Plane Universe

Chapter 2145: The result is satisfactory

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Promise to give Yunxiao Zhenjun the enhanced Xiaohong manufacturing method, not that Cheng Buyun deceived the former.

It was Cheng Buyun's sincere consent.

Since the opponent wanted it, he gave it, and he was not afraid of the opponent's strength.

Even if Yunxiao Zhenjun really does not agree with the attack, due to the ability of the warship group, it can well delay for a while and wait for the gluttonous to come.

Although the loss will be great during the delay, Cheng Buyun can afford it.

But since he could solve it without hitting, he agreed.

If you want to make the enhanced Xiaohonghouhao, the price is not easy.

The cost price is definitely not as low as one trillion yuan.

In the end, you will find that it is not cheap to buy from him.

The materials used on the battleship are not counted, and the prices of precious metals and other resources have not changed much. The most important thing is the secret pattern technology used, which is engraved.

At the same time that the great mysterious texture technology gave the battleship super performance, there are also various magical features, such as space blockage, jump, gravity confinement and so on.

Before answering the method of manufacturing the warship of the other side, Cheng Buyun asked about this aspect of space and time. He said that the manufacturing cost of the enhanced Xiaohonghou, in terms of the primitive universe human group, was at least 300 billion to 5 million Between the elements.

The main reason is that the cost of secret marking is too high.

Achievements in the knowledge of secret patterns are high enough to engrave secret patterns for battleships, it is better to refine heavy treasures.

With the primitive universe, human races all need such expensive costs, the main universe, hehe!

Cheng Buyun is not optimistic anyway.

So the method of making a battleship is given, and a lot of meat.

Here, everything has a price. Except for the people he valued, whether it is a treasure or a warship, as long as you can afford it.

Although dragged away!


As if seeing Yun Xiaozhen's amazement, Catherine smiled slightly and said generously: "Your Excellency can be relieved, since we have agreed to your request, we will never deceive you."

Yun Xiao Zhenjun saw that the thoughts in his heart had been guessed. Old and spicy, like a flash of embarrassment flashed on his face, he laughed a few times.

After thinking about it, I made my own request again, "Although, but for the sake of our two sides not to blame in this respect in the future, I think you will need to transfer some of the existing space battleships and give them as templates.

With the actual space warship as a template, regardless of whether the Space and Time Chamber of Commerce promised to make its own space warship manufacturing method is true or false, if you have a template for careful comparison, you will know at a glance!

Hearing his request, Cheng Buyun gave a weird smile, and after thinking about it, he notified Catherine to answer the request of the responding party, but the number should not be excessive, up to ten ships.

The cost of the enhanced Xiaohonghouhao is hundreds of billions of dollars.

Ten ships are equivalent to the price of fifty heavy treasures.

Although equivalent to the value of five treasures, a battleship does not equal five treasures.

The Hunyuan thing, but it is not linked to the universe crystal or spirit stone, is not important in the eyes of the strong.

Hunyuan is absolutely impossible to buy treasures at the treasure level.

Unless you outgrow the value of Chongbao itself.

Otherwise ... play by yourself.

"Okay, I agree." Catherine nodded generously again, then paused and said: "However, because the warship is more expensive to manufacture, I will give you up to five ships."

"Five ships?"

Yun Xiaozheng is silent, and the price of Catherine's words is expensive to manufacture. He also knows clearly in his heart that he also believes that the manufacturing price of such a powerful space warship will be low.

After thinking about it, I agreed.

After all, Catherine said that she could only give five ships. Even if she wasted her tongue, she would only increase the number of ships.

In his identity, he cannot always negotiate like a trafficker. Isn't that a loss of identity?

Not much, but also a waste of energy!

Since it is a model, there are already quite a few.

As soon as the two sides agreed on the result, the atmosphere was completely different immediately, and there was no previous tension.

The Space and Time Chamber of Commerce first lifted the space blockade to show its sincerity.

Then Yunxiao Zhenjun also smiled, dissipated the power of space imprisonment, and made countless warriors feel the heavy pressure on his body, and the body resumed all actions.

The space-time chamber of commerce seems to have a large number of parties, and there are also many battleships. However, it can be compared with Yunxiao Zhenjun, and the actual combat power is far from the world.

Catherine had to fight against it, but she had to run for at most 100 rounds.

There is basically no possibility to contend.

If the opponent has the greatest attack, it is estimated to have to run in three rounds.

It can almost be said to be a touch!


I had already made preparations for major losses. I didn't expect it to be settled successfully in the end. Cheng Buyun also showed a little smile.

While the other party strikes easily, looking at his own strength, he should have other concerns.

What exactly was the concern, Cheng Buyun could not guess.

At most, it is estimated that they worry about other spiritual practitioners.

Although the god-cultivator is weak today, he should have a place in the heavenly court.

In a complete palace, Catherine received Yun Xiaozheng.

Yun Xiao Zhenjun also smiled at the moment. Although the two parties had misunderstood beforehand, he lost a lot of his subordinates, almost making him unable to explain to Heaven.

But now, he has no worries about this.

After obtaining the manufacturing method of space warships of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, you can explain to Heavenly Court, not to mention blaming yourself for the loss of soldiers and horses, and Heavenly Court has to reward yourself!

"Your Excellency, my name is Catherine, the Queen Mother of God, I do not know how you call it?" Catherine asked with a friendly smile, showing her charm, the smile was calm and gentle like water, and she was extraordinary.

"Mother Emperor Goddess."

The hostility is no longer there. While Yun Yunzhen appreciates the charm of Catherine, a happy mood emerges in her heart, and she returns to a ceremony to introduce herself and said: "Slow, I haven't used my real name for a long time, Xianhao Yunxiao."

"Yun Xiaoxian Zun." Catherine nodded and shouted to show her respect.

Generally, the strong get along for the first time, they must call each other's title and rank.

How to get along in the future will be according to the wishes of both parties.

Hearing Catherine calling herself Yunxian Xianzun, Yunxiao Zhenjun did not correct it.

The true monarch is different from the ordinary immortal venerable strongman. The identity of the true monarch is a blessing from heaven, affirming his strength and higher status than the immortal venerable.

It is equal to the title of king of the original universe.

After all, there are many immortal venerables, and everyone who reaches their strength is immortal venerable, but not the title of true monarch.

Requires the court to bless it to show its identity and make it stand out from the crowd!

In the original universe, there is no actual title for the Venerable Hierarchy. All of them are called Venerable. Cheng Buyun has never heard anyone's title different.

Venerable Nine Swords, Venerable Lan Yu, even as strong as the Tree Demon Venerable, the top level of the universe overlord, others are still called Venerable.

The reason why the celestial eclipse palace is called the palace lord is because it sits in the eclipse palace and monitors the world of blood Luo for trillion years, so it got this gangster!

Generally speaking, His Holiness rarely makes the title of independence and arbitrariness for himself, but it is just a joke.

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