Plane Universe

Chapter 2046: Strong

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Seeing that Chong Rou sent the Jinxian strongman who survived the last to the arms of Heaven's Reincarnation completely, Bao Delin couldn't help raising a anger.

The Jinxian strongman who died in the end was not a close friend of his side, but it was also regarded as the Tianxuan star of Ji'an city, and it was his case of scorning his assistant.

He didn't put Tianxuanxing in his eyes.

Too bold!

Suddenly, a group of them landed. Bao Delin and several others looked at Jurou with anger, as if to discuss an argument.

Zhong Rou did not pay attention to the group of people in front of him, but looked at He Donglai above the sky, his expression looked a little surprised.

She was alive and kicked by her foot, something!


That eye saw He Donglai jumping around alive?

At this time, He Donglai's breath was weakened by several levels than before, and his expression was full of shock and horror, all of which were abnormally crimson, and his face looked sick like a candle in the wind, when he died at any time.

He Donglai's heart was really horrified. He suffered a soft foot just now. When his eyes were black, his whole body felt like he was about to explode.

If the body is not a life-saving secret by chance, it is estimated to have fallen.

Even if Chongrou keeps his hand, where is the level of strength? The high-level king-level strength, even if it is only two or three points of strength, is not a strong man who can be resisted by medium-level lords even if the rules are used.

She completely rushed to kill He Dong and came to nothing, and eventually she fell short of success.

Do not understand why He Donglai did not die!

The commander, including Bao Delin, didn't know it. He simply thought that the two sides had fought against each other, and He Donglai's strength fell.

Not dead at all, He Donglai escaped from this battle.


There are many people scattered around the street where Mingguang Tavern is located, and a large number of practitioners have talked about it. Among them, there are many powerful people above the level of fairy gods and gods, which are extremely lively.

"He Donglai was really miserable this time. He was born and died with the Guards who had gone through countless battles. There were a total of eleven people, and he lost the strongest six people. One Golden Immortal and three Heavenly Immortals all fell."

"Well, the losses are too great to bear anybody, no wonder they are all crazy in the end."

"Can you not go crazy on you?"

"Such a loss, even if the family finally pays for him, it is estimated that it will have to hurt for a long time."

"The resurrection of a golden fairy alone will cost tens of billions of holy coins, and no such fairy will be able to draw such wealth."

"A strong woman, He Donglai suffered a serious injury with just one foot, and she didn't know what happened!"

"This time, the He family is really going to lose face, and if it does, it will provoke an unknown enemy."

The strong men are talking softly to each other.

A Jinxian strongman also smiled and said: "The He family is probably not expecting it. The past tyranny is not working this time, and it even provokes a Jianglong. However, with the attitude that the He family has always been used to, this matter It wo n’t end easily, and there will be drama. ”

"Having not contested several times, how could the He family easily admit defeat."

Many of the powerful people who participated in the discussion all saw that the softness was not simple. He was able to beat the middle-level celestial strong man such as He Donglai. The strength is naturally needless to say, and the background is estimated to be very strong.

The same level is the same, but only one grade higher, the gap will not be too big, and can cause such a result, is undoubtedly the result of ‘Kongfa’.

Good exercises can directly increase the attack power of a strong man.

The sound of a small group of strong men's discussions was not covered at all. He Donglai's ears were naturally harsh and made him angry.


The background of the strong people in these discussions is not low, and many of them are powerful sect that can be compared with or against the He family.

He also had a fire.

The Qinglong Empire is very large, and there are countless strong men. The He family is not enough to cover the sky with one hand.

It can even be said that the He family is just one of many royal families in the Qinglong Empire.


He Donglai, floating in the sky, couldn't suppress his anger, but he noticed that Zhongrou looked at his side, and he hesitated again.

I could n’t see He Donglai coming down for a long time. Bao Delin turned his head and dissatisfied and said, "What are you doing in the sky? Do you want to show it to everyone?"

The cold light of the face, but his eyes were fixed on He Donglai. As soon as you dare to come down, I will attack you.

The latter was very worried, and he didn't dare to go down without the life-saving treasure.

"Sister Goddess, don't you think it's too much?" Bao Delin looked at Zhongrou, the words with anger had the meaning of asking the teacher to blame.

But Chongrou didn't even look at him, instead of responding with a cold grunt.

She was really dissatisfied with Tianxuanxing.

The host had a good conversation with the Dongshi kid he had just met, but was disturbed by a junior who didn't know life and death, which disturbed the interest.

In her view, this is already an unforgivable felony.

If it wasn't for her master to block, she would dare to go to the home to annihilate the entire family.

What is the status of the owner?

In the human race, even if only a cough, many strong people have to panic.

What home?


"Okay, rejoice, the visitor is the guest." Cheng Buyun said in a casual tone: "Since the Master Xuanxing has come to visit, you have to give some face."

Indeed, Tian Xuanxing's chief executive is considered a big man. Although Cheng Buyun doesn't see it in his eyes, he is not the kind of rude person in other people's territory. He still has to give some face.

Hearing the host ’s words, Chongrou finally gave Baldrin a glance, warning the full taste and saying, “For my host, you ’d better be respectful.”

Hearing this in Baodrin's ears, he had nothing to say. The line of strong men who followed him was already angry, and wanted to attack immediately.

Fortunately, Bao Delin waved his hand slightly and said with a smile: "Yes, since I came to Tianxuanxing, it is natural to treat each other. Although the process is a bit unpleasant, but after making it clear, it can make us both ignore it."

Bao Delin was cautious by nature, and he was very polite when he didn't know how to make the cloud thin.

Because he was here to check, he had already checked the information of Cheng Buyun and he was blank.

As if appearing out of thin air, the first place to appear was Zhang Laxing, the most remote planet in the empire the other day.

The time is too short, even with the cooperation of the Qinglong Empire Intelligence Department, the detailed information of Cheng Buyun is simply not available.

After all, the earth is still far away from the hinterland of the Qinglong Empire.

The system of Qinglong Bank and the administration of Qinglong Empire are also two departments, and guest information is kept confidential.

If you want to get it in a while, it won't work at all.

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