Plane Universe

Chapter 2133: Angel of heaven

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The warship hit at the speed of light, the power is beyond everyone's imagination.

Imagine the consequences of a large warship hundreds of kilometers long, 30 kilometers wide and 10 kilometers high impacted at such a high speed.

More terrible than a large celestial body hitting the planet.

First of all, the palace was directly destroyed by the energy shield of the battleship. A large number of stones and other debris flew up and fired in all directions.

Then, the battleship hit the ground, and an extremely intense shock erupted. The whole earth thundered and rang directly, radiating from the impact point on all sides. In the area affected by the radiation, countless palaces and buildings collapsed in a large amount.

Everything within a few tens of thousands of kilometers has become a ruin.

Especially at the impact site, a crater with a width of more than 3,000 kilometers appeared, and the pit was deep inwards up to several thousand miles.

In such a scene, everyone's eyes jumped up and down, and with this impact power, it is estimated that the peak fairy will be extremely miserable when he is hit by a frontal impact.

Hum ~~~

There was a dull sound in the pothole. It was the roar from the energy bin when the battleship was running.

The soil on the ground rolls over, as if a monster is about to be born under the ground, countless soils are arched, like plowed fields, arched for millions of kilometers away, scaring countless powerhouses A palace flew up, looking helplessly at the stunned ground that kept coming.

Such a result was really unexpected and it made people feel helpless.


The battleship sprang from the other side of the ground and flew high into the air.

The strong man of Jinshan Holy Land looked up, and the space-time chamber of commerce warship flying high in the air was not damaged at all, let alone damaged, even the skin was not scratched a little.

No need to fight!

With the degree of impact just now, the warships of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce can withstand it. What kind of power do you want to destroy these warships?

It is estimated that at least the respectable level exists.

In terms of the strength of the Jinshan Holy Land, even if the three major speakers are afraid to let them attack, they can do nothing about the warships of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

All warships now have their heads facing down like a meteor, surging toward the palaces on the ground with awe-inspiring power.


A thousand warships were about to hit the ground, almost shocking that all the strong men of Jinshan Holy Land almost collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, what do they do to resist the 1,000 space-time chamber of commerce warships hit?

After another roar of devastation, all buildings within a few million kilometers were destroyed.

Not to mention the formation of the formation, the ground is a few layers short, and the formation is naturally ruined.

The deep pits are like monsters, and they are like gates to hell. It is shocking!

"Give you another chance to kneel and surrender." The indifferent voice resounded throughout the world. The contempt in the words meant that all the powerful people in the Jinshan Holy Land dared not to speak.

"Speaker, the space-time chamber of commerce is so strong that we simply cannot resist it."

The strength of both sides is not at the same level. For the warships of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, they can't even rise up the courage to block.

The battleship struck down with superb power and resisted?

"Speaker, shall we retreat?"

"As long as there are people, there are opportunities."

"Yeah, the origin of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce is unknown, and it is impossible for the Heavenly Court to let them inform Jinshan Fairyland."

The relatively high-ranking peak fairy monarchs also put forward the suggestions in their hearts at this moment.

They no longer have the courage to fight against the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, and the actions of the Space-Time Chamber of Warships almost scared them.

Suddenly, a huge virtual image appeared in the air, which was as high as tens of thousands of kilometers, like a giant on the shore.

The black robe, with white clouds printed on it, is very simple in style, and its head is also wearing a gray hat with long wings that extend to both sides. The style is a bit like the black gauze of an ancient official!

"Ji Yun Yuan Jun is here, we are saved."

"Great, the messenger of heaven finally arrived, haha, this time how arrogant the space-time chamber of commerce is."

At the sight of the many strong men in the Jinshan Holy Land, they immediately cheered and inexplicably rejoiced.

"Lei Ying has seen Qi Yunyuan." One of the three loudspeakers of the Jinshan Holy Land, Luo Mingkong, appeared, and quickly took everyone to bow to the giant's respect and bowed to the other's face.

The opponent's strength is not as good as him, but the opponent's identity is much more noble than him.

"I wait to see Yun Yuanjun." Others saluted respectfully.

"Everyone is exempt." The giant Qi Yunyuanjun smiled and waved his hands gently. "This time, you are well aware of the matter of your Jinshan fairy country, so the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent me over to solve both of you."

"Yes, I would like to thank the emperor for thinking about my safety." Lei Ying Shenjun looked solemn and very respectful, and then looked at the giant and said, "Please also ask Yun Yuanjun to support justice."

"Don't worry about the matters within," Qi Yunyuan said with a smile.

Catherine, Zhongrou frowned at the moment.

The Red Blood Fairy King and the Star Fairy King next to him quickly said solemnly: "Master Madam, Miss Chongrou, things are a bit bad, and Heaven's Court is involved."

"Once Heaven Court intervenes, we can no longer continue to conquer the Jinshan Immortal Kingdom, and even estimate that even attacking them will not be allowed." Red Blood Immortal King said.

"And the Jinshan Immortal Kingdom site we occupied before may well have to be spit out." The Celestial King reluctantly said: "The power of the heavenly court is too great, and the powerful people are like clouds. Once the socket is inserted and stopped, we can't resist."

For the superpower of heaven, the leader of the human immortal, Catherine naturally knows its powerful heritage.

It is undoubtedly very terrible, it is estimated to be an even stronger organizational force than the original cosmic Zerg and human races.

After all, seeing the big in the small, the powerful top-level cultivators in this universe are terrifying.

In this way, the power of heaven can be imagined!

With the power the master possesses today, it is bound to be unable to confront.

"Look at what the other person said before saying." Catherine nodded, indicating that she knew it and would be cautious.

Seeing that Catherine obeyed her opinion, the Scarlet Blood King and the Celestial King quickly nodded, very envious of the introduction: "The position of Yuan Jun is the most basic fairy position in the heaven, equivalent to the historical officials of ancient countries, according to our The argument is that the deacon level, the strength can reach the 'Xianwang' level. "

"Of course, if you want to hold Yuanjun's official position, you can't be any immortal practitioner. The status and background are very important. There is no recommendation from the strong. If you want to hold an official position in Tianting, it is more difficult than getting a spiritual treasure.

"As strong as we are, at most you can be a heaven soldier in the heavenly court, not even a general." The Red Blood Fairy King sighed.

When Chourou suddenly heard his eyes widened, the fairy king could only be the most inferior soldier?

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