Plane Universe

Chapter 2070: Someone else died

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Seeing Cheng Buyun was also a plan they had set early in the morning, and wanted to see if Cheng Buyun was calm in front of the two of them.

Face to face, you can see many things clearly.

Sometimes this thing cannot be installed in the background.

Bai Suzhen led the two through a bright passageway that was several kilometers long, and came to Hou Manor, Cheng Buyun's residence.

The chic yard is not that big, it's about 1km square.

In this elegant courtyard, people are rarely seen, and very few maids and a few warlords are seen.

Along the way, the Red Blood Fairy King and the Star Fairy King were also in a state of uneasiness. They did not expect the other party to agree so happy, but they agreed to their request.

"Is it too bold, or is it something?" The Red Blood Fairy King was full of doubts, and the soul said: "It seems that Cheng Buyun is not afraid to face us!"

"I didn't expect it. Isn't he afraid that we would suddenly kill him?" The Star King is also confused, "After all, who will give him a chance to be resurrected!"

"I can't figure it out, and maybe it's a self-sustaining background, or I think we won't treat him." The Red Blood Fairy King sneered. "I will watch him cooperate with me later, and scare him to see if I can show him something What flaws. "


The Celestial King also sneered, "Once we are discovered, he has no idea, then we will send it."

In fact, they must see Cheng Buyun, and they are also greedy at heart.

What a big piece of fat, Xianjia.

Although the two secretly planned, Bai Suzhen couldn't hear it, but she could judge one or two.

Since the two had to see their young master just now, she thought about what it was.

At the moment, my heart is sneering constantly.

Even if you want to test the master's details on your own with a little patience, it can be said to be bold!

This is what it means to not die without death!

Soon, Bai Suzhen took the two to the hall, where Cheng Buyun was sitting quietly, and a pair of dark eyes looked at the door, looking at the two people who came in.

The Red Blood Fairy King and the Star Fairy King are also looking into Cheng Buyun.

The youth who appeared in their eyes also made them wonder, is this Cheng Buyun?

Won't it be fake?

It's a common joke, even though Bai Suzhen can't match Bai Suzhen.

"Master, I brought the people who want to see you, they are the two of them." Bai Suzhen said with a bow.


Cheng Buyun waved his hand, Bai Suzhen straightened up, Lian Bu turned slightly behind the former, and stood with Chongrou.

"Ma Ma Hu Hu barely looked into the eyes." Xiao Hong dismissed his lips, but just looked at the two of them, and then he was no longer interested. He lay back in the chair and bored to watch the two guys who didn't know life and death.

After getting this comment from Xiaohong, the Red Blood Fairy King and the Star Fairy King were also not angry.

No matter what they plan to do, it doesn't matter.

"Red blood fairy king, heaven star fairy king!" Cheng Buyun glanced at the two of them, and said quietly and calmly: "I heard that you asked to see me, then ... see me now, what do you have to do with I said?"

"I came here this time to apologize for the unpleasant things that the family's younger generation caused you." The red blood fairy king said seriously: "But before that, I have a sentence to say, don't you feel a bit excessive?"

"What is too much?" Cheng Buyun's tone was still the same, very leisurely, and didn't even mean to stand up.

There wasn't even a greeting, as if the fairy king strongman was in his eyes.

For those who have other ideas about themselves, Cheng Buyun certainly will not be treated with courtesy.

"If you don't talk about standing up and treating each other courteously, your lord doesn't even greet you in your seat, it's too rude." The blood-red fairy king growled and groaned angrily, "I am also a king-level strongman, even at this moment It ’s an apology at the door, and do n’t go too far.

"Oh, it turned out that I was neglected. Please forgive me." Cheng Buyun smiled faintly and said with a hand, "Please sit down."

The two were very popular, frowning constantly, as if they couldn't see what Bu Yun was doing, and couldn't figure it out.

"Okay, let's talk, what the **** do you want to talk to me?" Cheng Buyun directly said: "If it's because of a misunderstanding, you don't need to say it. I have given the conditions, how should you choose, that is Your business, I only look at your choices. "

"250 billion holy coins, sir, don't you think you want too much?" The Scarlet Blood King feels so angry that his liver hurts in less than two words, and he gritted his teeth with anger and angrily said: "Do you really want the fish to die?" Must we get the two of us to the point of being an enemy? "

"250 billion holy coins don't want to dig?" Cheng Buyun smiled and looked at him lightly, said: "It's easy, you join me to listen to 100 million years, 250 billion holy coins do not have to dig out."

100 million years?

The two couldn't believe their ears and were stunned.

100 billion in 250 billion holy coins?

It is too cheap.

The exchange is 2.5 billion holy coins in one million years. When has the fairy king become cheap?

250 million holy coins in ten thousand years, 25 million holy coins in one thousand years.

2.5 million holy coins in one hundred years.


It is indeed a bit cheap.

No wonder both of them turned their faces purple.

The king-level strong man has been mixed for 100 million years, and how can his net worth have trillions of holy coins, and those with luck will have a richer net worth.

Cheng Buyun almost underestimated him.

"It's too deceiving." The Scarlet Blood Immortal was immediately angry, and he directly patted the table, smashed the coffee table worth millions of green dragon coins, and stood up and roared: "I want me to join you. Effectiveness, what do you count? "

Well, it's dead.

At this time, the Red Blood Fairy King, like He Yinxue, committed taboo.

He roared into Cheng Buyun and asked him what he counted.

Sure enough, Chongrou's two willows suddenly pierced like a hedgehog, their faces glared like ice, and their body surged like a mountain with a super red blood fairy king. At the same time, he said "bold" in his mouth. .

The unprecedented strong momentum immediately caused the two blood-red fairy king and heavenly star king to tremendously shake their heads, looking up at Chongrou, and even more unbelievable.

Completely immortal breath, and more powerful immortal king level than them, even very close to high-level immortal king level.

The strong pressure from the face, the two have been unable to take care of other things, looked at Jurou with a wary look, his expression looked so nervous.

"Be restless."

Cheng Buyun smiled and waved his hand, and Chourou stared at the two fiercely. The violent breath on his body slightly converged a little, but his eyes, which contained ice, still looked at them coldly, as if appearing to attack at any time.

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