Plane Universe

Chapter 2166: Prepare to go to Tiangong

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In this way, the title of tree emperor was determined.

Upon hearing this title, Yun Xiao Zhenjun secretly nodded his approval. The 300 million-kilometer-long tree, called the emperor, is no exaggeration.

He had been fortunate to have seen the first root tree, which was only tens of millions of kilometers, far inferior to the one in front of him.

And the tree emperor in front of him, but still the level of immortal gods.

Once it breaks through again in the future and becomes a noble level of God, it is estimated that it will grow a lot.

Although the strength shown by the tree emperor is the peak breath of the deity, but he saw the tree emperor's breakthrough from the world master.

The top congenital spirit roots are really outrageous.

Once a breakthrough, immediately comparable to the pinnacle level of God.

As far as his vision is concerned, there are few innate spirit roots in the heavenly court.

"Okay, let's talk slowly, I just broke through, and I have something to deal with." World Tree said lightly.

"Go!" Cheng Buyun nodded.

Yun Xiao Zhenjun also knew very well what the tree emperor was going to do.

Immortal god-man, the kingdom of God is a very important thing. A god-man without the kingdom of God can't exert half of its own strength in its play of strength.

And ... once the kingdom of God is destroyed, the god-man will not fall because of it, and the strength will not improve anymore.

Even if suicide resurrects the strong, it is impossible to repair the annihilated Kingdom of God and restore the Kingdom of God!

What the saint cannot do.

Only the Holy Lord took action to reverse time and space and bring back his kingdom from the river of time!

The ground swayed slightly, and a large amount of mud tumbling caused a strong sense of vibration around the ground. The next moment ... Poof! puff! puff!

The roots were pulled out of the soil like dragons. Everyone looked closely and saw that a huge pile of pale blue fibrous roots appeared in the huge mound.

The thickness of the fibrous roots that are not fully exposed is very alarming. According to the partial exposure, the diameter is at least tens of thousands of kilometers or more.

When countless fibrous roots wriggled on the ground like a dragon out of the soil, almost everyone they saw took a breath.

One by one is about ten thousand kilometers in diameter and millions of kilometers long fibrous roots. The blue-colored fibrous roots creep like a python dragon, which makes the scalp look numb!


"I'm gone." An indifferent figure rang in everyone's ears.

"and many more."

Cheng Buyun hurriedly opened his mouth, waiting for everyone to doubt, he continued: "Come a few fruits to taste."

The branches and leaves of some trees in the world swayed, and I saw a lot of fruits detached from the branches of the body, and then gently floated on top of Cheng Buyun's head, covering the entire sky.

There are really a lot of fruits in this pile, and it is estimated that they are at least about one million.

So generous!


The huge world tree disappeared in place, and the amazing coercion immediately disappeared, making many people feel relaxed for a while.

Yun Xiao Zhenjun also sighed with relief, facing the huge giant tree, the pressure is really great.

"Come, Yunxiao, try the taste of this fruit." Cheng Buyun grabbed a fruit and threw it to Yunxiao Zhenjun, and then waved to collect a lot of fruit.

On the other side, Xiaohong has already gnawed away, holding a jadeite fruit in his hand and gnawed.

Yun Xiao Zhenjun looked at the emerald fruit in his hand, which was crystal clear and had a lot of life breath spreading. The smell was very strong and it made people feel comfortable.

"Snail, let's get up." Cheng Buyun called out to the **** king who was still crawling on the ground.

Yun Xiao Zhenjun also said mildly: "Since it is the Lord of Time and Space calling you up, stop kneeling."

When Luo Zhu heard it, he quickly stood up and sorted out his appearance a little, and then the impassioned courtesy of Chao Chengbuyun said: "I have seen Master Time and Space."

"Well, the visitor is a guest, you also try it." Cheng Buyun said, the sound made people feel like a spring breeze, and tossed a fruit to the snail.

The so-called see has a share!

Cheng Buyun's character is mellow and will not be underestimated because of the low status of the other party. In his eyes, all beings are equal.

As long as he is not an enemy, he will not face coldly.

"I have a share too?"

Luo Zhu exclaimed and took the fruit subconsciously. When the fruit was held in his hand, he only had a dull expression on his face.

This fruit is not simple, after all, it is out of the innate spirit roots. You can't smell it unless you taste it.

Only at this moment, he actually got such a precious fruit?


The fruit was held in his hand, and a burst of fragrance fluttered between his nostrils.

Consciousness fell into a trance.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several figures quickly fell from the sky, but five people including Zhongrou, gluttony, and Catherine arrived.

Zhongrou, Red Blood, and Star Killing will not teleport, so they are brought by gluttony and Catherine.

The gluttony was very rude, grabbing the collars of Chixue and Tianxing, carrying one in each hand, and looked like Bu Yun shook his head straight.

Gluttonously smiled, loosened the collars of the two and said, "These two guys are not squeezing things, they are too slow to die, so I will help them."

Xiaohong laughed when she pouted.

Yunxiao Zhenjun's mouth cramps, is there such a help?

If you are being carried like this, you would rather die!

Chi Xue and Tian Xing were bitter, and dared not to speak.

No, anger only dares to be angry in the heart. Thank you for the smile on the surface. They do n’t want to be hated by gluttony. By then, I really do n’t know how to end it!

"the host!"

Zhong Rou, Catherine fell back, and then said hello to Yun Xiao Zhenjun, "Your Excellency Yun Xiao."

Zhongrou's attitude is neither humble nor overbearing, but she owes her lower body slightly to show respect.

Yun Xiao Zhenjun didn't feel insulted, smiled right, and asked about Chourou's name.

After all, on such occasions, since Cheng Buyun can shout, it must be a very important person, of course, he will not be neglected or high.

At the stone table, Cheng Buyun and Yun Xiaozheng were seated, tasting the fruit of life, and Zhongrou and others beside him also ate it.

Gluttonously stuffed the fruit of life into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, said: "Master, give me a few more chants, and I didn't taste anything."

"Just eat it." Cheng Buyun is dumb, the fruit of life is just for the glutton, but it is only an appetite and has little effect.

"The taste is really good, it is a superb fruit, and the most amazing thing is that this fruit can slightly enhance the slight wood training talent of the eater. It is really a rare treasure." Yun Xiao Zhenjun also said with admiration after tasting .

After tasting the fruit of life, Yun Xiao Zhenjun immediately expressed his intentions, "Hours and Space, there is still a month to go to the Tiangong Dharma Meeting. Let us arrange and let us go!"

"Well, I don't have anything to arrange, I can go at any time."

Cheng Buyun nodded his head, which was also mentioned in the heavenly book he replied in Zhongtian Temple. He was asked to take up the post in the palace during this dynasty meeting and marked the location of the heavenly palace.

After explaining a few words to Catherine and others, Cheng Buyun said: "Okay, let's go, I have long wanted to see Tiangong."

"Do you not bring some guards?" Yun Xiao Zhenjun looked at it and quickly reminded: "Some people in Tiangong are not friendly, especially for the god-cultivators. Although they will not shoot indiscriminately, the insults in language will certainly not be less, so ... I think at least I have to take the gluttonous God Emperor. With him by his side, no one will fling at you. "

"Yes, master, take me to chant." Gourmet cried out pleadingly.

"No." Cheng Buyun shook his head and said with a smile: "I just want to see the majesty of the Immortal Cultivator."

Yun Xiao Zhenjun was helpless and wanted to persuade a few more words, but he was unable to speak after opening his mouth a few times.

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