Plane Universe

Chapter 2212: Good things are the same

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The appearance of blood Luo Jing directly wound the entire human community.

For the desire of Blood Luojing, no one can ignore this, even the immortal Venerable Power, the Divine Venerable Power, or the Divine Emperor or Quasi-Saint, and all are moved.

No one does not want to be more powerful.

Hundred times the power amplitude, you think it is a joke?

Below the Saints and Lords, how many strong men can achieve a hundred-fold increase in power?

Less, rarely!

One hundred times the amplitude of power is already the limit of Heaven's Way, even if some saints and saints cannot reach this data.

It's just ... the fusion of a hundred blood Luo Jing, but the darkness is surprisingly large.

It is easiest to merge the following immortal gods. Generally, it can easily merge three or more. Super genius, the number of fusion can be seven or eight.

It is extremely rare to be able to merge ten.

Otherwise, Chaos City Lord heard Luo Feng said that he had merged ten Blood Luo Jing, and he was a black warrior, and the former would not be so happy.

It is rare to say three good characters in a row.

Visible its importance.

The Lord of Chaos is very harsh on his disciples. No matter what major things his disciples have done, in his eyes, he has nothing to do with it.

Luo Feng practiced for so long, and it was the only time he was praised by the chaotic city master!

In the auction venue.

Qingluo Fairy said with a smile: "Xue Luojing introduced so far, a total of 100 blood Luojing is about to enter the auction sequence, all bidders can bid multiple times, that is, one bid twice is lower than the low price When the last time countdown is completed, you can get two blood Luo Jing. "


As soon as these words came out, there were countless noises in the audience. Such auction rules obviously made some strong people who were not very wealthy and competed with others but ashamed.

At the same time, such auction rules also make Xue Luojing's auction more bloody.

But who will sympathize with the voice of the weak?

"Xue Luojing's starting bid price is 0, now the auction has officially started!"

The voice of Qingluo Fairy had just fallen, and the whole venue was quiet, and the numbers on the huge virtual screen didn't move.

But this situation is only temporary, and everyone has not responded from the shock.

After a few seconds, the huge virtual screen jumped and rolled wildly, rolling at a stunning speed.

The unit has reached 13 places, more than one trillion holy coins.

Ordinary powerhouses are completely ineligible for participation.

Even some family members have no chance at all.

It is not that these family members do not want to participate, but there is no wealth at all to fight for, some people try a price, but the system immediately reminds that the bid has been exceeded.

The number jumped wildly. After ten seconds, it has reached the 14th place, ten trillion holy coins, and the price of nearly half a piece of Lingbao.

What else is involved?

Let's play!

Blood Luojing's auction has completely turned into a feast for super powers!

When the price jumped to 20 trillion holy coins, the price stabilized.

A blood Luo Jing is equivalent to the value of an ordinary Lingbao, Nima is crazy!

There was a burst of uproar in the audience, and a pair of incredible eyes appeared in the expressions of countless people.

In fact, Xue Luojing is precious, but not so precious.

The blood Luojing auction in the original universe is usually about 100 billion yuan, and once it is exceeded, no one bids.

But this place is different.

The primitive universe Blood Luo Jing is the place of production, and humans also control a mining pool, so the price is very stable.

The main universe is completely different. Blood Luojing is the first time to appear, and the high price will naturally be justified.

In the end, the transaction price of Xue Luojing averaged more than 32 trillion holy coins, a piece of semi-spiritual treasure.

But this is the holy coin.

Stopping at this price point is just that some powerful people cannot mobilize so much wealth in a moment.

Just like Hunyuan, there are not many strong human beings.

If this auction will reveal the contents of the auction in advance, it is estimated that Cheng Buyun will earn more wealth.

But who in Cheng Buyun cares about this little thing?

It will not be held once again. After this auction, where in the future ... These powerful people in the main universe are estimated to have a habit of storing holy coins in large quantities!

This is his purpose.

A force that has enough money to run will generally not pay too much attention. For example, primitive cosmic humans, cosmic crystals are enough, and there is no need to let more people deliberately get them.

It is not easy to condense cosmic crystals.

One hundred blood Luo Jing, the total price is 3200 trillion holy coins, the extra hundreds of billions can be ignored.

The blood Luojing auction ended, and the second finale item came into play again.

A five-meter-long emerald-colored branch.

The verdant colors, such as the King Kong King, who has seen the world tree, can't help but the corners of his eyes throb.

They wondered, wasn't this the branch of the guardian of the immortal innate spirit root in the Holy Land of Time and Space?

Is there something weird that we do n’t know?

In the immortal temple, a group of divine emperors were whispering, and their expressions were extremely puzzled.

The emergence of emerald branches not only caused them doubts, but even many super powers seemed puzzled.

what is that?

Can you even go to this level of auction?

At this moment, many people involuntarily raised the level of this auction by several levels.

It is almost the craziest auction they have ever participated in.

The item actually reached the highest ever auction price, more than 32 trillion holy coins.

Simply stunned!

"As you can see, this is a branch ..." Fairy Qingluo smiled and reached out to shake the branch beside him, letting it rotate slowly, so that everyone can watch carefully, "But this is not a branch Ordinary branch, it comes from a branch of a super congenital root ... "

"Sure enough, Nima, it was really the branch on the guardian in the empty holy land at that time." Fangshui Divine Emperor had no idea what to say. Auction a branch, even if it was a branch from the innate spirit root, but what's the point?

Not only him, but the **** emperors and deities who were present also disagreed.

A branch can only become a refiner material or alchemy material at most.

"Don't underestimate this branch, but it has a very important effect ..." Qingluo Fairy explained slightly: "It has the function of stabilizing the kingdom of God. When you plant it in the kingdom of God, you can It has the effect of weakening the intruder, and cooperates with the power of the Divine Kingdom itself. Once the two cooperate, the strength of the strongman at the same level will be suppressed by at least half of the strength ... The weaker the intruder, the stronger the suppression, and even the direct enemy Set in place. "


Messy and crazy!

A group of strong men in the Immortal Temple almost jumped up in place, looking at the virtual screen in front of their eyes with incredible expression.

They are the powerful kingdom of God. The powerful kingdom of God has countless benefits for the powerful kingdom of God. Part of the power of the kingdom of God is blessed by the owner.

For example, a 5 trillion-kilometer **** kingdom, others are a trillion-kilometer **** kingdom, who is stronger?

The expansion of the Kingdom of God is the most difficult, not not fast, but not stable enough to go fast.

But if you have this branch, once planted, then ... not only the kingdom of God is more stable, but also safer, the same powerful rushes in, the strength is suppressed, it is easier to eliminate.

Everyone quickly turned their heads, glanced at each other, and all looked at the look in the other person's eyes.

PS: Replying to Lin Feng's water source book friends, it's a bit like it, but the power is stronger, which is equivalent to the upgraded version of the world. The power has increased by a million times, and the general limit of the king can't resist it. .

Of course, it also depends on the user's strength level.

It's a casual work.

There are many such weapons in Cheng Buyun's hands, most of which are sealed with a one-and-a-half-type powerful secret method, which is generally used to reward the soldiers under his command, or to be used by the powerful who joined in the future.

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