Plane Universe

Chapter 1990: Mentoring

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Chaos City, the residence of King Zhenyan.

Alice and Luo Feng rushed into the mansion.

Many famous disciples and personal disciples in the mansion greeted the two with enthusiasm when they saw their arrival.

"Sister and sister."

"Brother and sister."

He also newly worshipped the disciples of the family under King Zhenyan, as well as the old disciples in the past, who were extremely enthusiastic.

The two also responded one by one, and even Alice, who had been cold for a long time, showed a two-pointed smile.

After a while, the two stopped passing by these enthusiastic disciples and came to a courtyard. Without any stop, they pushed the door and stepped inside.

As soon as the two stepped into the courtyard, the laugh of King Zhen Yan rang out: "Haha, two good disciples for the teacher, come on."

"Teacher." The two quickly hurried up and stopped in front of Zhenyan, Alice respectfully saluted.

"Okay, okay, I don't know that the teacher is not interested in this set." King Zhen Yan waved his hand, and the courtyard door slammed shut. His expression was extremely cold. When he was ready to say something for Mao Yili, Aili Silk turned her hands in a hurry. Several bottles exuded a strong sense of law. The wine with many complex laws and secret patterns was placed on the stone table and said, "Teacher, this is the teacher Xiaojing."

"Haha, worthy of being a good disciple of the teacher." King Zhen Yan immediately grinned, watching Alice incomparably happy, nodded, and seemed very satisfied.

Then turned around and glanced at Luo Feng, said lightly: "Unlike someone, he didn't care about the teacher."

"How come, I always remember to hang the teacher, look." Luo Feng also turned his hand, his palm was like the shape of a big-bellied orangutan, and his body was carved with complex secret lines and secret lines, and was similar to the few bottles of wine Alice took Laying on the stone table, he smiled and said: "The disciples have less harvest, they can only change to such a bottle, ashamed!"

"Haha, it's already pretty good, woo!" Zhen Yan Wang Mulu's gleam, like an old fortune, directly pressed his hands on the stone table top, protecting several bottles of fine wine in his arms.

Five bottles of fine wine are worth more than hundreds of billions of dollars.

Enough to make most of the strong Wang Qiang bankruptcy several times in a row.

The three masters and apprentices opened a bottle of fine wine, and the atmosphere was warmly tasted. Zhenyan Wang even kept admiring.

This kind of wine is very rare for Zhenyan Wang, after all, the price of hundreds of bottles, no one can afford it for a long time.

Of course, such rich people as Cheng Buyun are not in this case.

Ordinary Universe Venerables do n’t dare to drink arbitrarily. They really do n’t need money!

While drinking fine wine, King Zhenyan first looked at Alice and said, "Alice, you are breaking through recently, but what difficulties have you encountered?"

Alice is going to break through?

Luo Feng was also surprised, but nodded secretly in his heart. Sister Alice's heritage was already strong enough, and then staying in the Realm Master, the use was not too great.

"It's not difficult. The recall of the Golden Horn Beast is also considered for breakthrough." Alice shook her head slightly.

"I am most at ease with you." Zhen Yan Wang smiled and looked at Luo Feng with a snort in his nostrils, "I am not at ease and scary."

"Teacher, this is not to blame me. When I meet a chance, I can't be timid and don't fight hard. Teacher you used to teach me to do what you can, and I did it, so I went boldly." Luo Feng laughed Said.

"On your skin, come to the King of Sword River ..." Zhen Yan Wang teased him and said with a worried face: "Unfortunately, the alien has discovered your identity as the King of the Sword River. The future is for you, Difficulties. "

"Teacher, don't worry." Luo Feng thought for a while and said with a smile: "Actually, I am like Sister Alice.

"Availability?" Zhenyan Wang's eyes widened, and he asked inconceivably: "You said that you have the ability to do the same as Alice? Am I not wrong?"

Luo Feng won the Golden Horn Beast, he never talked to Zhenyan Wang.

"Yes, just like Sister Alice, they lost the golden horn beast." Luo Feng said with a look of shame: "It was really ashamed to hide from the teacher in the past."

"Haha, it's nothing to hide from me, only you can have it, haha, good, great." King Zhen Yan was extremely happy, patting his thighs from time to time, that happy look, as if he could have a doppelganger In the same way, it can be seen that he really values ​​the treatment of his disciples.

"As a result, I'm relieved." King Zhen Yan looked at him with satisfaction and said, "Do you know Chaos City Master?"

"Mr. Chaos already knew." Luo Feng nodded.

"That's fine, haha, come, be happy today, let's drink." King Zhen Yan was happy and poured wine to Luo Feng himself.

The three apprentices smiled and drank a few glasses of wine, and King Zhenyan put his glasses down to look at Luo Feng and said, "What are you going to do this time?"

After a glance, Alice smiled and said, "Don't be too far behind."

Alice on the side was very quiet, and her expression was plain, without any pride.

"I'm going to go into the original Tongtian Mountain first." Luo Feng said with a smile: "After going through the original Tongtian Mountain, I'm going to go out and lie down again, to go into some secret realms in the universe, ah, rest assured, teacher, I'm going into the universe secret realm, I must go to those who are not dangerous. I am definitely not going to those who are too famous and too dangerous. I still have self-knowledge. "

"Although the disciples also want to break through faster, it's just that the realm is still far from the immortal peak, so I'm not willing to break through." Luo Feng said calmly.

The most advanced level in the realm, whether it is to create secret or enlightenment laws, is the fastest and easiest.

He longed to create unusually powerful secrets.

He didn't want to be beaten by himself.

"I know you are full of arrogance in your bones, it's you." Zhen Yan Wang nodded and said: "Go into the universe's secret realm, you also have to be smaller. Something in the universe secret realm may happen beyond your thought at any time. After all, the universe secret realm is strange In this place, he and the vast universe have many different rules. "

Luo Feng nodded and said, "I understand."

With the third avatar, in fact, he can choose to break through the realm, but he has always kept in mind what Cheng Buyun said to him before.

The higher the life gene multiple of the Youhai avatar, the wider the range of the ocean.

Luo Feng broke into the main level of the Tianshan Mountain and easily passed.

With his super powerful state, which is much more powerful than most of the king's limit, the original Tongtian Mountain could not stop him.

As the benchmark for the genius of human genius, the primitive Tongtian Mountain is the ultimate difficulty, which is the rule of the limit level of the king.

At that time, even Kedi was able to get through, not to mention Luo Feng, who is better than him now!

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