Plane Universe

Chapter 1988: How to disguise

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My identity is exposed?

Luo Feng is also very strange, what identity can he expose?

After turning to look at Xiaohong, his face looked very strange.

Cheng Buyun was also strange, and said with a question: "Is the identity exposed? Wouldn't it be the identity of Daohe Wang who was guessed?"

Luo Feng was also stunned, his face slightly changed, his eyes blinked, and he looked at Xiaohong forcefully, waiting for his explanation.

"It's not." Xiaohong's finger was in the air a little, and a large amount of information appeared on the virtual screen in the air. He said: "His Daohe Wang identity was first judged by a large number of powerful people to be a landlord, and then contacted before and after a large amount of information. The time of appearance, etc., pulled out the identity of the deity. "

"My sword river king is judged to be the lord of the kingdom, why do I start?" Luo Feng is very ignorant, feeling very strange, his deity and sword river king three poles can not hit a piece, and the identity of the silver wing king is not How could it be guessed that he is the King of Daohe?

Cheng Buyun looked up at the virtual screen, carefully looked at the information, and then laughed and said: "You and the King of Death met a flaw that was suppressed enough to choke, so it was judged."

Luo Feng quickly fixed his eyes, very speechless.

What's the matter?

It's just that when there was no fighting, I didn't burn the **** body, plus I was fierce before, and regarded money as dung, so I got such a result?

Really ... nothing to say!

Suddenly, Luo Feng's mail system rang continuously, and a mail arrived like snowflakes.

Scratching his head, Luo Feng looked disdainful and said indifferently: "What if I knew that I was the King of Daohe, they could not bite me!"

"It makes sense, I can't refute it, ha ha!" Cheng Buyun didn't even take this matter to heart, otherwise he wouldn't speak in a ridiculous manner just when Luo Feng was exposed.

As Luo Feng said, what can be done to judge the identity of the knife river king?

Is it still possible to rush over to bite him?

If you want to kill Luo Feng, you have to have a chance.

If you want to ambush Luo Feng, you must set up a trap and cut off the communication. You must not give Luo Feng a chance to explode.

But this is all normal means, but Luo Feng has the ability to avail, as long as it is not soul enslavement, he still has a chance.

Even if a doppelganger is sealed, once he breaks through, he will help himself.

Because of the breakthrough of realm strength, with the help of the rules of the universe, no seal has any effect at all.

At that time, even if the seal was guarded by the Lord of the Universe, Luo Feng's avatar could choose to explode.

"Haha, it's exposed when exposed, and ultimately I have to look at myself. I will work hard to make progress and be at the peak. Who dares to provoke me." Luo Feng said with a look of pride.

Cheng Buyun smiled.

"Energetic enough, deserving to be my disciple, should have this calm and hard work temperament." The voice of the chaotic city master suddenly sounded, Luo Feng and Cheng Buyun stood up quickly, slightly bent down and said in unison: "Teacher."

Ai Shili and Xiaohong also expressed respect, and quickly saluted: "Chaos City Lord."


The main voice of Chaos City whispered, and the voice of Hou Zhongxi continued to cover the entire hall and said: "Since the identity of the Daohe King has been cracked by aliens, there will be no need to cover up and dare to admit it in the future. The so-called high-key man, low-key work , Just grasp that degree yourself. "

The core idea of ​​this remark is that you can squander your reputation and show your genius, but you should keep a low profile in practice, hide your follow-up progress, and do not show all the cards.

This can also allow the enemy to judge your own character by mistake, and make the enemy think you are arrogant and proud of your character, not worth mentioning!

To make it clear is to let Luo Feng not be too humble in these days, and can be high-profile.

"Yes, teacher, I remember." Luo Feng's mouth curled up in an arc.

"Go to the original Tongtian Mountain when you are free. Just like your brother Yun, you should be crazy and show some performance, so that there will always be people saying that you are not as good as anyone, who understands, well, that's it." The voice faded, and finally there was no sound.

In the last two sentences, Luo Feng looked suspicious and didn't quite understand what Chaos teacher meant.

Cheng Buyun looked at his expression and understood that Luo Feng himself did not know that someone bet against him and Rong Jun. He had to explain: "Long ago, there were some so-called big men who looked at you and Rong Jun separately. Take you Bet on the wins and losses of comparison, betting on you two, who is more genius, faster and stronger. "

"Bet me and Rong Jun?" Luo Feng really didn't know about this matter. If Cheng Buyun didn't say anything today, he was still kept in the dark.

The expression looked so stunned, so innocent, and sighed, and then said: "When you and Sister Alice soar, it is estimated that all of your old faces are red!"

Cheng Buyun also laughed out loudly, then said with a chuckle: "Oh, just know it, don't say it clearly, it's all about the face, you say that, how do you see people after the super existence? "

Indeed, the sudden rise of Cheng Buyun in that year, soaring strength is not like normal humans, those super-existent faces, red as monkey buttocks.

Feeling incredibly slapping, panic!

Especially a while ago, Alice also rose, making them feel blind.

Of course, betting on Luo Feng's future superpowers, such as the Tiangong main eclipse and other super existences, does not count as a loser.

In the future, under the chase of time, when this resource of time closes the gap between him and Alice, Alice really cannot compare with him.

Life training is very savvy.

The more advanced, the more sensible.

The chaotic city lord hiding on one side and hearing Cheng Buyun's teasing words also shook his head and smiled.

Sigh for the group of people who bet against each other.

Who could have foreseen that Cheng Buyun would hide so deep that it was the most powerful genius in that genius battle, not to mention that they did not expect it.

How did Chaos City Lord and others expect?

It can only be said that the hiding is really deep!

Even recalling once, if it wasn't for the life planet Earth, Cheng Buyun didn't really know how long it had to be hidden.

The Lord of Chaos smiled: Well, otherwise how could he come this great genius disciple!

Luo Feng didn't care about revealing his identity, and Cheng Buyun didn't say much. Such a big person, how to deal with it, Luo Feng will understand!

"Brother Yun, have you forgotten something?" Luo Feng looked at Cheng Buyun and suddenly said with a smile: "I remember, someone said it before, and I will give it to me when I come back."

"Haha, I can't forget, you see, this is not the case?" Cheng Buyun smiled, turned his hands out, and held a blood red water mass in his palm.

This water mass is like blood, and the blood-colored mist on the surface rolls back and forth, revealing a peculiar breath, and even a strange light pattern flows on the surface.

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