Plane Universe

Chapter 1992: Alice breakthrough

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In the hall of the Palace of Time and Space, in addition to Cheng Buyun above the throne, there are also many members of the vanguard around them, including Zhongrou, the two sisters Bai Suzhen, and gluttonous.

Everyone is holding their breath at this important moment.

Xiaohong's eyes were dull, and she smiled and whispered easily: "With the power of Alice, you can easily break the cage and become an immortal god."

Cheng Buyun nodded slightly, Alice has been through a long period of mass fighting, more than millions of years of law enlightenment, and many advanced secret researches have created powerful secrets.

A small cage, obviously can't trap her.

In fact, Alice's ability has been able to break through.

But ... a breakthrough is a breakthrough. If the realm of strength does not match, it will not be perfect.

Alice's life gene is more than 10,000 times the peak limit level, and the breakthrough is the universe hegemony.

If the strength of the universe overlord level is to use advanced secret methods, how can it be justified?

So ... Alice is unanimously perfecting the mystery. After a lot of instructions from Chaos City Lord, you are right. Over the past 1,000 years, Alice has been growing under the guidance of Chaos City Lord.

Sometimes, the Lord of Chaos is sighing, Alice's perception is definitely not under Luo Feng, and even the heart of the apprentice.


Even if he had the heart, Alice could not join him.

Even if it is just named disciples, they would not be willing.

Alice's reluctance is due to Cheng Buyun's body.

After all, Cheng Buyun is the master of Alice. Once he joins the master of Chaos City, his status will be equal to that of Cheng Buyun. Even if it is honorable, Alice will not agree.

So in the end, the Lord of Chaos did not impose, and did not even recommend Alice to other great beings.

Alice wants to learn, even if he can't be called a teacher, he can also give pointers.

After all, the juniors taught are also elements of the human race!



Alice looked up at the top of the palace, her eyes penetrated the palace, as if staring at the void, drinking lightly, whispering, "Come on, unstoppable!"

As soon as the words fell, the pronucleus in Alice's body was transformed, and the golden light covered the package in an instant. The powerful will soul quickly turned into a human body. A silver war knife appeared in his hand, and the sturdy and aura came out of the body.

That kind of self-confident gaze, as if the cage in front of him could be destroyed with a single blow.

Shining galaxy!

The silver war knife was raised incomparably simple, the rainbow light appeared, and the huge galaxy hung across the sky, and it hit the pronuclear wall membrane at once.

It's so fast that my eyes can't keep up.

Naturally, it goes without saying.


The pronuclear wall membrane was easily penetrated by the powerful mysterious technique of "Glory Star River", and the huge power torn the entire wall membrane into a huge crack, and the wall membrane exploded almost in the blink of an eye.

The original nuclear shackles are broken!

"Boom ~~~"

The law of the source world and earth immediately crossed the long river of void and came to this side of the world, unstoppable!

At this time, Alice's body flew involuntarily, and under the control of an invisible force, teleported and appeared on the top of the palace.

"Who broke through?" The powerful power of the original law came, and the city chaos master also noticed that the body sitting on the pan immediately came to the top of the palace, looked at the railing, and saw the floating in the space-time palace. The figure at the top.

"It's Alice who has stepped into the immortal spirit level!"

The Lord of Chaos was a little disappointed, but his face was still full of smiles.

The person who made the breakthrough was Alice, and it also met expectations!


Over the Qianbao River, the golden power rolled over.

The huge movement shocked a large number of powerful people in the original half of the original secret realm.

"The golden rule of origin is coming, and someone has broken through the realm and stepped into the immortal god."

"How could it be so exaggerated?"

"Couldn't it be a cross-honor?"

It's just ... across the enlightened, the color that the divine power overturned is wrong!

The origin of the endless gold is overwhelming with divine power, and the exaggerated power is like the water of the entire ocean is pouring and irrigating. From a distance, the sky above the chaotic square has been shrouded in endless gold.

The divine power poured back, and the endless golden light poured into Alice's body, transforming the power of her realm toward divine power.

The Demon Clans doppelganger was almost transformed in a blink of an eye.

The other three bodies also need a lot of time to switch.

How amazing is the divine power of more than one billion times!

It can be said that a few minutes have passed from the origin of the law of gold to the present, but it is not over yet, and a lot of gold power is still ferociously pouring down.

See its situation ...

So ridiculous!

"A bit outrageous!" At this time, even the Lord of Chaos saw his might after Alice's breakthrough, and his eyes widened.

In general, human beings can achieve the immortal spirit by breaking through the realm, which can almost be transformed in a blink of an eye, and the time only takes a few seconds.

And Alice?

It's been a few minutes now. Looking at the movement of the original power, not only did it not stop, it seems that it has also increased the scope of the diversion of divine power.

"A thousand-kilometer-long golden horn beast, how could it require so much divine power?" The chaotic city master looked at what was happening in front of him, puzzled, and suddenly his eyes brightened. Normal, there are more secrets! "

"And this kind of secret must be the help of Cheng Buyun." Chaotic City Lord is now wondering whether Cheng Buyun has a way to greatly increase the genetic multiple of a life.

And at this time, suddenly ... The area covered by the principle of gold's origin above the sky increased again, many times larger than before.

The golden power of the backward flow is even more exaggerated.

The chaos lord is dumbfounded and shocked!

"Alice is estimated to be the same as Cheng Buyun, which must have given birth to the Youhai avatar." Chaos City Master muttered to himself.

"Boom ~~"

The sky is shaking.

The exaggerated movement once again dulled a large number of landlords, immortal and even supreme. I don't know what is going on. During the breakthrough period, can it still increase the strength again?

Alice can really be strengthening at this time, because ...

In her inner body world, the Youhai avatar immediately displayed the talent of Huahai after most of the transformation of the **** body.

With a bang, the Youhai avatar turned into a divine ocean.


Youhai avatar looked at the golden power poured into the void, and roared. The huge, highly recognizable Youhai avatar stood up again in the sea of ​​divine power. Seeing its appearance, it was seven or seven points with the Alice human **** similar.

"Suck up, restore!"

Almost instantly recovered, Youhai avatar hurriedly shouted, "Melting and expanding!"

Youhai avatar changed from new to divine power and melted into the sea of ​​divine power.

In a blink of an eye, the magical ocean with a range of 500,000 kilometers increased by 10%.






In this way, the infinite loop is broken.

Relying on the opportunity to break through, Alice actually took the opportunity to expand her Youhai avatar and enhance her heritage.

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