Plane Universe

Chapter 2007: Lord of Disaster

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Cheng Buyun and the Lord of the Sunset competed for control of time and space, almost scaring the latter to death.

A pair of eyes stared at the boss, his expression all over his face was full of surprise and horror.

"It's just a landlord, how is it possible?" The Lord of the Sunset roared in his heart. If this human genius could not be suppressed this time, will there still be a place for the demon clan?

I'm afraid I have to go back to the original ancestor era, and the major ethnic groups in the universe have to make animals with their tails!

This is absolutely not allowed.

"Human genius, you can't escape, I swear." The Lord of the Sunset was very anxious, and time was running out.

This is the territory of humanity, and the Lord of Chaos will soon come to support him.

"I knew that it was crazy." Cheng Buyun sighed helplessly, and a real master showed his ability to control time and space. It would be strange if the aliens were not crazy.

The original secret realm.

When Cheng Buyun's deity was attacked, the avatar immediately moved and quickly moved out of the palace, and the wind generally rushed towards the palace of chaos.

Even the guards in front of the palace gate didn't pay any attention, and flew in directly, making the two immortal gods guard stunned.

"What's the matter with your Highness, so eager?"

"It is likely that something big happened."

The two immortal deity guards looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

Inside the palace.

Cheng Buyun no longer considered the etiquette and shouted anxiously in front of the Lord of Chaos: "Teacher, I was attacked by the alien Lord of the universe."

"What, was attacked by the Lord of the Alien Universe?" Chaotic City Lord's smiling face suddenly changed color, and asked repeatedly: "How is the situation? Haven't you been suppressed?"

This problem is very important. Once the doppelganger is suppressed, the problem will become bigger.

"I'm still running." Cheng Buyunlian replied: "But the problem can't be solved just by running away. So if I go on like this, I will be caught up sooner or later. I want to ask the teacher to help the disciple once."

The Lord of Chaos did not speak, as if there were any concerns.

"Teacher ..." Cheng Buyun's expression was eager, and once the alien came again surrounded by one or two Lords of the universe, the problem would be big. He estimated that the deity would really fall on the spot.

"Do you have any important treasures with you?" The Lord of Chaos asked this question.

It's not that he didn't want to go out and support Cheng Buyun. He attached great importance to this disciple, but it was a bit wrong.

Once he left the original secret realm, no one was guarding here, and the two younger brothers were out a while ago.

Cheng Buyun, of course, moved the chaos teacher, that is, if there were no important treasures, let him explode to avatar, nothing more than the result of spending some energy, but not ah.

He was chased by the Lord of the Alien Universe, and he could not explode!

But this matter can't tell the teacher Chaos honestly, it's because he expires first, what would he say?

"Why?" Seeing Cheng Buyun's embarrassed expression, Chaos City Master was also amazed, and asked repeatedly: "Don't you carry a very important treasure on your avatar?"

"No, teacher. Of course, I can do it by myself. The problem is, where are the two disciples' wives? The important thing is that Xiaohong is also there. When the disciples are afraid of exploding, the Lord of the alien universe finds them angry. Bu Yun repeatedly reported.


The Lord of Chaos didn't speak directly. Immediately, the Qianbao River in a roll of high power immediately shrank and disappeared, and then Cheng Buyun was rolled up and stuffed into the world ring on his body. The soul said: "Give me the direction."

Soul transmission is the fastest way to communicate.

Cheng Buyun also instantaneously pointed out that it was outside the solar system and 1,500 light-years away from the earth.


The teleportation of the kingdom of the gods rises, and the chaos city master cannot even take the time to teleport the array. Since the teleportation of the gods kingdom is directly turned on, the figures of the two enter the beam of light and disappear.

Almost at the same time, the strong man near the chaotic square of the original secret realm immediately felt that time and space were not controlled.

The two immortal defensive guards outside the palace were very excited and looked at each other. They all saw from the other's eyes that the chaotic city lord had left.


The solar system, the hall of the temple.


Under the light of the Kingdom of God, almost everyone's eyes widened, and the teleportation of the Kingdom of God came in the hall from a long distance?

"Ding Dong's throat!"

The breath that was so strong that he was overwhelming came, and the chaos lord appeared, and it was too late to say anything, and the chaos lord directly teleported.

The sweet voice was far away, a group of powerful kings, immortal gods and even the realm master looked at each other for a long time, and it was only a long time before a sealing king said uncertainly: "The figure just now ..."

"Chaos City Lord."

Someone said with an interface, and even exhaled deeply after speaking.

The Lord of Chaos came so eagerly, a group of people had countless conjectures, but everyone understood that something must have happened.

It is likely that Xiao Hong, who had just left, suffered an ambush from an alien.

In the dark universe, the Lord of Chaos quickly hurried off and flew out of the solar system.

Even for sufficient speed, the Lord of Chaos spent a little price and burned the ten thousandth **** body, showing his eagerness.

On the other side, Xiaohong later knew that Cheng Buyun was attacked by the Lord of the Alien Universe. He was so eager in his heart that he could not leave.

Because there is a terrible enemy in front of her, she wants to hold back the other party and not give the other party the opportunity to encircle and suppress it.

"The Lord of Disaster, where do you want to go?" Xiaohong moved back, and when he was on the other side's path, said coldly: "It's impossible to leave."

"You also want to stop me?" The prince of the disaster is free. He has no time to play with Xiaohonghou. Then he swings a tentacle like a fly, and wants to throw Xiaohong to the side.

"It's ridiculous." Xiao Hong's mouth was disdainful, and his body quickly enlarged, and then stretched out his palm and grabbed towards the huge tentacle.


Under the care of the disaster master, the whole tentacle was caught in the hand by Xiaohong.


His beloved tentacles were caught, the plagued Lord's expression was unpleasant, the color of hatred flashed across his face, the tentacle blue glow rose, and bursts of electric arc flashed.

Click! Click!


Xiaohong laughed happily and pulled it vigorously with her tentacles, like a tug of war.

"Let me go, **** iron lump." The Lord of Disaster angered, the remaining seven tentacles flicked one after another, and the tentacles like a giant python whip waved, whining, and its power reached an incredible level. The fragile space suddenly exploded.

"Crack! Punt! Punt! Punt!"

The distance is too close, and Xiaohong's hind body is also large enough, there is no room for dodge.

And after Xiaohong grabbed the tentacles of the Lord of Disaster, he was almost attacked and his head was covered.

"You beat me?" Xiaohong asked, looking up stupidly.

"Let go of my beloved tentacle, or you will be killed." The Lord of Disaster also roared, but his heart was also surprised. The defense of this little thing is really strong enough, under his powerful attack, body No cracks appeared.

It's terrible!

"Go to death, you abominable interracial." Xiaohong was furious. When she appeared, when was she beaten? The strong self-esteem made Xiao Honghou a little unbearable, and then flared up, "I kick your disgusting thing."

Then the fight turned bad.

The two sides stood against each other, tentacles flew, and thighs flew together.

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