Plane Universe

Chapter 2028: Ancient garden city

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The antique garden city is surrounded by mist, and the looming houses look like a misty city from a distance, and the mountains in the distance have layers of white mist rising.

This aerosol rose into the atmosphere and was slowly moved by the wind. The aerosol was thin and the sunlight was transmitted down like a sacred beam.

These beams of light appeared in the sky under the refraction of aerosols.

The special beam of light shines on the ocean and is refracted by the sea water back to the sky. The scenery is even more peculiar.

It's beautiful.

Soon, Cheng Buyun looked at the beauty of the sky and reached the city.

"Attention, no flights are allowed in the city."

The sound of a big tree by the road rang directly in the minds of Cheng Buyun and others, reminding them not to fly in the city again.

So Cheng Buyun landed in front of the big tree, glanced at the big tree, and then stepped into the city.

In the ancient garden-style city, there is no scientific and technological atmosphere. On the wide streets, tourists are also very law-abiding, and their walking speed is as slow as normal people.

Of course, these are obvious.

The cities that are not allowed to fly and move are not much faster than ordinary people. A planet with a diameter of millions of kilometers, if you want to go to other places, it is enough to choke.

Therefore, under the city, there are many wide passages, where there are a lot of transportation, which can quickly drop people to the other side of the planet.

Whether it is here on Tianxuanxing or Zhang Laxing, the people that Cheng Buyun saw are all handsome men and beautiful women, and they are all human beings, and there is no other life.

Not even a foreign animal.

There is no diversity in life. Cheng Buyun judged that it is estimated that the main universe is based on human beings, and other life is likely to be wiped out.

Or there is no other life at all.

It is also possible that Cheng Buyun has little knowledge.

Of course, in addition to humans, a race must exist, that is the demon race.

Cheng Buyun saw a lot on the virtual network.

And why can't you see it on the real planet, the monster should be transformed.

It is estimated to be a very advanced metamorphosis, and Cheng Buyun failed to see through the point.


In the elegant streets, men and women with beautiful faces in various long-sleeved dresses and skirts are talking and laughing, or sitting in secluded small gardens to discuss their own way of practice, or drinking beautiful wine by some scenic waterside rockery, admiring the rare Leisurely scenery.

All kinds of people have it.

Among them, there is a god-cultivator like Cheng Buyun. Zhu Tianming and immortal-cultivator sit together. The atmosphere is extremely harmonious, and they talk and laugh.

It can be seen that although the number of god-cultivators is small, they are not excluded.

Cheng Buyun's previous speculation that the so-called god-cultivator was suppressed was simply untenable.

As for what is going on, the time is too short to see through.

Walking on the street, passing by where cultivators gather, Chongrou has been watching, but he has not said anything.

Even with great curiosity in her heart, she suppressed it.

Listen and watch yourself, don't bother your master!

"Chongrou." Cheng Buyun looked at the garden-style restaurant next to it. The open-style garden restaurant was very lively. The glorious high platform was built in the sky. The skirt is flying and spinning, which is very beautiful.

At this time, the most beautiful woman surrounded by many singers on the stage, began to sing in a very pure voice with the most ethereal and pure voice.

In an instant, people can no longer know where they are, as if guided by this beautiful song, wandering in the universe and unwilling to wake up.

The singing spread, and even a few streets nearby could be heard faintly.

"Oh, so powerful soul power, so powerful spiritual psychedelic." Cheng Buyun heard this beautiful song, could not help but reveal a little smile, secretly the singer is powerful.

It's just singing, but it can hit people's hearts directly.

Unconsciously, he was a little curious, who has such a strength, even need to sing?

Or just an interest?

In ancient times, the status of the singer was naturally incomparably underground, and no one could afford it.

But civilization has developed for so long, and of course the ancient bad habits will not exist today.

Moreover, the women who perform on the high stage are of unparalleled strength, and the spiritual strength of the soul is at least comparable to that of the low-level immortal master.

There is even more than that!

"The singing is very beautiful, and the singer's strength is not bad." Chongrou also nodded and commented.

In the naked state, her strength is comparable to that of the other party.

Well, without calculating the secret method.

"Chongrou, you rarely praise people." Xiaohong turned to look at Chongrou and smiled, "If you let the singer know, it will probably lead you as a confidant!"

"You have to be destined." Chongrou smiled lightly, not everyone can qualify as her confidant.

Listening to the words of the two, Cheng Buyun also smiled. For a long time beside him, everyone's vision will be much higher.

"Go ahead and establish an identity for you. After you have an identity, it's easier to do things." Cheng Buyun laughed lightly, and didn't ask for a turn and walked to another street.

No matter how soft you are!

Qinglong Bank, the official bank of the Qinglong Empire, has construction branches in almost every life planet, and important administrative stars are also in every city, which can better facilitate all citizens or businessmen living in the empire.

Soon, Cheng Buyun three people? Came to the core of this ancient city.

A land of centimeters and centuries of gold, covering an area of ​​nearly 20 kilometers, the ancient and fragrant palace group is like a manor design. The Biwali gilt is full of color, and the dark red wall is very easy to recognize, and it can be seen from a distance.

When I walked to the gate of Qinglong Bank, I looked inwards, but it was a huge garden, which was covered with various flowers and plants. There were even some wooden seats for guests to rest in.

Like a huge garden without any architectural design, the land of gold is undoubtedly amazing.

But these are all pediatrics in Cheng Buyun's eyes.

He has seen countless local tyrants countless times.

As for himself, the space-time palace he owned in the original secret realm is quite small, reaching hundreds of kilometers.

Some people go in and out of Qinglong Bank from time to time. According to Cheng Buyun's observation, most of them are ordinary practitioners, such as the foundation period and the star rating.

I even saw several practice periods in my twenties!

There is no such thing as envy.

"Go inside and see." Cheng Buyun also nodded at random, and then walked in first.

Along with the wide pedestrians, Cheng Buyun and three people came to the official gate of Qinglong Bank. At the door stood two wearing standard armor. A blue dragon pattern was sculpted on the chest, and the words "Qinglong Bank" were written below. guard.

In the fit period (domain master level) guards, such as Qinglong Bank's branch, use the fit period as a guard, which is already a very high grade.

After all, it's just the facade, and there must be others who are strong.

PS: Something was busy during the first two days, which caused continuous interruption. I'm very sorry. Please forgive me, book friends! When the time is free, it will make up for the owed updates.

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