Plane Universe

Chapter 2034: Grasshopper after autumn

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Xiaohong's indignant tone immediately made the young man's face slightly stagnate. His hand holding the glass was paused, and then his mouth moved, as if he wanted to speak.

But in the end it was silent.

He didn't want to involve innocent people, and telling them what happened to him was not necessarily useful. At least for now, it was a nod to him.

Once said, it is estimated that nods are lost.

"What the **** is wrong with you!" Xiao Honghou's expression was very dissatisfied, and at once he took away the wine glass held by the young man, and then stared at him vigorously.

As if you did n’t say I would n’t give you a glass of wine, Cheng Buyun laughed out loud.

Xiao Honghou's personality is becoming more and more humanized, and she has always been naughty, as if she was a little girl who didn't grow up.

However, this character is quite good, Cheng Buyun believes that it is in his heart to be like a human rather than a mechanical life.

One tone at a time is cold, everything is done according to the rules, and the profit and loss is calculated. It makes people feel that facing the machine, it is likely that Cheng Buyun will not take her by his side.

No one wants to face a machine all day, right?

"Brother, let's ignore him, like a sissy, not at all determined." Xiaohong said angrily.

In fact, she was so good at talking with each other, and Cheng Buyun was just interested in the youth's affairs just now.

The strength of the constant star, with the power of Xiaohong, can instantly and silently penetrate the mind of the young man and discover all his secrets.

The same is true of Cheng Buyun and Zhongrou.

The level gap is too large.

"Be calm, don't be impatient, we will listen when he is willing to say." Cheng Buyun smiled gently and calmed Xiao Honghou.

There are always people around here who pay attention to the movement, and all laugh at this time, and some people even speak indifferently.

"Yo, someone is going to be a big onion, it's ridiculous. Even if he tells the story, can you help him fail?"

"It's almost a laugh. I thought a little money would be able to show up here on Tianxuan Xing?"

"It's estimated that I haven't seen a big snake's shit, I don't know how much he weighs!"

"Haha, Dongshi, since others are interested, then you say it!"

"Hurry up and let us all smile."

"See if they can help you."

"Help? What do you do to help? It is estimated that after listening, you will be frightened instantly."

"It's really exciting, haha!"

"Hahahaha ..."

A group of people looked at Cheng Buyun on their side and smiled a little at the peak.

Even a lot of powerful fairy-level and god-man-level powerhouses even shook their heads, with a playful smile in their expressions.

The harsh words around him were unpleasant, and they were full of vicious laughs and sarcasm. Cheng Buyun frowned directly.

Chongrou's expression was immediately furious, and he prepared to wipe out the garbage around him in one move, but Cheng Buyun responded very quickly, and held her hand at once. I ’m really curious. I ’m getting more and more interested in him. I ’ll wait and see. "

Zhong Rou was able to endure the anger, but the look was extremely cold, and she secretly wrote down the appearance of this group of ignorant people.

Ready to settle accounts after autumn!

"Oh, someone is going to die." Xiao Honghou was annoyed and said with a sneer expression: "He who wants to die is bound to be crazy!"

"It sounds like the truth, I almost believed it." One person was frivolous and sneered. Zhang shouted madly: "How busy is God, can he still manage this matter? Or, you are preparing God to destroy me!"

"You have to have the ability first!"

"I see, with the three of them, it's a little dangling."

"By the way, Dongshi, someone informed Master Xue that you are here to eat with friends. He is coming here. What are you going to do?" A man stood up with a smile on his face, looking at the young man looking forward.

It seems to be kind, but in fact it is just to prepare to see the youth ugly.

Sure enough, as soon as the young man heard this person's words, his expression appeared to have some panic, and he quickly looked at Cheng Buyun and said, "Hurry up and leave, otherwise you will be late."

"Haha, yes, yes, listen to Dongshi, Master Xue is not a character you can afford."

"Go away, otherwise it will be really late, haha!"

Some people echoed, but the expression was extremely annoying.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hong looked at the youth with a careless smile and said: "Since it's so powerful, I'm curious and want to see you."

"He Yinxue has a strong background. I really don't want to involve you. Since you don't want to leave, I will go." The young man stood up very eagerly, and he didn't even enjoy the remaining half of the dishes. He went and shouted: "Mo shopkeeper, check out."

"Come back, you!" Xiaohong stretched out her hand and grabbed the young man back, and pressed it on the seat, laughing and saying, "Sit me well, you!"

The young man found that he could not stand up, as if someone was pressing on his head, but it did not affect his hands.

He was shocked.

What level of strength is this?

At this time, in the midst of laughter, the keeper of the pub came with several waitresses.

The waitresses are holding the dishes that Cheng Buyun had ordered before them. A plate of colorful delicacies was set up one by one. The keeper of the tavern smiled and said, "Guest, please fill in the rest of the dishes. After a while. "

Then he looked at the youth and said, "Brother Dong Shi, are you going to check out?"

"Get out of your way, it's okay with you." Xiao Honghou sipped.

"Guest, I'm sorry, but please don't disturb the normal order in my tavern." The shopkeeper smiled slightly and looked at the youth calmly, waiting for him to speak.

However, at this time, Zhang opened his mouth to find the young man who could not even speak, and he was already dumbfounded in his heart.

He felt a suffocated voice in his mouth, and even found that the whole person was turbulent, even to the point where he could not pass on the spiritual transmission.

"What a joke? Even if I didn't move my hand, I sealed the town?" The young man was very shocked. After looking at Xiaohong's eyes diagonally, there was a little excitement in his heart.

Will this time really be an opportunity to get rid of?

"Look at the shopkeeper, he doesn't speak. It must be that you just heard it wrong. Go, don't disturb us for dinner." Xiaohong said with a smile.

In this case, the tavern shopkeeper is also very stunned.

Of course, he is also very clear that the youth does not speak is the hands and feet done by Xiaohong, but this is the most terrible, he did not even feel the fluctuation of breath power.

Some strong men are also watching the emergence and secretly surprised themselves.

It seems to be a little bit blind. This group of face-to-face people should be very powerful, and they will never be ordinary people.

It is estimated that there is a good show!

ps: Thank you Ming for quietly listening to the book readers, Xiaomi Worm Book Friends, and the support of Ben Doming, and all the book friends who have been subscribing to rewards, thanks in the void!

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