Plane Universe

Chapter 2194: Hanging empty message hanging sky

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The microcosm of the strongest in the universe is much more important than the kingdom of God.

Because the basic structure of the microcosm is fundamental and related to future growth potential.

Poor microcosm, the true **** is the apex, up to three reincarnations, even as the universe dies.

For example, how many times did the original universe reincarnate, that is, the ancestors of the two holy sites can go through the reincarnation and go to the origin continent.

Therefore, it is absolutely true that the architecture of the microcosm is more important than the kingdom of God.

It's about the future of the ethnic group, it's about its own lifespan.

Immortal gods are above the true gods, and eternity is only relatively speaking. Living in the primary universe has its own rules.


The Universe's source perception map, one of the five top-level ideas of the main universe, is very esoteric. Cheng Buyun's understanding is very difficult, and can be described as a toddler.

To understand it, you need to taste and chew carefully.

In the past few months, let ’s not understand the third level, even getting started is difficult.

Just to understand the meaning of the content, it is enough for Cheng Buyun to scratch his head, and he spent dozens of pounds of energy.

This is still good. If it were not for the universal rules to instill the content directly, if he was allowed to enlighten himself, I am afraid that even the content could not be understood.

As far as the beast god's artistic conception is concerned, some of the universe's venerable masters have to practice tens of millions of years at the first level, but in the end they can't even enter the door.

Those with strong perceptions, such as Luo Feng, have achieved something for thousands of years, and even the second layer of the conception of the gods and beasts has become great.

This is the difference!

Another example is Chongrou. Her time to cultivate the artistic conception of the Beast God is definitely not short, and her resources are better than Luo Feng. The cultivation time is also millions of years longer than Luo Feng. But what about the end?

The first floor is just great, and it's still a long way from the top.

Xiaohong ’s consciousness came out with Cheng Buyun, and after a short rest, he exhaled lightly and said, “This broken thing is really hard enough.”

Thinking of her in the past, even if she enrolled in the Chaos Secret Code taught by the Lord of Chaos, the content is also very deep, but it is not so difficult now.

Almost every step forward requires 120,000 points of effort.

Too much patience!

"If you want to be a man, you have to eat hard." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

He did not find it difficult, but he was as happy as he knew, because he knew that the idea of ​​the origin of the universe was his own help and the future.

No matter how difficult to understand, you have to work hard to go on.

Besides, he is not without progress. Although he has not formally started to cultivate the content of the third layer, just to understand the meaning of the content has already consolidated his knowledge and his vision has become extraordinary.

This is all information.


As soon as Cheng Buyun's practice was over, the busy Bai Suzhen came to him immediately and said after saluting: "Master, the founding of the country is almost ready. Does Master need to send some friends or surrounding forces an invitation to let them come to watch the ceremony? "

Invite guests to watch the ceremony?

Cheng Buyun thought about it for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's not necessary, it's just a minor matter, just change the name, don't need such a big battle.

Just send an announcement to notify, and then you can celebrate it internally. "

Although Bai Suzhen doesn't feel well, she will not violate the will of the young master.

"After the name change, activities such as genius selection and strongman battles are held immediately."

"Geniuses choose to focus on testing savvy. At the same time, we must pay attention to the degree of grasping. Take the principle of not letting go of any genius. We must consider the general population. We have a lot of resources. Even if there are more geniuses, we can cultivate it."

"There is nothing to say about the war of the strong. If you don't have enough savvy, you'll be supplemented with strength. The talent selection will be held first, and then the war of the strong will be held."

Cheng Buyun stated the follow-up arrangements, "Also arrange on the earth to pass on the cultivation of Xianxian exercises and let them choose according to their own wishes.

"Yes, Master, I will make a plan immediately." Bai Suzhen nodded quickly.

Bai Suzhen left.

However, within a few days, Bai Suzhen produced a schedule and gave it to Cheng Buyun.

After reading it, Cheng Buyun immediately made a final decision and said, "Very well, just do it."

The content of the plan table that Bai Suzhen has made has completely summarized what he said, and added a lot of content.

The detailed arrangement of the genius selection activities is very detailed, divided into six blocks, including ordinary people according to the strength level.

The selection is fair and equitable, there is absolutely no shady existence, and it is held on a large scale, involving the entire Daxing District.

Whether it is a private planet, or any life within the official planet is allowed to participate.

As long as they are qualified, they will eventually be charged

At the same time, as long as there is a genius, the life planet responsible for the planet lord or the official is rewarded with a rich reward.

Rewards are given according to genius level.

In this way, anyone will be eager for this grand event, whether it is a private planet lord or an official, they will strongly support.

As for the battle of the strong, it is simple, and the competition of hard power, as Cheng Buyun said, is insufficient to make up for it with strength.

But the selected strongmen are almost all cannon fodder, genius protectors.

Just like the model of the original universe virtual universe company, the strong people with low perception are their only role.


Rumble ~~

Virtual network. On this day, a large piece of colorful fireworks exploded above the high altitude of Jinshan mainland in Northern Territory. No matter where you were, you could see the colorful fireworks above the high altitude.

The roaring colorful fireworks caused countless people to be disturbed one by one and looked up at the sky in amazement.

Buzz ...

Void concussion, a black dangling placard seems to be worn out of chaos, hung high above the sky, the gleaming gold on the plaque ‘Fairy Kingdom Humanity — Genius Selection Event, the first session is coming soon’!

"By the time and space empire (the original Jinshan Xianguo changed its name), any Xianguo empire ... whether it is a human member or a demon, you can participate."

"Are you a genius? Only after trying to be sure, come to participate in the genius selection!"

"We will not regard genius as strength, everything is subject to perception."

"Weak strength, we don't care, we can only win or lose."

"Here, you can compete with billions of geniuses."

"The time and space empire owner and all the powerful people in the empire look forward to the active participation of all geniuses."

"Please check the official website for details!"

The dangling messages that appear above the sky are not only visible on the Jinshan Continent, but the entire Daxing District, including all the middle and early immortal empire networks under his command. I was dumbfounded and excited. This was a large-scale genius examination held by the official Higher State.

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