Plane Universe

Chapter 2191: The position of the state animal husbandry

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On the left and right sides are the emperors.

Naturally, the stronger the strength, the farther back the seats are arranged in a figure eight.

However, Cheng Buyun's eyes did not dare to look at random. Naturally, the appearance of these powerful men must be unclear. His eyelids drooped, and his eyes only looked at the ground slightly.

At this critical moment, he could not be caught by the braid and accused of a great disrespect.

"Everyone ..." Heavenly Emperor's gentle voice resounded in the world, but the voice was full of majesty. The sound seemed to roar from ear to ear, "How about Cheng Buyun's position as the prefecture of Northern Territory? Feel free to discuss. "

Of course, this everyone does not mean Immortal Venerable God Venerable.

On such occasions, not to mention Immortal Venerable Divine Venerable, even the quasi-saint level is not qualified to intervene.

The word Emperor Tian is actually just for the saints.

"Being a state shepherd as a world master has never been such an example."

A very indifferent voice suddenly sounded. Although there was no objection in the discourse, it actually revealed that meaning.

"What about the Lord of the World? Since he has such patience and heart, what about making an exception once?"

"I agree with Beiyang's remarks that the rules are used to break. There was no in the past, it does not mean that there is no."

"I also agree that if we want to make progress, we cannot look at things in our hearts with old eyes. Some things should be broken."

There are words in the words that many people can hear. The god-cultivator is already dissatisfied.

In fact, both the god-cultivator and the god-cultivator are the same. They are both human beings, but it's a pity ... what human beings are best at is infighting. If it's all a system, it hasn't been so powerful today.

But the fact is exactly ... this knot has no solution!

Immortal practitioners have always been firmly seated as the leader of the human race. Naturally, they cannot let the god-cultivator rise.

"Discuss things by things." The gentle voice rang again, stopping an impending brawl.

After all, it's time for the Dachao meeting now. You don't have to be old, I want it.

Under the emperor's crown, there was a lot of mom selling approval, but also very helpless.

A group of shameless old guys quarreling and not looking at the occasion.

After a cold night, another indifferent voice rang out, the hoarse voice was very harsh, "But he is only a world master, and his strength is limited. People, so I think ... not good! "

"What's wrong with the Lord of the World? Don't he see the land of a state? You have to ask Xingheng if Cheng Buyun has the patience to protect the land of a state."

This refutation makes people speechless.

Xingheng Zhunsheng's face was almost swollen by Cheng Buyun. Since he can swell a quasi-sheng strong man, can he still see the land of Yizhou?

If you use this matter to refute, it makes no sense.

The rest of the immortal kingdoms are nothing more than high-level immortals.

Once again was taken out as a model, Xingheng Zhunsheng standing on the hall, an old face was extremely twisted at this moment, especially the several emperors standing opposite, even squeezing his eyebrows at him, angry that his entire chest was up and down .


The hatred for Cheng Buyun is a little deeper.

Cheng Buyun, including all the strong men in the temple, has become a bystander at this moment, watching the eyes and noses, and doing things that do not smell out of the window.

"There are things that need to be considered. Cheng Buyun just joined the Heavenly Court, occupying a high position without any credit, which makes other Venerables willing, I think ... it is still wrong!"

"A Pozhou shepherd, speaking to the ground as if who would like to serve as a state shepherd, if it is not Tiangong's stubborn decision, look at who would be willing."

"Haha, of course, Xianzun is willing, but those are all guys who eat and drink and die."

Mom sold the batch and hit her face.

There was a burst of shame on the faces of several saints.

The anger is getting bigger and bigger, this group of guys make a lot of noise and curse by reason, and it makes sense.

Some people are a little bit overwhelming.

A small state animal husbandry job, is it worth discussing like this?

"Okay, okay." A cold female voice sounded, with a kind of arrogance in the softness, like the cold and proud of plum blossoms in the snow, "It's just a state animal husbandry position, since Cheng Buyun is capable, and willing to take on this Responsibility, our Tiangong should give support and encouragement, stop here! "

"Sister Yaochi is right, a small state animal husbandry job, but it is not a very important position. You are so arguing that the juniors read the joke for no reason." The crisp and quiet female voice sounded, making people feel empty. The taste flows in my heart.

It is very comfortable.

Cheng Buyun felt a little weird. He didn't think that the Empress Yaochi would help the god-cultivator.

After the Empress Yaochi and the other Emperor uttered their voices, everyone was quiet, and you can see that the Emperor Yaochi and the other Emperor had high status.

All the voices of opposition were suppressed in one word.

"Since there is no other opinion, then ..." The gentle voice quickly rang out, "From today onwards, the official post of Chengbu Yunbu, the shepherd of Xinjiang, will be formally granted to protect the heavenly court and protect the fairy people."

"The order given by Emperor Tianzun, Cheng Buyun will protect the party with the greatest ability in the future, and will not cause disaster to the territory." Cheng Buyun quickly exclaimed.

At this point, the end of the job, almost three words, is just a process, but some people are reluctant to Cheng Buyun as the state animal husbandry, so they will quarrel and argue for reason.

After a while, Dacha will end.

"Low tide!"

Everyone bowed, and the first Emperor left the Temple of Heaven, followed by the saints and the Lord.

"Haha, time and space brothers, congratulations."


"Congratulations to Space-Time for officially holding the post of state animal husbandry, haha!"

A group of gods and emperors came to congratulate, and the guy of King Kong shouted loudly, "Gee, happy!"

He did not dare to ridicule too much, after all, even the saint came out to block, some words can not be said, will annoy the saint.

The immortal repairer almost tilted his mouth, and many immortal statues did not stay and quickly left the Tiangong.


The god-cultivator here feels happy before, and it's not easy to see that the god-cultivator eats deflated things.

"Good job." Charm Blue Divine Emperor came with a smile and patted Cheng Buyun's shoulder, and then paused and reminded: "You must be more careful in the future. This time you let the immortal repairer suffer a big loss. They must not forget this way. If there is danger, they must inform the temple. In the temple, usually there will be strong men sitting in the town and can rush over to support. "

"Thanks for the reminder of Charm Blue Divine Emperor, I remember it." Cheng Buyun nodded quickly. Charm Blue Divine Emperor, a goddess emperor, was very powerful and one of the five top cosmic overlords of the Immortal Temple. , The top three strengths in the heavenly court.

The saints and saints of ordinary level cannot take her.

Moreover, the mother of Charm Blue Divine Emperor is the famous Lord of Firewind, the first generation heir of the Big Ten Divine Beast Phoenix, with noble blood.

Basically no one can match.

The life gene of the Charm Blue God is more than three thousand times, and the life gene of the general universe is hundreds of times, even not.

At the same time, Phoenix's talent is resurrection. Once the serious injury is dying, the talent will be launched, the strength will return to its peak, and in a short time, the strength of the geometric level will rise.

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