Plane Universe

Chapter 2087: Turbulence

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Some masters were greedy for the refining technique possessed by Cheng Buyun because they judged in their hearts that Cheng Buyun actually had little power.

As for the background, etc., it is just a trick to scare some people outside.

Because the skill of refining on Xianjia was not encountered by all the masters present.

The masters of the great masters and masters know how to use them.

Or the ‘spiritual treasures’ personally refined by the major masters and masters have no real knowledge, but it does not mean that they have never seen each other ’s refining techniques.

Almost every master has a large number of disciples. Although they cannot fully understand, they can also have some understanding.

and so……

The master of the misrepresentation judged that Cheng Buyun might have been lucky, and obtained a refining technique that had never been seen in a certain fairy house before.

According to past experience, there is almost a 90% probability of this result.

In this way, ask some masters how to be unmoved!

Masters are also human.

People have desires.

They have been in the master level for a long time. Who would n’t want their status to be higher and be respected by more immortals?

What a noble title is Guru?

Real respected strong men see them and are treated with courtesy.

If one day can break through the way of refining and become a true venerable level, then ... some powerful venerable level also have to please them, accompanied by a smile to request to build Lingbao!

Think about it this way.

Excited, trembling all over.

I can't bear it anymore.

I can't wait to rush over and **** the refining technique owned by Cheng Buyun.


Seeing that some people were so excited that they could n’t look like themselves, that shameful and disgraceful attitude made Hu Ke disdainful, and immediately said with a deep voice: "Okay, since we ca n’t crack Xianjia, then ... the only result is to violently break the core. , Look at what Xianjia is. "

"totally agree!"

"Yes, I also want to see, even if the damaged core only hides a little bit, if it can be valuable, it is also our blessing."

As soon as Master Hook said, everyone present agreed completely.

"Well, who will come?" Master Hook nodded and looked at the people present.

Master Tiangu immediately said, "I'll come."

After getting everyone's consent, Master Tiangu quickly gathered his mental strength, and then slammed into the fairy armor, trying to destroy its core.

But ... unexpectedly, the soul power of Master Tiangu's bombardment was weakened by resistance, and he couldn't help but be immortal.

It was even said to destroy the core of Immortal Armor.

The most feared attack by Jiazhu is the soul spirit. Although it has the so-called core, the core is completely hidden in the whole piece of Xianjia. If you want to destroy the core, you must completely wipe out the whole piece of Xianjia.

Do n’t forget that even if the nail beads are broken to the size of nails, as long as the conditions allow, people with special abilities can integrate into the body and come out a new pair of armor.

Such as Cheng Buyun and others who practiced the Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

As for Emperor Yan, he has no such ability, he only has the right to rob the armor.

Have the ability to give others the ability to use nail beads.

Abandoned pieces of armor beads, he couldn't merge into armor again.

Of course, he can use the phagocytosis of robbery to devour a new bead from robbery.

A group of old guys couldn't start facing Xianjia, their expressions were all black, and some people's eyes were shining one after another, and their greed desires rose a few points.

Even the masters who were not very interested in these powerful refining techniques just opened a hole in their hearts.

Is it really good for such a powerful refining technique to not participate in the competition?


Everyone turned their heads to look around, but it was a master who stretched out his hand and pulled a small piece on the fairy armor.

The power of the Immortal King is naturally not comparable to that of the armored armor, and it simply cannot withstand such power.

Without a corner of the fairy armor, the function is not too affected.

The master looked at the fragments in his hand, but he looked puzzled.

The rest of the masters also moved again and again, each torn off a small piece of metal from the fairy armor to observe.

However, it is inconceivable that the spiritual power of the soul cannot penetrate into it. It seems that the abandoned fairy armor fragments that leave the main body also have a core protective layer.

This situation greatly surprised them.

Almost all of them looked horrified.

Such refiner skills are a bit amazing.

Action to crack the results to this point has undoubtedly declared failure.

Prince Aokun, who was waiting for the news, could not help but be surprised. He could hardly imagine a dozen masters joining forces, and there was no way to get a fairy armor.

Thinking of this, his mind turned and immediately shouted, "Come here."


Cheng Buyun didn't know anything about Qinglong Holy Land. For him, nothing was worth his attention.

No one can succeed in trying to grab something in his hands.

He has such self-confidence.

Can't you win if you can't win?

However, the swell of the Heavenly Profound Star is naturally inevitable, and the intelligence personnel of the Blue Dragon Holy Land are almost here.

Not only the Qinglong Holy Land, but many Zongmen sent many spies to investigate Cheng Buyun's background.

Xianjia's power is like a piece of fat hanging in the air, someone with a bit of ambition, everyone wants to pounce on it.

It's just ... the teeth are not hard, can you swallow a bite, then it depends on the next method.

Sky Xuanxing has formed a huge storm vortex.

The power of gathering is more and more every day.

It will be all the streets of Wangman Street, and it is easy to see the powerful style of the king-level strongman who was hard to see in the past.

The third low-level auction to be held by Space-Time is even more lively, because the strongmen of several nearby immortal kingdoms have also heard the wind. Many strongmen doubt the authenticity of Xianjia, but they still hold a try Thoughts are coming.

As a result, Xianjia, the finale of the third low-level auction, is expected to shoot a higher price.

Because for some clans, they have holy coins, but good treasures are hard to see.

In a magnificent restaurant, several powerful men from Chaoge Xianguo, all of them are extraordinary, sitting in a private room with serious expressions of conversation, but their eyes are constantly scanning through the transparent windows below.

Because looking down from the window made of transparent material, you can just see the main entrance of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

Sitting in the lower left hand position, wearing an ordinary gray robe, the man with a steady expression said, "According to my investigations over the past two days, the so-called Xianjia auctioned by the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce should be true."

"Every local Xuanxing mentions the name of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, a proud expression will appear on his face," the young man sitting on the right smiled, meaning something: "I heard that the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce held the auction for the first time. The final immortal armor was shot by Simon Star. "

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