Plane Universe

Chapter 2131: Blast the portal easily

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Thousands of warships, two artillery cannons exposed on the upper and lower decks, and a total of twenty cannons. The cannons with a caliber of up to one thousand kilometers and as many as 20,000 cannons have scared the Jinshan Immortal Kingdom Holy Land trembling and fierce. Trembling.

The firepower that can severely wound the pinnacle fairy in one shot, ask who can be afraid!

The Holy Land of the Jinshan Immortal Kingdom is a medium-sized cosmic realm, surrounded by a large number of formations, which is sturdy and unparalleled.

It is only at this moment that there is no confidence in the Jinshan Holy Land to resist the attack of the space-time chamber of commerce chambers.

The opponent's power is too strong.

"Jinshan Xianguo Holy Land listens to the truth, and so dare to provoke my majesty repeatedly, and now come to condemn him, etc. at the order of my lord." There was an indifferent voice from the palace in the middle, It was Catherine who was shouting, "Now give Er a chance to surrender, and immediately surrender unconditionally to our space-time chamber of commerce company, so that you can also stay and stay alive. Otherwise ... Once the battle is initiated, I will wait until I want to surrender. Opportunity, choose! "

"One minute!"

"Once the countdown is over, Hugh blames me for being merciless!"

Catherine's shout made the Jinshan Holy Land a mess.

"Speaker, what should we do, the power of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, we can't resist, what happened to the heavenly court?"

Even if Tianting agreed to come forward to resolve the misunderstanding between the two parties, he could not send the strong to appear to solve it so quickly.

Bureaucracy is there.

As for surrender, they never thought about it.

Becoming a prisoner of the ranks, not only Jinshanxian's domestic interests are not guaranteed, even the person has to lose his freedom.

It might as well escape immediately.

At least there is a chance of a comeback.

"Speaker, how do you respond?"

"It's impossible to surrender. You first resist each other. I will try to contact Heaven Court to see how they respond." The Speaker said quickly: "If there is really no way, we will first withdraw and wait for the Heaven Court Messenger to come."

There is always a chance for people to die.

After shouting, the Jinshan Holy Land was quiet, only the formation outside shone brightly.

The general mystery is that it can enter into it by the shuttle of the dark universe, but it must have coordinates. The coordinates of the Holy Land of Jinshan Fairyland have been hidden, and naturally cannot be reached by the shuttle of the dark universe.

Unless brute force.

But regardless of the total amount of Europe or Catherine, they do not have that ability. They have the complete space law level to exist the hidden secret law of space, even if Cheng Buyun wants to crack it is very difficult.

After all, it is not a real power.

Cheng Buyun is strong, but he does not have the complete space law.

However, this is not a heavy soft Catherine, the coordinates of Jinshan Holy Land, they have already got their hands.

There is a master of charm like Catherine, not to mention the fairy king level, the fairy king can't stand her soul slavery.

Just disdain to bully each other by such means.

As their master said, everything is vain, and crushing is king!

With unmatched strength, he pushed the opponent horizontally.

"Very good, time is up."


When the time came, Catherine was too lazy to say anything, and immediately issued an attack order.

Thousands of warships had all their artillery spins, cracking and bombarding the seemingly incomparable formations outside the Holy Land.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Dazzling beams of light were launched from the cannons one after another. The seemingly incomparable formation was not much stronger than paper, and it penetrated as soon as it was worn.

Countless explosions are earth-shattering and violate cosmic physics.

The countless array of methods that Jinshan Xianguo has worked hard to arrange for millions of years, at this moment ... a lot has been erased.

It has no effect at all.

As soon as each beam of light exploded, a black hole appeared immediately, the space storm stirred the airflow, and a large number of items were swallowed and disappeared.

"How could this be?"

"The space is as thin as paper?"

"Why doesn't the solid formation work at all?"

The Jinsheng Holy Land screamed again and again, and the Masters of the Formation could not believe what was happening outside.

"The attack power of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce warships is too powerful, and even the peak fairy can be seriously injured, how does the solid formation work."

"It is equivalent to a peak fairy who explodes in the formation, how can the small formation resist it!"

This is correct. When the secondary gun of the battleship explodes, the power is equivalent to the self-destruction of a peak fairy, equal to the power of the most powerful fire source **** crystal.

Compressed to the ultimate energy, it also contains the power of law, or the law of fire burning and explosion, or the law of gold cutting, or the law of water freezing, or the law of wind tearing.

The most terrifying thing is that there are a lot of combination rules attack.

The annihilation attribute of time, the combination of water, wind and lightning, formed an ice storm and so on.

The bombing continued, only a few rounds, and the massive formation was eliminated, exposing the satellite fortress.

A powerful shroud with glare has risen.

But whether they can resist the attack of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce warship, no one has confidence.

"The Space-Time Chamber of Commerce hit us at tens of thousands of kilometers, and we couldn't fight back. In this way, it turned out to be very detrimental to us ... It's impossible to stop the other party's attack.

"What can we do? In these situations, who dares to go out and fight the bombardment of the battleship back in time and space?"

It is not that the Jinshan Holy Land party has not thought about the counterattack, but when they built the satellite fortress, they never expected such a result.

Besides, the defense force of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce is so powerful that even the Nine Sky God Thunder Rune can be easily resisted, and what weapon can be used to fight back?

Just wait for death!

"The defense power of the other planet's fortress is 100 million degrees, and it is not recommended to destroy it." The subordinate intelligence calculated a little and calculated the strength of the shield of the Jinshan Xianguo Satellite Fortress.

This type of shield defense requires the use of fusion attacks. At least the entire battleship including the main gun firing or up to two hundred secondary guns can be fired in order to break it.

The main gun fired once, which required trillions of dollars, just to destroy the other party's satellite fortress, there is no need for that.

"Ignore the opponent's satellite fortress and make a passage to attack inside." Catherine gave the order.

It is not necessary to destroy the satellite fortress of the other party. These will be things of one's own side in the future. Isn't it a waste if it is broken!

The battleship firepower began to extend, and soon a huge passage was opened.

Seeing that the space-time chamber of commerce would ignore the satellite fortress, the faces of all the powerful men in the Jinshan Holy Land froze.

"Damn, everyone is ready to fight."

Once the Space Time Chamber of Commerce comes in, it will have to go through the final shopping, and everyone seems very nervous.

Faced with the strength of the Space and Time Chamber of Commerce warships, who can easily get down.

The march of warships has given the Jinshan Immortal Power the unimaginable pressure.

Thousands of warships, 20,000 artillery pieces, its power is a deterrent force that can even be seriously injured by the peak fairy, all the powerful people of the Jinshan fairy country, two trembling, expression nervous.

At this moment, no one can see through the pressure between life and death.

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