, his eyes stared at the boss, staring at Cheng Buyun in a daze.

Cheng Buyun shook his head, very calm and explained as if to say: "I just know a rough idea, I don't know the details."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Honghou standing next to him laughed.

But in Luo Feng, it sounded like a thunder came in the dry weather, so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

I kept thinking about it, how did Brother Yun know these things?

The alien master teacher has denied that Brother Yun is not his disciple, so from what channel did Brother Yun know these things?

Willn’t Yunge even know that he has recognized the Star Tower?

The Star Tower is a matter of refining by the almighty, and it is a very hidden thing in the universe. Except for the two closest disciples, the others do not know.

There was a mess in his mind.

Talking like a dumb mystery, even the chaotic city lords who pay attention to both of them can't help it.

But from their words, the Lord of Chaos could hear it, as if Luo Feng had a terrific chance in the Star Tower.

He is very curious, what is this great encounter.

It's just that he is as strange as Luo Feng. How did Cheng Buyun know?

After all, even with his existence, many places of the Star Tower are unreachable, becoming a step cloud ...

When I went to the seventh battlefield outside the territory that year, it was nothing more than a realm, with some strength. But if I want to go to the depths of the Star Tower, I have to have that kind of patience!

When he wanted to pay more attention to it, Cheng Buyun shifted the topic, instead of chatting deeply on this topic, as if there were any secrets, to guard against him as a teacher.

Let the Lord of Chaos be angry and funny again. He laughed and said on the spot: "This little bastard, even my teacher must be guarded, it is really embarrassing!"

Cheng Buyun has many secrets, many of which are very important. Even for his teacher, it is estimated that there are many secrets that have not been said.

But still that sentence, everything is easy to say without betraying the human race!

Who can have no secrets?

Concealing one's own secret has become the instinct of every life!

"Okay, not to mention this, we are drinking happily." Cheng Buyun laughed loudly and raised his glass.

Luo Feng also put his doubts aside and even smiled.

No matter what, Brother Yun didn't hurt his heart.

Luo Feng didn't feel that he was threatened because Cheng Buyun knew some of his secrets, but he became more happy.


When the two were drinking happily, a rumor appeared outside the battlefield.

This rumor is very simple, the king of the sword river is not the limit of immortal king.

But a realm!

This argument is supported by the opinions of many powerful people.

Some good deeds have studied the sword river king's battle videos in large numbers, and finally concluded that the sword river king has a 90% chance of not being an immortal **** level.

Because it is a very simple problem, every time the Sword River King fights and fights with the strong, often with the help of external forces to kill the enemy, never burned the **** body in the battle!

For example, God Crystal, the strongest fire source of tens of millions of Jialan coins, is willing to use, not to mention burning a little **** body?

The burning of the **** body within five percent is not a big price at all, and it can be restored in a maximum of more than ten years with the ability of a king who is the ultimate strong.

But the King of the Knife River has to pay a bigger price. This is the conclusion!

"This human Sword River King is just a landlord, so incredible, I can't believe the conclusion I heard."

"Don't lie to you, this matter is very likely to be true. He has a video testimony of the battle process with the king of death, you have also seen it, what do you think?"

"That's how I can't believe it! A world master, God, has the human race been so strong?"

"It's really ridiculous, but also a human genius strongman of the goddess of war!"

There are similar arguments everywhere in foreign battlefields.

Suddenly, an alien said suddenly: "I heard that Luo Feng, like the goddess of war, and the human demon are all from a place, the remote place of the dry witch area-the earth,"

"This is all public information."

"Don't mention that human evildoer, the evildoer is like that, it can no longer be regarded as normal life."

When it comes to Cheng Buyun, almost all aliens are white, and even the name of the former is almost reluctant to raise their breath, just called it evil!

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