Plane Universe

Chapter 2099: Finally started

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The figure wearing golden armor is naturally soft.

She has a terrible burst of power without reservation, and her life genes are more than seven thousand times. They are unique and unique levels of life in the original universe.

The strength of the breath that comes out is of course impossible for ordinary life to compare.

It is normal for the momentum to be suppressed.

Just like ordinary people see tigers and lions in the wild, they will also rise up in fear.

Compared with cultivators, it is more of a suppression of life class.

In the face of the three strong and soft, the life strength is at most 5 times, and the inferior can be ignored.

But the good will power made them very calm and looked at the golden figure coldly.

As for why people in front of them make them feel like they are running away, they didn't think too much.

No matter how strong they are, can they still fight against the three of them?

Zhongrou's gaze blocked by the faceplate looked at the three, directly ignoring the two hundred king-level strongmen standing behind him. ,

In her soul induction, all three people in front of her exuded the atmosphere that belonged to the limit of Feng King, but it was not too arrogant, it was the general limit level.

Among them, wearing a silver robe, there is a layer of misty light blue and white air flow. Judging from her eyes and eyes, it is easy to know that this person is the king of the throne who is practicing the thunder and lightning rule.

can not tell.

She is not the level of the chaotic city lord, that can judge the cultivation of a strong man's law by sight.

If she can do this, she doesn't know how strong she is.

On the left, the ultimate king is strong, but there is a breath that makes Zhongrou hate. It is a thick burning blood, and a dark red layer of blood is burning under the law of fire. There was a smell of burnt blood.

Very disgusting to her.

The last one, the face looks like a young man, the face is slightly feminine, and the general face lines of the knife make it look masculine, wearing a gorgeous robe, exuding a gentle gentle wind, but the surface space is hidden Torn.

Very subtle, people who do not have enough soul induction will not see this scene at all.

A piece of information also flashed in Zhong Rou's mind,

Ming Lei Xian Jun, Blood Fire God, Su Nian Xian Jun.

A well-known tactical squad of Jinshan Xianguo, for millions of years, has made contributions to the Jinshan Xianguo Presbyterian Council and destroyed many first-class sects against the Elder Council.

But today ...

She didn't put the other person in her eyes at all,

"Don't you dare to attack my chamber of commerce?" Chongrou couldn't see her facial expression because she was covered with a face shield, but she could hear a very angry roar from her voice. You must die here. "

"A little chamber of commerce, what about the attack?" The man in the face wearing a silver robe with an extremely indifferent look disdained and looked at Zhong Rou coldly. There are some people you can't afford.

Jinshan Fairyland?

"I knew they could not bear it." Cheng Buyun smiled faintly and arranged the trap, the other party finally stepped in.

The plan was not Cheng Buyun's fierceness, but the other party was too arrogant to look down upon him completely.

He dared to make trouble in the chamber of commerce he founded and did not immediately kill the other party. It was already the result of Cheng Buyun's unwillingness to cause trouble.

Jinshan Xianguo should give thanks to the deterrent force of the main universe heavenly organization.

Otherwise ... hum!

The sudden attack shocked almost the entire Xuan Xuanxing, and Bao Delin immediately contacted the fairy king strongman behind him.

However, the role of a fairy king at this moment is of no use at all. The power of the attacking strong is too strong, and the three leading ones will not say it. The two hundred people standing behind the three, each dare Let him underestimate, the worst is the king level, and he is in the same state.

Although he is stronger than these two hundred people, but what is the use of one person?

Are you going to die?

"Damn Jinshan Immortal Kingdom, even swaying in my place to make a mess? Was the blue sky directly attacking the chamber of commerce on my planet?" Tian Xuanxing Lord scolded, almost trembling with anger, but he couldn't do anything. No matter what, he is not in Tianxuanxing at this time.

If his spokesperson Bao Delin went to block, who would give face to the little planet masters?

Of course, he is not without action. He has already reported the matter to the Defense Department of the Blue Dragon Empire, and asked the Defense Department to send the strong to Hyun Xuan Xing to support and drive away the strong of the Jinshan Empire.

However, despite reporting to the Defense Department, the Master Xuan Xingxing still shook his head secretly. He also knew something about the recent occurrence of Tian Xuanxing, so that the Defense Department immediately dared to come to support it.

Many people on the top floor of the entire Qinglong Holy Land are looking at the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce with greedy eyes, and how can they immediately send people to rescue.

Even if Aokun firmly orders, the garrison will delay its arrival.

All that can be relied upon now is the power of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

Can't bear it, a big play will be staged immediately!


"A small chamber of commerce? It's really arrogant enough." Chongrou sneered and sneered, "Then you die for me!"

There are not many people talking harshly, and Chongrou just started.

call out!

The phoenix phantom exploded under Chongrou's feet, and the amazing speed made Chongrou's speed explosive force almost reach a limit. In the blink of an eye, she rushed to the other side, and the sandbag-like fist burst into the air. There were fiery red rays of different colors, but the fist marks were engraved on the fist gloves.

The other party couldn't think of Chong Rou even playing immediately, his expression looked a bit stunned, but they all reacted very quickly.

It's a pity that a little bit of time is enough to decide the life and death, but the distance between the two sides is not far away, but only a few kilometers.

This distance is the same for Nojo as it is without distance.

"Okay, a woman is crazy about this, it's spicy enough, I like it." The blood fire **** saw Chong Rou rushed at himself, and he immediately laughed softly, his tone was very frivolous, and he slowly turned a red flame The sword, the epee in both hands, and a glance at leisure.

The power of the attack from Chong Rou was hidden, and the other party looked down upon her, meaning nothing to evade. She was so bold that she waited for work and raised her epee.

The two immortal strongmen beside him even spread out and watched the show with their arms around their chests.

Such a move undoubtedly accelerated the consequences of their demise.

"Go back to me." The blood fire prince breathed up in an instant, and a layer of burning flames came out. The flaming red sabre held in his hands was violently split with a Taishan pressure. Spreading, there are vague cracks in the surrounding space.

It shocked countless people who saw this scene.

The monarch-level strongmen definitely have the power to destroy the core of the star. Once the power cannot be maintained, the planet underneath is definitely the first to suffer, and then many ordinary practitioners will be greatly affected.

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