Plane Universe

Chapter 2174: Once angry, it ’s no small matter

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Xiaohong was hacked with a sword, not to mention the annihilation of his body, and he didn't even leave any injuries. A sudden exclaimation rang out loudly, and many strong people's surprised voice came out, almost all of them were subconscious Way of transmission.

"The sword of Heavenly Sword Sovereign hasn't even been able to leave a stamp, incredible!"

"What kind of material is this puppet made of? How can it be so resistant!"

"God, so hard to withstand a sword attack that can even be hit by ordinary Immortal Venerable levels!"

Yunxiao Zhenjun, who was in the middle of the road, was also surprised, and had to stop. He looked at what was happening in amazement, his expression full of disbelief.

He could hardly believe that a common puppet had such a mighty power, and his defense was stronger than he expected.

"How could this be?" The middle-aged man, Tianjian Xianzun, was stupid. He looked at Xiaohong with a stunned face and was concentrated on the chest by Jianguang.

Wherever it is intact, even the paint on the armor is not removed.

But the little white hand behind Xiaohong didn't stop, and it had already reached the top of his head. The middle-aged man immediately reacted, and his body wanted to retreat.

But under these circumstances, it is too late to try to leave Xiaohong's magic palm.

Xiao Hong ’s attack speed cannot even be completely evaded by the Lord of the Universe, not to mention a strong level of the Supreme Universe Venerable!

If he escaped by him, Xiaohong would no longer need to be a man.

No ... there is no need to do mechanical life.

Almost ... the next moment, Xiaobai's hand behind Xiaohong grabbed the middle-aged man's hair, making the following scene a little funny.

Because the middle-aged man's body retreated suddenly, but he was caught by Xiaohong's hair again, so his lower body floated, but his head could not leave the place, and he felt the hair tightened, and immediately knew that he was caught by Xiaohong, Suddenly, his eyes filled with a face of shame, and the subconscious shouted angrily: "Come on, let me go!"

A large number of powerful people around widened their eyes and watched the scene in disbelief. Someone raised their hands subconsciously and rubbed their eyes.

Xiaohong didn't answer the middle-aged man's scolding at all, his small face expression was tense, and then his right hand moved upward, said indifferently: "What did you just yell at my brother just now? I didn't hear it, please tell me again!"

As for Xiaohong's only 1 meter 3, how did he lift and raise an adult man.

Simple, Xiaohong's feet did not stand on the ground at all, but floated in the air at a height of one meter, so he easily lifted the other party.

The whole scene is very weird!

"Let me go." The middle-aged man was lifted up by Xiaohong and lifted up. His heart was ashamed. He dared not look around and looked at his own eyes. The shame burned the entire soul and almost lost his reason.

If he didn't think about it, he took out a sword.



Xiao Hong's right hand immediately shook, and the middle-aged man was thrown by her like a windmill, and a large number of spaces around it cracked and cracked numerous cracks.

Broken like a mirror.

The middle-aged man was shaken so violently by Xiaohong, as if he was throwing a stick, he couldn't stand the moment, and the whole person was suddenly thrown into a mess, turning dizzy and wondering where he was.


Being shaken vigorously by someone's hair, even the body of Immortal Venerable, I am afraid the situation will not be too good.

Regardless of the strength of a large number of Immortal Venerable Powers, it is all dumbfounded at the moment.

After staring at Xiaohong in horror, his faces were filled with unbelievable colors.

Although the strength of Celestial Sword Sovereign is not superior, it is definitely not weak. It is at a higher level in the level of senior Sage Sovereign. The actual combat power is a little bit stronger than that of True Master Yun Xiao.

But even so, it was actually thrown hard in the hands of people, so there is no power to fight back ... let alone fight back, after Xiaohong, the hand is as weak as a baby!


What level of power?

It can make a senior Immortal Venerable as a child, let it be rounded and flattened, such a strength ... hiss!

The scene was quiet.

Everyone is silent.

He shut his mouth tightly, as if afraid of causing the red demon to notice the demon.

In particular, a group of radicals who cultivated immortals, their faces turned wild one by one, and they no longer knew what to do.

"Did you know where you are?" Xiaohong then lifted Tianjian and threw it for a while, then stopped and raised again, Xiao Xiao asked, looking slightly coldly at the latter.

It was only at this moment that Heavenly Sword Immortal Venerable was completely veiled. He was just thrown away by Xiao Hong after a while, which was very uncomfortable, even if the level was up to Advanced Immortal Venerable and his body was extremely arrogant.

But in the high-speed sway, the direction is constantly changing, and it is very fierce. The powerful pressure shock has changed the general strong and it is estimated that it has long since fallen apart.

In other words, the strength of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Venerable can withstand.

At high speed, the oppressive force is unimaginable.

And it is not a straight line movement, but a repetitive movement at the speed of light within a short circle of less than one meter for tens of seconds, hiss!

Not dead, it's already Xiaohong's hand!

Seven meats and eight primes, Heavenly Sword Immortal Zun's face was dull, and he couldn't recover.

After being quiet for two seconds, he finally recovered, and after looking at Xiaohong in horror, he could hardly believe the insult he had suffered. An old face became pig liver, and then he opened a pair of grudges. In the eyes, he looked at Cheng Buyun.

"Oh, in this situation, you still dare to take revenge. It's not that I said you. Even if you are given another 10 billion years, you will not be able to find this place." Xiaohong saw the hatred in the eyes of Tianjian Xianzun, and immediately Sneered a few times. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, with this look of this guy, he would certainly not let go, but death sins are exempt, living sins are inescapable, and provoking the majesty of 'Big Brother' over and over again, how easily can he forgive? "Okay, let's get back to the topic."

No one dared to speak out in the audience. The power shown by Xiaohong was too domineering. Anyone who wanted to show some limelight should consider the consequences.

After all, the situation is unknown.

If Cheng Buyun's weak strength can naturally suppress sarcasm, but at this moment, Cheng Buyun has shown the deterrent force it should have, then ... the strong men present should consider it, and the situation is big, and it is not good for anyone.

So ... Ren Chengbuyun played.

Just don't overdo it!

"So, what did you shout to my brother just now? Well, I didn't hear it, please say it again!" Xiao Honghou smiled and asked again, but anyone could see the indifference under her smile and the disdain in her eyes. .

It was a kind of indifference and disdain deep into the bones.

Obviously, the status of a senior immortal lord seems to be in the level of influx in her eyes.

With such a look, many people wondered what kind of background Cheng Buyun was, and Xiao Hou was another level of puppet.

Tian Jian Xianzun didn't answer, but closed her eyes. The calm voice rang softly, "Nothing to say."

But he didn't say anything more radical to stimulate Cheng Buyun or Xiaohong, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, they must recognize it if they were weak.

This truth is true everywhere!

In this world, big fists talk!

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