Plane Universe

Chapter 2176: Unbelievable

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Everyone expressed respect, and Cheng Buyun immediately moved in his heart, quasi-saint?

Even the quasi-holy came to join, okay!

But what if the quasi-holy came?

Cheng Buyun was not afraid.

Everyone bowed their salutes, and only Cheng Buyun didn't move, which seemed very abrupt.

Always paying attention to Cheng Buyun ’s True Master Yun Xiao, he was immediately frightened and quickly heard the voice to remind him: “Teacher, Zhun Sheng ’s position in the heavenly court is very high. You ca n’t be neglected, and ask the teacher to be patient.

Due to the tension, Yun Xiao Zhenjun forgot to address the question, subconsciously shouted the word teacher.

But this sounded in Cheng Buyun's ear, but nodded secretly.

It can also be seen from this move that Yun Xiao Zhenjun has always kept in mind the grace he gave.

Very good, it is worth continuing to work hard in the future.

Yun Xiao ’s understanding is still very good, but what he lacks is opportunity and resources. It should not be too difficult to spend a little effort to upgrade him to a quasi-holy level.

As for the main level of the universe, that is because there is no accumulation of resources. You can only look at opportunities and look at your own efforts.

There are a few people who can cultivate to the level of high-level immortal venerable people!

Especially for characters such as Yun Xiao, everything can only rely on his own hard work, and he can more clearly see the effort he has spent.

"Don't worry, the details of the teacher, you only see the tip of the iceberg now, look slowly." Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, and at this moment, he recognized the disciple Yunzhen Zhenjun.

Do n’t think that Cheng Buyun is arrogant. With his current level of strength, there is potential. It would be a great blessing or even a gift for a senior fairy to join him as a child.

What Yun Xiao Zhenjun lacks is what Cheng Buyun can give.

Such as secret law guidance.

He has listened to Cheng Buyun for months and months, learning the secret pattern knowledge, and accumulating it for a long time. After he has achieved something, even if the state cannot grow, it is estimated that the secret method can compete with the quasi-Saint.

The overlord of the universe is studying the ultimate secret, thinking that anyone can realize it?

As long as he learns the cost of Cheng Buyun's two or three things, Yun Xiaozheng's strength can advance by leaps and bounds.

"Teacher ..." Yun Xiao murmured, and he was very surprised. Although it was a little embarrassing to worship a world master for the teacher, in order to be able to learn the knowledge of the deep and deep universe secret patterns, this little embarrassment is nothing.

It is a turning point at this stage and a future for myself.

Almost instantaneously, Yun Xiao Zhen Jun thought about it and even happily responded, "Thank you teacher, wait for your children to find a good day, find some friends to testify, and then officially enter the teacher's door wall."

Apprenticeship is a sacred thing and must not be taken lightly.

Cheng Buyun smiled, he didn't care about these face projects, just a teacher, it was so troublesome.

When I thought about it, when he went to the Chaos teacher, he just knocked his head, and the witnesses were all second disciples.


Cuiyun Lake.

Xingheng Zhunsheng belt suddenly appeared in a powerful coercion, directly coercing the audience, he first glanced into Cheng Buyun and Xiaohong, after a few glances, the undisguised disdain and hostility in his eyes made Cheng Buyun frown, With a sneer in my heart, an immortal who has stepped into the ranks of the holy ranks has shown contempt for the god-cultivator on this occasion, showing that the force of the god-cultivator suppresses the god-cultivator.

Xiaohong was also glaring, provocative, full of meaning, obviously saying, what?

Look at you again!

For such a person, she will not give face at all.

What is it, a broken quasi-saint, who will show it to!

In other words, Xingheng Zhunsheng didn't say anything, otherwise Xiaohong would definitely be so angry that he couldn't step down.


Xingheng Zhunsheng made a mockery from his nose, and after ignoring Cheng Buyun and Xiaohong, his sight fell on the side of the Immortal Cultivator, and then the indifferent voice came out, "A bunch of waste, all faces Lost to you. "

With such insults, a group of Xianzun's faces were flushed, and their hearts were very annoyed. They said it was easy. Tianjian Xianzun couldn't stand the punch of the other side and was seriously injured and dying. Dare to go?

"It sounds like you are very patient." Xiaohong couldn't help but stumbled when she saw this guy's stink.

Suddenly, Xingheng Zhunsheng turned his head, and his expression was extremely gloomy. A pair of sharp eyes stared coldly at Xiaohong, and the heavy momentum madly oppressed the past as a beast that was chosen by others.

The violent heavy pressure came over, and Xiaohong didn't care, ignoring Xingheng's momentum, but Yun Xiao Zhenjun a few meters behind him was tight, his forehead exuded a layer of fine sweat, and his eyes were blinking. He didn't dare to blink at Xingheng Zhunsheng, as if afraid of the latter's sudden hands.

"A little skill, I can even ignore my strong momentum." Xingheng Zhunsheng looked at Xiaohong's ease and was a little surprised.

"What's the use of this kind of momentum? Get some real." Xiaohong sneered. Since he is not a friend, it is an enemy.

Immortal practitioners are really a bit too much. Cheng Buyun is only a first-class rookie, and he has just joined Heavenly Court and is the first time to come to Heavenly Palace. He made such a scene.

Suppression and squeeze also have a degree.

Now even the quasi-san is participating

So at the moment Cheng Buyun's heart was disappointed with heaven.

This is not how to fight for power.

There are powerful threats outside, and instability inside. All sorts of exclusion and contempt are simply incredible.

"A little ..." Xingheng Zhunsheng sneered, but said that he stopped halfway down, as if he had awakened. After ignoring Xiaohong, his eyes fell on Cheng Buyun. The expression said indifferently: "You are the Cheng Buyun who wants to be a shepherd in the Northern Territory?"

"What about it?" Cheng Buyun replied unkindly.

For these guys, he has lost his favor, it is really the group of immortal practitioners that made him unable to mention any favor.

What did you do?

For a newly joined strong man in the heavenly court, let's not say welcome, but he still suppresses, puts the dragon gate array, gives off Ma Wei, and treats like this?

No wonder the Buddha repairers will break away from the human fairyland and start afresh, or even be hostile to the fairy repairers.

TANIMA is rotten.

Fighting for power, various calculations, and then comparing the original universe, Cheng Buyun's heart is galloping, and hundreds of millions of beasts and grass mud horses are roaring past!

Seeing the scenes, he really didn't understand, are all the high-level cultivators all stupid?

Can't see the huge hidden danger?

For today's case.

The conflict between the god-cultivator and the god-cultivator is already on the bright side.

The two sides were even in full view, slamming the ring and scolding each other, trying their best to dig up other people's stains to attack.

If this continues for a long time, the accumulated hatred is absolutely difficult to scrub.

Behavior on both sides ...

If placed in the primitive universe, humanity is an incredible thing.

In the primitive universe, no matter which class, immortal gods, landlords, or venerable universes will do. Even if there is a great hatred, neither side will definitely put it on the bright side to conflict.

How no one is secretly in the dark, even if the attack is sneaky, the Human Alliance will not pursue it.

Of course, don't leave evidence.

Simple things without leaving evidence.

Make a difference, don't use your life skills, don't take out eye-catching treasures, almost everything will be lost.

Unable to check.

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