Plane Universe

Chapter 2179: Terrorizing defense that makes people soft

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A crisp metal sound sounded, Jian Guangwei could disperse, everyone quickly looked at it, Xiao Honghou stood sneeringly, standing still without moving, and looked at Xingheng Zhuansheng with contempt. The little hand flicked at the little breast that was under attack, mockingly said, "I don't have any strength at all, have you been breastfeeding?"


Your mouth is really spicy.

Xingheng Zhunsheng's extremely surprised face, after hearing Xiaohong's words, the whole face was twisted, his anger suddenly rose, and almost lost his reason.

Xiaohong's mouth is poisonous, and three or two sentences make people unable to vent the evil fire.

Scolding people, the earth is professional.

How can these cultivators Xingheng Zhunsheng be opponents!

Whoever could bear the sudden rude words of a city that I had never experienced in my life? Absolutely one Buddha appeared, two Buddhas ascended to heaven, three Buddhas were born, the three corpse gods could not jump.

Cultivation without care can't endure even the strongest state of mind in this situation.

Even if it is better than Cheng Buyun, if someone is so abused, he must be angry immediately.

Any life is full of seven emotions and six desires, and no response when someone is pointing at his nose, it is no longer a human, but a universal rule!

"Ahhh ~~" Xingheng's quasi-holy anger was skyrocketing, and the body's sword shadow appeared to cover. The power of the law was spreading and spreading.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Immortal Venerable, Immortal Venerable, and other powerful people suddenly retreated, leaving this place that will soon become the battlefield.

The quasi-holy level strongmen, once angry, can't resist the attack power.


A majestic bald man about three meters tall appeared directly in front of Xingheng Zhunsheng. He was just one of the dozen or so divine emperors in the previously unnamed palace named Jingang.

"The King Kong King is here. It's great. Look at how brutal they are this time."

As soon as the bald man arrived, the gods shouted with surprise.

"It's you, King Kong?"

Xingheng quasi-holy anger said, "Do you want to stop me?"

"It's not that I want to stop you, but that you are too much, and you are in a quasi-holy body, but come to intervene in such small things, and make a point of your face!" The bald man King Kong sneered and did not give any face, but deliberately mocked: " What's the matter, if you can't say anything, just ask for a face? The face of the Immortal Cultivator is a shame for someone like you. It's really right to put a sentence on you, the best in scum! "

"There is only the wrong name. There is absolutely no wrong title." The bald man, King Kong, nodded his head in agreement, as if what he said made sense.

"You, **** thing." Xingheng Zhunsheng was incredibly furious, but he had to endure it. The strength of the bald man King Kong, he knew very well that he could not be defeated with his own strength, "Are you deliberately looking for something, right? I told You, I accompany! "

"Come down on you, you asked for this." The bald man King Kong sneered and said, "You are the one who changed me, and I haven't stood here since long ago."

Xingheng Zhunsheng gritted his teeth. Since the bald man King Kong had already appeared, he lost his face today. He also knew that he would not be able to get it back. He snorted and was about to leave.

"Wait." Xiaohong Houlian said unhappy, "You let go."

The bald man was surprised. After turning around to look at Xiaohong, he questioned and said to himself: "Are you talking to me? Do you want me to let go?"

He kindly came out to help, but he didn't appreciate it. He couldn't help raising his eyes to Cheng Buyun, who was still floating in the air.

Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded, then greeted Yunxiao Zhenjun, "Yunxiao, let's give it a bit."

Obviously, this matter is not finished.

Everyone was shocked, all showing a look of surprise.

Yun Xiao Zhenjun naturally understood the meaning of Cheng Buyun's words and secretly swallowed saliva, remembering what the teacher had told him just now, and what was revealed in front of his eyes was just the tip of the iceberg.


Xiaohong raised her hand and pointed to Xingheng Zhunsheng: "This **** even chopped me with a sword. Let him leave like this. I'm not at a loss. I don't want to kick him and **** off today. You really think my brother is bullying. , You give me a break, I want to beat him hard. "

"Please, please, please, please." The bald man quickly opened his body when he heard it, and said with a smile: ‘I am looking forward to what happens next, and hope that we will not be disappointed. ’

"Crazy, I'll see, what can you do to say this." Xingheng Zhunsheng sneered, just to find the face that fell.


Xiaohong was too lazy to tremble and drank to kill. The body moved.

However, not all strength is revealed, and the speed of the outbreak is average.

"Go to hell."

Xingheng Zhunsheng will naturally not be polite. The sword in his right hand is lifted up, and the shadows of the sky are condensed and combined. A large number of laws of power quickly merge into the sword in his hand. Intersection, powerful power has not been exhibited, has caused space vibration.

The breath of the law exuded from it, and the power of the law circling on the sword, judging by the faintly rotating sword shadows, Xingheng Zhunsheng is obviously the principle of gold and air, and the artistic conception is kendo.

The state of the golden sky rule has reached an extreme. The rule combination is at least a small state, and the kendo is more powerful.

A sword swept out, and the space shattered as much as it was crushed by a train.

In terms of power, it is even better than the Mahjong Venerable, the zerg universe overlord Cheng Buyun has encountered.

The laws of the two are similar, but in terms of artistic conception, Xingheng is much stronger.

"Huh, this guy is really shameless, and he used his tricks as soon as he shot, really shameless!" The bald man King Kong sneered immediately.

"A strong sword."

Yun Xiao Zhenjun was secretly shocked, so powerful attack, within ten strokes, he immediately had to run.

Cheng Buyun Lian sneered and said, "The so-called mahjong is very ordinary, and the mysterious power is also the ordinary quasi-saint level. It is not much more powerful. The current power is just that Kendo has played a huge role in it."

"That's also very powerful. It's difficult for the quasi-saint-level mystery to be researched. Before I met the teacher, I realized that the researched mystery was put in the high-level immortal statue, which can only be regarded as justifiable." Yunxiao Zhenjun Said.

"Study slowly in the future, you will have it, even stronger than him." Cheng Buyun even comforted, Yun Xiao Zhenjun just did not have a good teacher.

It is very rare to be able to rely on one's own insight into the high-level Immortal Venerable Hierarchy.

The sword light roared, the attack of the inner silver and the outer gold condensed by the power of the law flashed away, oh! The space passed by was cut like tofu, and a small sound blasted on Xiaohong ’s body. After hitting Xiaohong ’s body, the body was directly swayed, and the body was slightly shaken. Directly fragmented, a series of cracks quickly spread to the distance and extended to hundreds of kilometers away, showing the powerful power of this blow.

Suddenly, I heard a sneer resounding through the sky, "Weak, too weak, I said you didn't eat milk!"


The bald man Vajra himself was still a little worried, but he immediately laughed arrogantly under the word. The laughter was so harsh that he could not affect Xingheng Zhunsheng.

He is now ignorant, this blow has been exerted as much as possible, except that he did not burn immortal power and did not use Vondan, he can be said to be all his means.

Xiao Hong did not shirk and took the trick. Afterwards, there were no scars on his body, which made him scared.

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