Plane Universe

Chapter 2096: blacklist

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The horrible price of 300 million holy coins even Qingluo was completely frightened, she felt at a loss on the stage.

And this price continues to climb upwards, and anyone can tell that this group of cheerful participants is actually making trouble!

An intermediate high-level auxiliary fairy, only 300 million holy coins?

What a joke, that's not worth it at all!

The general top-level fairy is only about 100 million holy coins.

"Qingluo, don't panic, just follow the rules of the previous two auctions." Bai Suzhen sent instructions to calm down the Qingluo fairy who was a little flustered.

Then he smiled in a more enthusiastic voice: "Okay, now the magic compass auction price is 460 million holy coins, is there a higher price?"

"Looking at the fierce competition just now, the magic compass should not be as simple as it seems on the surface. It is estimated that it contains the details that we all don't know. After all, there are naturally reasons for such a high-priced fairy.

"Anyone else bargaining?"

In the passionate talk of Qingluo Fairy, almost everyone who participated in this low-level auction had a glimpse of each other. I believe your evil!

It's no more common than an intermediate high-level auxiliary fairy, where is the level, who are you cheating!

It also has details we do n’t know, scorn!

But everyone's response to the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce is also nodded secretly.

I do n’t panic when I know someone is messing up, and the quick response is excellent.

Those who disturbed the bidding also showed a sneering smile, but did not continue to bid, so that the magic compass was finally sold with 460 million holy coins.

The auction is complete, but the auction items must be delivered after the auction.

After the hot field auction of treasures, the auction items became a bit normal, all within the level of intermediate treasures, and did not exceed this level.

But ... the troublemakers are very happy, and they repeatedly bid out, making the entire auction a playground for them to play.

Many participants became foils.

There is nowhere to fire.

Participants will not be mad at these troublemakers. They want to continue to participate in the auction held by the Space and Time Chamber of Commerce in the future, and do not want to be on the blacklist of the Space and Time Chamber of Commerce.

In this way, we can only watch these people making trouble.

The whole auction came down, which made many people who really wanted to auction treasures half dead.

After all, the Fairy Tale from the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce is very good in grade and quality, and the price is right.

It is a pity that if someone likes the magical instrument, the price is arbitrarily shattered, so it is impossible to bid normally.

Troublemakers can shout out a high-end fairy, and normal participants cannot compete at all.

Who owns the extravagance of a high-end fairy of more than one billion holy coins?


Each of the last ten high-end immortals was sold at a high price, over one hundred billion, and the last immortal armor was even more outrageous.

Going for trillions of dollars.

Many people have never participated in such an outrageous auction.

Fools know that none of the last of these fairy tools will be sold.

The third auction was finally cold, and some participants left the venue angrily after the curtain ended, leaving with anger.

Hundreds of strength combined to make trouble, and did not cause any substantial harm to the company of Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, although the impact is small.

On the contrary, some well-known sect gates have shown their abominable faces, and their actions are even more disgusting.

Immediately after the auction ended, the news spread quickly to the surroundings in word of mouth.

Almost all the Xuan Xuan Xing knew in a moment.


Qinglong Holy Land.

Ao Kun knew the situation as soon as the auction was not over.

He just shook his head slightly when this happened, and said sarcastically: "These people, the means is really a kind of work, and they even show such a face."

"The method is a bit inferior, and it does not affect the reputation of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce at all, that is, I don't know how the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce will solve this trouble." He was wearing a bird flower cloud shoes, a gossip robes, and he was also holding a dust, and he only heard him laugh and said: "And this is the beginning. Hundreds of top power sects united. This force is really impossible. Look down. "

"Let's just look at it. I judge that if it's really as I guessed, these sectarian forces will eventually be estimated to suffer heavy losses or even be destroyed." Ao Kun sneered repeatedly, and he was not optimistic about this combination at all. Hundreds of forces.

The reason tells him intuitively that Cheng Buyun is not easy to mess with.

"You have such confidence?" The old man chuckled, but did not say his own judgment.

"How can a group of people who are blindfolded by greed see the danger hidden under the water." Ao Kun said calmly: "Without the ability, how will the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce bring out such treasures as Xianjia to auction."

"Or they didn't expect it at first." The old man continued to laugh.

"Do you believe it?" Ao Kun laughed and said a news that made the old man dumbfounded. "According to my information, both the Red Blood Fairy King and the Star Fairy King have succumbed to the authority of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce and become each other's Dog legs. "

The old man could not speak at all.

Although the strength of the Red Blood Fairy King and the Star Fairy King is not high, they have extensive friendships and good contacts. In the past, many strong fairy kings sent out invitations to them, but they were rejected.

Now it has joined the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

Obviously, the space-time chamber of commerce has the fear power to make the two succumb.

At the end of the auction, Xiao Qing, who was in charge of the treasure trading, immediately sent a message to the bidder to let him come to the treasures of the Space and Time Chamber of Commerce company exchange to compete.

But there is no exception, these bidders all refused, saying that they were just blood on the top, and the price of the brain was not called out by the brain.

In fact, it means the same thing, I do n’t want it!

Immediately, Xiaoqing issued the most severe warning to these people, but the other party did not care at all, and also humiliated the customer service staff who spoke with them.

Under the spot, Xiao Qing sent out the first batch of unreceived blacklists of the Space and Time Chamber of Commerce with a straight face, which listed all the first-class sects in the Qinglong Empire, and most of the top power organizations.

At the same time, there are 32 first-class sects in Chaogexian, including the three top families in the Chaoge Holy Land.

Twenty-six first-class sects and eight top forces in the Huayu Empire.

Hongyang Fairyland ...

The Eastern Ming Empire ...

The last situation in the Golden Mountain Fairyland was the most serious. Almost everyone in the Fairyland was on the blacklist of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

That is to say, no matter who is strong, the nationality of Jinshan Xianguo nationality will not be able to buy any product from the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce in the future.

PS: Replying to the question of book friends, it ’s a little too much to go directly to someone else if someone does n’t bother you. The main universe is a place with laws, and even the weak fairyland is famous in heaven. It means that you have slapped someone else's younger brother and made a trivial matter. If there is no good excuse for copying the house, the face of the heavenly court will never be able to pass.

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