Plane Universe

Chapter 2064: The He family actually bowed their heads

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The Tianxuan Mountains span almost the entire length of Tianxuanxing, with a total length of 360,000 kilometers. The east and west sides connect to the ocean, the widest point is more than 10,000 kilometers, and the highest peak is more than 27,000 kilometers. Divided into two, there are many vigorous trees growing in the high mountains of thousands of meters, which makes a unique emerald green scenery here.

In the middle of the Tianxuan Mountains, there is a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. Inside are many magnificent ancient palaces.

Many palaces are scattered, and the wide streets are full of people coming and going. You can see many powerful soldiers carrying weapons in and out of the palace.

There are also many people from the Chamber of Commerce.

This is the administrative area of ​​Tian Xuan Xing, which is the core of the power of Tian Xuan Xing. Almost all the palaces are inhabited by noble persons.

Without some status, it is impossible to buy these majestic residences here.

call out!

A small and chic appearance-like swan-shaped aircraft suddenly arrived quickly, hovering over a palace, and saw several figures flying from it, and then the swan landed in an empty space and stopped.

On the other side, the men and women flying out of the swan were Bao Delin, who had just visited the Chamber of Time and Space.

I saw him with a smile on his face, and walked to the huge palace beside him that almost covered the entire administrative area.

This palace is really huge, it is estimated that it must be at least a hundred kilometers square.

The exterior is magnificent, and the interior is extremely luxurious, and all kinds of furnishings all show the dignity of its owner.

Tianxuan Mansion, the residence of Tianxuan Xingxing, as the facade of Tianxuanxing, should be as luxurious as natural.

Bao Delin, as a close friend of Tianxuan Immortal King, naturally lives in Tianxuan Mansion.

At this time, Tian Xuan Mansion Hall, He Qiming and all the people of the He family waited with anxiety in their faces, and from time to time they looked towards the doorway, eagerly looking forward to it.

"Why haven't I returned yet, and I don't know if Bao Delin's face does not work, it's really anxious!" He Qiming was worried, and his tone of worry was urgent, anyone could tell.

"All we can do now is wait." Elder He Jiada also sighed: "Unexpectedly, things will find such a big change. The ancestor's words are very reasonable. It is indeed that we are too arrogant to put people on In his eyes, he planted a big heel. "

"Is it useful to say this now?" He Qiming's expression was stiff.

A group of elders also sighed for a long time. It seemed that they really regretted it. It was a bit regretful why they did not agree to the conditions proposed by Cheng Buyun.

Now I want to promise, but it is too late.

Cheng Buyun didn't specify the date at the time, but humans have a proverb that there is no more than three things, and there is no specific time. That is three days.

And now it has been half a month ...

Can the other person hold back that breath?

They have not thought about going directly to the door to see, but they are afraid of messing up the matter. If they are driven away directly, even if the opportunity is not given, it will be even more troublesome.

So in the end they asked Bao Delin.

At least Bao Delin and Cheng Buyun have a little more face than them.

Suddenly, Bao Delin's figure appeared at the door, and after He Qiming and others saw it, he smiled quickly and greeted him.

He Qiming asked eagerly: "Master Bao, how is it going? Can Mr. Cheng agree to our request?"

The elders of He didn't interject, and showed sufficient qualities, but just looked at Bao Delin anxiously, waiting for his answer.

"Don't worry, listen to me first." Bao Delin smiled, and everyone in the He family seemed to see the answer from his face, and his heart was stable.

After discussing the results of the incident at the door in detail, Bao Delin looked at them and said: "You have to prepare with your heart, then the white director will not easily let this matter be understood, you have to be prepared for major bleeding."

"In any case, this matter is more than the help of Bao Bao, this is our gratitude." He Qiming turned over a bearer Tianting Bank bronze two-star card, and then handed it to Bao Delin.

"It's easy to talk." Bao Delin smiled and took over the bronze card of the anonymous Tianting Bank, and he was almost happy.

In the bronze card of the anonymous bank, there were 2 billion holy coins lying down.

Of course, if he is not sincere enough, he will not sell this relationship, really thought that his face does not need money?

It's not easy to use this kind of face once and once, and next time you have something to find Cheng Buyun.


The area near the headquarters of the Space and Time Chamber of Commerce has been very lively since its opening. The price of the land has also increased. Many small visionary merchants have early obtained a small and large piece of land nearby and established various Kind of consumption place.

The broad main street of more than a dozen kilometers is lined with restaurants and pubs one after another, as well as numerous entertainment venues.

So that in just one or two days, this area has become extremely prosperous.

Drive more people to play and spend here.

Of course, it can also be said that these small businessmen are attached to the space-time chamber of commerce company to beg for food.

The originally lively street suddenly quieted down, and countless people felt strange, and they all couldn't help looking at the end of the street.

Watching Bao Delin and He Qiming appear, many people have widened their eyes and started talking softly.

"This is not He Qiming, the owner of the He family, and the elders of the He family?"

"Are they actually here? And are they still with Director Bao?"

Many people couldn't help but their heads were full of question marks, but they soon figured out the truth. He family was afraid, so they came to the house to apologize and bow their heads.

Almost in an instant, the entire broad street boiled, and even the strong family might be afraid. Under the powerful background of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, they could not help but reveal that the owner had to come to the door.

Countless arguments and joking expressions made the expressions of the big crowds in He family extremely indignant.

He almost didn't jump up and kill people.

It's embarrassing!

That is, they are so powerful that most people dare not talk too much, otherwise, they will be more ashamed.

Fortunately, the streets of more than ten kilometers are not too long, and within a minute they walked to the gate of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

The two warlords guarding in front of the gate looked at the He family with a faint smile, and finally landed on Bao Delin, barely nodding.

Even there was no etiquette, which shows that the two soldiers were proud and proud.

Those who can come out under Cheng Buyun's command, of course, will not be weak. Almost every realm has the strength to fight against immortal gods.

After wearing the black armor beads, the higher immortal masters can not take them how to, even can easily contend with the ordinary immortal emperor.

After all, Cheng Buyun spends a lot of money on training under such circumstances. If there is no foundation, how can he afford the former!

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