Plane Universe

Chapter 2138: blockade

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Immortal repairer humans have such strong strength that they are so overwhelmed by the demonic clan that they are even more unimaginable.

The topic is a bit farther away, back to the topic.

Jinshan Holy Land.

After the previous war losses, the level of today's fairy monarchs is only about 450, and facing the huge number of warships, if confrontation is faced, it is estimated that one charge will be completed.

Obviously, the Jinshan Holy Land also knows this situation, so they are all far apart, sparsely floating in the sky, the figure keeps moving at a speed, and looks blurred.

Seeing as the master.

Isn't this eye defense?

To be honest, the fairy kings of the Jinshan Holy Land really dare not approach any warship within 100,000 kilometers at will.

The Jinshan Holy Land has great gravity, and the fairy-level flight takes about three seconds to enter the speed of light.

"This group of guys actually want to delay the time, it's ridiculous." Xiao Honghou looked disdainful, they really thought that the warship group could not take them?

And now it is the result of two dozens, two warships are responsible for each other. There is still a surplus part.

With the powerful movement power of the battleship, it can be easily killed by chasing and intercepting.

If you are not afraid of waste, within one million kilometers, any warship can kill any peak fairy king with great speed.

Twenty secondary artillery bombardments continued, and no strong man could escape such a fire net.

The enhanced Xiaohonghouhao, although the attack power is not as good as the Space Lord, but the bombardment speed is extremely fast, comparable to the machine gun, ten guns per second is not a problem.

However, once the battleship attacked with full force, the speed would be weakened, and excessive bombardment, the battleship had to stay in place within a minute, this method is not available.

In order to maintain the high speed of the battleship, the frequency of twenty secondary guns can hit at most per second.

"Little Red Queen," Catherine said suddenly. "Many strong men in the Jinshan Holy Land have collected part of their lives, and they are estimated to want to flee with their wealth."

"I saw it." The warship that Xiaohong came after, the detection system has been running for a long time, and has been monitoring several important palaces in the Jinshan Holy Land.

Every life signal disappeared on the detection instrument system, of course she knew what was going on.

"Catherine, this is yours. Don't let any strong man of Jinshan Holy Land escape. Their wealth belongs to your master, my brother." Xiao Honghou said lightly that the wealth of Jinshan Holy Land accumulated over the centuries, It must be very much.

Is there any reason for the flesh to the mouth?

"Yes, I will not let them take away the blessings, don't even want to take a cosmic crystal. Of course, you need the help of the little red queen to let some of the battleships be distributed around, so as not to miss." Catherine frowned. Pleasantly asked, said.

"Well, since you are in charge of conquering the Jinshan Fairyland this time, except for the one I came under control, the rest will be under your command." Xiao Honghou smiled with satisfaction and generously delegated authority.

"Yes, thanks to Xiaohong, Master." Catherine smiled gently and quickly issued an order through the palace system. "Battleships No. 501 to No. 1000 are all dispersed, and their respective surveillance areas cannot allow any flying chess or ships to enter. Flying at the speed of light, if a ship is lifted into the sky, it will directly crash, but do n’t even cause the space to burst, and some objects such as the space ring or world ring carried by the enemy will be shuttled away. "

The auxiliary intelligence of the 500 warships mentioned by Catherine quickly led the order, and all were dispersed, each responsible for an airspace.

The auxiliary intelligence after Xiaohong has very high performance, and the wisdom is at least the level of advanced life intelligence.

Although the wisdom is high, it can be very restrictive, and it has no potential to become a mechanical life.

After all, these intelligences are differentiated after Xiaohong, the data soul is consistent, at most it is a degree of mechanical intelligence.

To integrate the core of life into a mechanical life that can be cultivated, the rules of the universe will not allow it.

Part of the battleship group spread out and flew separately. This move surprised the Thunder King.

I thought about it for a moment, and immediately understood it. I was shocked by the soul-shaking voice and shouted: "No, the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce wants to wipe us out and **** my wealth."

The other strong men were all taken aback. In addition to some of the more important treasures carried on their bodies, other low-grade treasures and spirit stones were all placed in the family or sect, and were used by the younger generation to practice.

That is a huge sum of wealth.

"Go back quickly." Everyone was shocked, and the **** space-time chamber of commerce actually stared at the wealth that he and others had struggled for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, the battleship group also moved at this time. Hundreds of battleships approached at a very fast speed, and began to take charge of an immortal strongman with one.


The palace is also descending towards the ground.

Everything is clear.

With a swish, Zhongrou flew out, and then dozens of warships next to her immediately joined forces to show her the ability to jump and sent her to the ground.

The silver brilliance spreads to the surrounding void, and the silver brilliance penetrates into the void, intertwined like a chain in all parts of the void, and then slowly disappears.

"Damn ... It's a space blockade, and it's still such a large area!" Lei Ying Shenjun shuddered.

Hundreds of warships stared at them instead of chasing them, but descended quickly, monitoring around the outer space blockade.

No matter how they move, one battleship always follows the flight.

"How is this good?" A group of people were almost mad by the actions of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce. They should not regret it at the beginning. Why not let others leave with wealth early?

I want to leave late now!

Some immortal kings try to release flying treasures or ships on their bodies and order them to break through.

The overwhelming number of ships took off, and some fairy kings were ready to touch the fish in muddy water. Only the warships of the Chamber of Commerce at that time were treated by fools.

In a certain palace, there are even some god-cultivators who performed the teleportation of the kingdom of gods.

It's just that ... the phantom light of the Kingdom of God has just arrived, and above the sky there is a secondary gun of a warship rotating to point to.


The beam of light flashed away, causing frictional airflow. The beam of light was bombarded, and the entire palace was immediately vaporized. A large number of life within it withstood such a powerful attack, and was also annihilated by the power of the beam of light.

A giant mushroom cloud covering tens of thousands of kilometers rises, a shock wave visible to the naked eye quickly spreads to the surroundings, and a large deep hole appears in the place bombarded by the beam of light, all the buildings in the range of hundreds of thousands of kilometers Whether it is a palace, a manor, or a hidden life nearby, all have been greatly affected.

If you are lucky, you can leave a corpse. If you are unlucky, you do n’t even have a body.

The secondary artillery power of the battleship is Fengfeng Peak Class, which means that the Jinshan Holy Land is a cosmic mystery. The land and other materials are relatively hard and thick enough.

If an ordinary life planet suffers such a blow, it does not need the light beam to penetrate in the past, it will blow up directly.

Its power is even more terrible than the peak of the king.

PS: Replying to eating Mimi Bookworm Book Friends, it's almost time. With this plot to occupy a place in the main universe heaven, and then get a higher view idea, the breakthrough will be logical.

To mention one more thing, it is useful to look at ideas, not only for the protagonist, but also for other people, such as the Chaotic City Lord!

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