Plane Universe

Chapter 2076: Integration into the system

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Bai Suzhen took the Red Blood Fairy King to land in the most lively huge square.

The appearance of the two men quickly bowed down in the square.


A sound of molars sounded.

"You are the Scarlet King who just joined us?" With his head naked, his big man with a strong arm can run a horse, and his thighs are thicker than normal people.

A fierce breath came across, especially when the eyes of Dahan, who contained endless violent madness, fell on the Red Blood Fairy King, suddenly the whole body trembles and all hairs stood upright.

The whole soul is in trembling.

"What the hell, what a powerful soul oppression force." The Red Blood Fairy King felt that his body didn't listen to him, the whole person was shaking, and his muscles were cramping very fast. The whole person couldn't help it.

The feeling of dying at any time made him sweat and sweat oozing out of his body, and soon soaked the ground under his feet.

Slightly ~~

Slightly ~~~

But the blood-red fairy king couldn't control his mouth, and the teeth of his upper and lower jaws collided wildly.

Seeing pity, what level of strength is the Scarlet Blood King?

It's nowhere near the level of Feng Wang, more powerful and powerful than the one before him.

Not to mention the real shot, a soul can't stand the coercion.

"Okay gluttons, don't scare red blood anymore." Bai Suzhen quickly stopped the big-hearted tyrants.

Gourmet touched his big bald head and said honestly and honestly: "I'll make a joke."

At this time, he was just like an old child, and it was very different from the scary expression just now. No one would think he was the same person when he saw it.

Since becoming Cheng Buyun's command, gluttonous people have become more and more troublesome. The so-called childlike innocence is nothing more than that.


The Scarlet Fairy King was in shock, and his eyes had always fallen on the big man. His heart kept on sullen, and he was comparing.

What level is this big man.

"Qinglong Xianzun's coercion is not so strong."

"No, the two are too far apart in terms of soul pressure."

The Red Blood Immortal King was secretly worried, and he was quite sure that the Qinglong Immortal Lord was not as powerful as this rude man.

Qinglongxianzun, he has n’t seen it. He saw it once thousands of years ago. Although the distance is a little far away, the coercion from Qinglongxianzun exudes nothing. One.

Maybe it's distance, or ... one of the two emperor-level strongmen Bai Suzhen said before?

Bai Suzhen looked around his eyes, stretched out his hand with a smile on his shoulder, and then said aloud: "Everyone, this is the Red Blood Immortal King. He was called by the young master. Took one of us and temporarily took the position of deacon. "

"Red Blood Deacon."

The surrounding main fighters, as if they had not seen the embarrassment of the Scarlet Blood King just now, all showed a warm smile and greeted them friendly.

This made the recovered Red Blood Fairy King in a good mood, and also responded slightly.

For a time, the atmosphere of the entire grand square was also warmed by several points.

"I am gluttonous, you are welcome to join." Gluttonous smile, a honest face, as if very easy to get along with.

Did not look down on the behavior of the Red Blood Fairy King because of his own strength.

In fact, gluttony is really a bit boring here, only Alice is the same level as him, and Alice's character ... forget it!

The two couldn't even play together.

With a gluttonous friendly smile, the Scarlet Blood King immediately felt flattered and greeted with a smile.

In fact, he already had some guesses about the gluttonous level.

Sure enough, Bai Suzhen's next introduction confirmed his speculation, "We are gluttonous, not taking office for the time being, but we are a strong man we rely on. Now we are sitting in the company of Tian Xuanxing Space-Time Chamber of Commerce and protecting the safety of the entire company.

"It's also one of the two emperor levels I told you before, and you will have a long time to deal with it in the future." Bai Suzhen said with some indignity.


The Scarlet Blood King couldn't help but secretly take a deep breath and put on a respectful expression and said, "Gourmet God Emperor, I'm glad to meet you."

It seems that Bai Suzhen didn't deceive me at all before, and the power of the space-time palace is indeed extremely powerful.

Fortunately, I didn't have the determination to fight hard with my friends before, otherwise, even if I didn't rejuvenate this godly king, the gluttony hidden in the dark would make me die in an instant.

Finally there is no danger.

And he is now one of them.

The best ending!

"Sister ~"

There was a soft voice in the distance, and the Scarlet Blood King couldn't help but stop thinking, and immediately looked up at the sky.

In the distance, there are two delicate silhouettes coming from the wind, one of them is wearing a beautiful and luxurious dress like Bai Suzhen, but the color is light green.

This beautiful woman who lost Bai Suzhen's lead, although the Red Blood Fairy King had never seen it, she knew it.

Named Xiaoqing, she is the director of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, and she is responsible for things like handover of goods and acquisitions.

Without her nodding, you won't even be able to buy any goods in the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce company.

As for the woman beside Xiao Qing, the red blood fairy king froze at first sight.

The unique and flawless and delicate face, the beauty that cannot be sculpted by ghosts and awesome works, under the background of a looming light tulle, it exudes amazing charm all the time

Under the amazing temptation of the other party, the Scarlet Blood King almost fell into it.

He can be sure that if such a beautiful person goes out to fight, Xian will not resist the following, and will fall under her skirt.

What a terrible charm!

Almost reached an extreme, it is no exaggeration to win the entire Qinglong Empire.

Really, no comparison.

Throughout the life of the Red Blood Fairy King, there have been many beautiful women, but no one can compare with the one in front of him.

Catherine landed softly in front of everyone. Seeing that the Scarlet King was still staring at her for a while, she couldn't help smiling, and the latter made the latter swallow secretly.

Not only the Red Blood Fairy King, but also the main warriors who were accustomed to Catherine, were involuntarily attracted by the latter at the moment.

The face is slightly warm.

"Oh, where are you guys!" Xiao Qing snorted disgustingly, making a large number of female warriors feel the same.

Men are big hoofs, lower body animals!

Seeing beautiful women tickle their hearts, there is no ‘His Royal Highness’ mentality at all.

In fact, it should be called the chief, but slowly, everyone, like the people outside, shouted into His Royal Highness Bu Yun.

After all, this title is deeply rooted!

"This is Xiaoqing. Although you haven't seen it before, you should have heard it. Get to know it." Bai Suzhen said with a soft smile.

"Hello, Superintendent Xiaoqing." The Scarlet Blood King nodded with a smile, his attitude was extremely modest.

"Hello, red blood, welcome you." Xiao Qing also smiled friendly.

For yourself, no one on the scene will have a cold expression on your face unless you make a mistake.

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