Plane Universe

Chapter 2059: Immortal cultivation method

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The headquarters of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

The auction ended perfectly, wealth accumulated further and soared, and Cheng Buyun had an idea about the cultivation of immortals.

Before he was shy, he was too lazy to log in to the virtual network store, so as not to be tickled and have no money to buy, so that his heart was blocked.

Now that I have a little money, I can take a look.

What kind of situation is this cultivation practice?

The virtual mall turns out to be virtual, and naturally there is no real thing.

A virtual window is projected, and the content is quite simple.

There are only two options, the cultivation entrance and the treasure entrance.

When the idea moved, the picture was faintly blurred, and there was a large amount of content writing. It was a purchase notice and a warning to the practitioners. After the practice was purchased, it could only be practiced privately.

What is capital punishment?

Kill town!

This rule is actually copyright protection, which protects the vital interests of creators and is highly sought after.

Passing through this part, Cheng Buyun looked at it in detail.

Gongfa District: Divided into four categories.

They are the classics of exercises, the classics of ideas, the alchemy classics, the refinery classics, and the array classics.

Glancing at it, Cheng Buyun moved again.

The exercises classics are opened, and they are divided into five sub-categories, cultivation exercises, body exercises, magic secrets, and special categories.

The cultivation method is divided in more detail.

The classics of exercises are a kind of exercises that absorb the energy of the universe and transform into their own strength through self-cultivation.

It's almost the same as the original secret method Cheng Buyun practiced before.

The physical training classics are the content of cultivation that Cheng Buyun has never seen. A physical training classic can strengthen one's own strength and physique and make one's own body more powerful.

How to say it is a bit similar to the physical life transition.

The magic trick is actually a secret method, there is nothing to say.

As for the last kind of special classics, it is a combination of the first two categories. Classics are also the best and most expensive, which can save time in practice.

While practicing spiritual power, you can also cultivate your body.

Looking at this classification, he felt a little bit uneasy in his heart, but what about the so-called not simple, he couldn't explain why.

Just a feeling.

After all, physical exercises can actually make the practitioner jump again and again, even though the jump is very small, but it is also a jump!

A little bit of difference, sometimes it is a difference.

Cheng Buyun was only a bronze one-star customer at this time, and the level of practice he could see was very limited.

No more than the fairy level.

This is also true.

Although there are a lot of classics in each sub-category, these classics are really spicy chicken in his eyes.

But how can the classic script exercises below the landlord enter his eyes.

To start a cultivation practice, it was said at the beginning that there was a small dragon and a phoenix. The actual content was relatively empty. A little content made him judge whether the practice was good or bad.

Up to double the absorption speed.

But even so, many people still praise the evaluation of the exercises below.

Anonymous users: The exercises are very good, 150 billion celestial stones, worth the price. After I bought it and practiced, the speed of surviving spiritual power has greatly increased, and it should soon be able to break through the fit period.

Anonymous users: It's really good, 150 billion Xianshi, worth having!

Cheng Buyun took a look, and then looked at the number of purchasers, oh, it's really a lot, more than 1,200 people.

There are more than 1,200 people buying Spicy Chicken Exercise?

In his eyes, it is a spicy chicken exercise. In the eyes of other weak people, this is already a rare practice.

Double the absorption speed, which is not enough, but more than enough.

Not everyone can join Zongmen.

Most people still have to rely on themselves for cultivation.

Talent is important everywhere. It is not a change in a cultivation system that anyone can become a strong man.

Browsing all the way, Cheng Buyun made a summary.

The Xiuxian system has its strengths.

But even for the spicy chicken, Cheng Buyun picked two better books in the cultivation practice books and prepared to study and study. What is the so-called cultivation of the immortals?

Cheng Buyun felt distressed for a long time after missing the 3 holy coins in the two exercises.

His wealth is not much, only 7.2 holy coins.

This is almost half gone.

Then I bought another visual classics, a physical exercise classics, and then it was over.

7.2 The holy coin almost spent a flash.

Not disabled.

You are paralyzed!

Xiaohong rolled to the ground with a smile next to her.

"Brother, tell Zhongrou if you are short of money. She has money." Xiaohonghou said.

The head of the space-time chamber of commerce company is Zhongrou, and the money earned naturally entered her account.

As for the tax rate of the Chamber of Commerce dividends, this is not.

The tax rate of 10% of the total amount of a commodity is already extremely high, and almost the wealth earned by the chamber of commerce must be split against the upper levels.

For example, a treasure of ten holy coins, the purchase price of the chamber of commerce is 7 holy coins, 30% of the profit, and the 30% of the profit also includes service transportation costs, but only 10%, less than 20%, because of the need to pay There are also 10% turned over to the Qinglong Empire.

And how this tax-paid Qinglong Empire is allocated to Heavenly Court is no longer a topic.

Unless it is a treasure created by the Chamber of Commerce itself, you can earn more wealth.

Take the space-time chamber of commerce company established by Cheng Buyun, which sold 60 billion holy coins in three days, and it is necessary to pay 3 billion (5% tax rate) holy coins.

Very high tax!

In general chambers of commerce, treasure properties are almost public, and it is difficult to sell at high prices.

If you want to earn more wealth, you have to rely on an auction to auction high-end treasures, but auctions are generally conducted on virtual networks, which require guarantees and are more severely exploited.

Among them, it is necessary to pay an additional 10% of the insured price (each party bears 5%), and there is also a 5% transportation fee auction (the auction organizer).

The more you earn, the more tax you pay.

However, if you do n’t want to be exploited, you have to bear the transportation yourself. Once the goods are lost, the more you pay the more.

Because of the insured price, once the goods are lost, you have to pay 100 times.


"I don't need it for the time being. I'll talk about it after I figure it out." Cheng Buyun shook his head and began to watch the contents of the purchased exercises.

Cultivation exercises are exactly as he thought, but they are different.

When the Immortal Cultivation Technique is running, it passes through the acupoints and meridians in the body, and then continues to exist in the Dantian to nourish the body.

It is very similar to the internal power he had practiced before.

The original force practice is greatly transformed, directly absorbed and penetrated all parts of the body to enhance body functions, and then continue to exist in the Dantian.

Regardless of whether it is the original force cultivation or the spiritual strength cultivation, they are very similar, and can't jump out of that frame.

The two cultivation methods are just different transformations, and there is nothing to say.

The biggest difference is naturally the physical refining classics. The physical refining classics purchased by Cheng Buyun are not too good.

In fact, the content is not simple. While strengthening its own strength and defense, the skin and muscles of the body become tougher and the defense is amazing.

The last thing is the main course. After the cultivation is completed, it can actually enhance the body's life genes.

The normal human life gene is 1.

It is amazing how a life training book can double the life gene!

There is no such secret to engulfing the starry universe.

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