Plane Universe

Chapter 2082: How stupid money comes

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Of course, no matter whether Cheng Buyun or Chongrou, they are not qualified to purchase advanced precious ideas.

Higher-level ideas not only require more wealth, but also a strong status.

Without these two advances, it is possible to get advanced ideas or dreams.

In the current environment of the main universe, the inside of the immortal repairer seems to be peaceful, and the substance is dangerous. The external forces are eyeing like a Buddhist kingdom.

There is also a huge threat of the Devil Race, and if there is no contribution to the kingdom of the Immortal Cultivator, I only want to get advanced cultivation methods based on wealth.

In fact, from the information given by Tianting Bank, we know that the net worth of close to 50 billion holy coins is still a bronze 4-star VIP.

Not even silver.

Obviously, the merchant profession is the highest in the power of immortals.

If you want to improve your identity, you must rely on other directions.

Such as fighting for the future of immortals.

Just like the primitive universe human race, the immortal gods who have not joined the human alliance, even if they have the power of the king, they can purchase the secret law of ordinary level at most.

The secrets above the pinnacle level are not open to these powerful players.

You ca n’t even see or search.

You have to pay as much as you want.

very fair.

This sentence is a famous saying everywhere!

Of course, private transactions are not under control, but how many strong people are willing to give you the beast with advanced cultivation methods?

Many behaviors are prohibited within the power organization.

Those who challenge the rules don't end well!

Unless both parties to the transaction are lone travelers, such as the Red Blood Fairy King, who did not join the forces of the Heavenly Court, those who do not belong to them can naturally trade the cultivation method they have taken by taking risks.

However, this is not a step cloud.

He has a way to get what he needs.

What he relied on was not his strong strength. The grade was too low, and he would enslave others with his soul. He was unwilling to use such tactics.

Cheng Buyun today has his own noble arrogance.

Advanced cultivation method only, with the support of a cosmic pinnacle group behind him, hasn't he found a way to get what he wants?

Jiazhu is one of the big trump cards in his hand.

Blood Luojing is the second ace.

Beast God's Blood is the third ace.

Then various levels of treasures and secrets.

There are too many cards.

Like a landlord, Cheng Buyun is full of king bombers!


Recently, Xuan Xingxing has been much lively. Due to the influence of the low-level auction organized by the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, almost the entire Qinglong Empire has become a sensation.

A large number of forces are rushing to auction Xianjia, and many high-ranking sect factions have also reached the Tian Xuanxing. As for the careful organization of these big forces, almost everyone knows it.

Don't you just want to take a picture and copy it?

It ’s just that the idea is beautiful, but it ’s difficult to copy the nail beads.

Cheng Buyun smiled.

How many years has Jiazhu appeared?

So many powerful forces in the entire primitive universe have studied for so many years, can you see that imitation has come out?

There is no refining skill that he taught by mountain riders, and he wants to unlock the core technology of the bead seal.

Even Time and Space is simply relying on the power of Wei An to directly erase the authentication password of Jiazhu, and then add or not add it by itself.

Time and space have such a skill, because his level is too high, it is estimated that it has been attributed to ‘rules’.

The second low-level auction held by the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce was much more lively than the first.

The number of guests who are eligible to participate in the auction has reached hundreds of millions, an astonishing number.

Relying on the participation qualifications of ticket money, the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce companies have already made crazy profits.

In terms of a minimum of 10,000 holy coins, how many holy coins are there for hundreds of millions of guests?


It's shocking!

Of course, many people spend at the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce companies, not because they want to participate in the Xianjia auction, but because the goods in the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce companies are indeed good.

Also cheap and value for money.

Loved by many immortals and gods.

The strong who come to Tianxuanxing will spend more or less in the company of Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

Once you start spending, you can't help it.

In other chambers of commerce, all goods are eligible for auction, but in the space-time chamber of commerce company, they are randomly displayed for everyone to choose to buy.

This is incomparable to many chambers of commerce.

Although the goods in Tianting Mall are more complete and there are various treasures of medium grade, the price is much higher.

Because the purchase of treasures in the Tianting Mall requires ‘express’ delivery, which of course is not as good as buying on the spot.

The quality of cheap treasures is nothing to say.

Anyone knows any choice!

Under the enthusiasm of many powerful purchasers, Cheng Buyun had to replenish himself personally, using energy to copy a batch of ordinary treasures for sale.

As a result, Cheng Buyun did not start making money.

The price of treasures copied by energy is artificially high, and it is not cheaper than artificial refining.

For ordinary treasures, the human race has reached a limit in cost.

For a top-notch ordinary treasure, it only takes 10% of the value of the treasure to create it.

Cheng Buyun replicates with energy, the cost is probably between 30%.

Because of this, Cheng Buyun also joke a few words about time and space, almost making time and space turn over directly.

Angry time and space is terrible, cursing like a hooligan, it is called an unpleasant.

Although Cheng Buyun is right, it is a matter of time and space itself, but it is still his problem.

Time and space is a damaged state, and its functions have been greatly damaged, and it takes a long time to recover.

The Chengbuyun level is too low to give time and space to recover energy.

If time and space really have the power of the heyday, it is still a problem to see Cheng Buyun and him making a contract!

The second auction was also very successful.

More than one hundred powerful sects are fighting, and the bayonet is seeing blood, and the sword is red.

The group of juniors who came from the Qinglong Holy Land, this auction is completely for the people who eat melons, and they can't make a price.

The degree of fierceness has opened the eyes of countless powerhouses.

In the end, the immortal armor finally shot a price of 100 billion holy coins that many people looked up to.


The shooter is a messenger from the Blue Dragon Holy Land, a big man, I heard that the strength is the fairy king strongman at the peak level.

The price of 100 billion holy coins is, of course, an imaginary high, and it is still several times higher.

But no one can say anything if others are willing.

Who can not understand the idea of ​​the Qinglong Holy Land?

The sect gates involved in the battle for Xianjia, the thoughts in their hearts were clearly put before everyone's eyes.

It is estimated that within ten to eight years, the auction price of Xianjia is estimated to be low.

This is still the situation of the Qinglong Empire, once other powerful forces of the Immortal Kingdom participate, the price may be higher.

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