Plane Universe

Chapter 2220: Wang Jia played

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Vajra Emperor is Mingling God ape clan, bloodline of God Beast, although not comparable to Phoenix Bloodline of Charm Blue God Emperor, it is much higher than human.

This auction is relatively easy for him.

"Ah, I didn't take it." The Jade Smoke Emperor next to him was also a face of resentment at this moment. His eyes could not help but looked at Fangshui God Emperor, his eyes revealed a strange light.

"Don't even think about it."

But before waiting for her to speak, Fangshui Divine Emperor quickly shook his head and said, "Don't pay attention to my two drops of beast **** blood, I am not enough by myself."

"Don't look at me, I can only shoot one drop." Qingying Divine Emperor even said.

Lingyin Divine Emperor, Hongtian Divine Emperor, and other groups of Divine Emperor Powerful, also quickly showed their results, overall there are good and bad.

Of the more than 60 Divine Emperors, there are probably more than two dozen who took one drop, and the only one that exceeded one was Fangshui Divine Emperor.

This guy is crazy, continuously bidding, pushing the price to the price of 3 billion holy coins.

The auction of the blood of the Divine Beast is over.

I set aside a bit of time to reminisce, and waited until the emotions were almost released before I was ready to start the final auction.

Everyone is still looking forward to the finale.

Qingluo fairy once again spoke enthusiastically, she said: "Dear respect guests, ten pieces of finale treasures have been auctioned, and the final thing is about to start."

"What kind of treasure is the final finale? Everyone may wish to guess."

The fairy of Qingluo turned into a mystery.

But there are so many treasures in the universe, how can you guess?

"I can give you a reminder that the final finale is the treasure that all fairy strong men dream of."

With this reminder, everyone could not help but immediately think of the fairy armor on the weapon.


Violent shouts came from countless people, shaking the entire mountain square.

"Everyone really deserves to be the most loyal customer of our Space-Time Chamber of Commerce company, yes, as everyone thinks, the final finale ... The most pinnacle work in the fairy, Xianjia, and the upgraded version of the previous auction- Wang Jia! "

Wang Jia?

Sure enough, like speculation, there is indeed a fairy armor suitable for use by the king-level powerhouse.

Many immortal monarchs' faces changed wildly, and their expressions were so ugly.

Xianjia gives Tianxian strongman the qualification to sit on an equal foot with the Xianjiang strongman, and the upgraded Xianjia strongman has the qualification to sit on an equal footing with the Xianwang strongman.

Now it is finally the turn of the immortal king to suffer.

At the beginning, the time and space empire oppressed the general strong, I did not speak, because I am a strong fairy, does not affect my status.

Later, they continued to oppress the king-level strongmen. I still did not speak, and the reason did not affect my status.

In the end, they suppressed me, but now no one can speak for me!

My time and space empire, the stuff of dog days!

The monarch-level strongmen are already scolding in their hearts at the moment, but they can't help expecting while scolding, hoping that the space-time empire will not mass-produce the royal armor, otherwise ...

At that time, the monarch strong walked everywhere, that status is really not as good as a dog.

It's terrible to think about it. The number of king-level strongmen is more than a million times that of monarch-level strongmen.

There are so many strong people at the same level. What is the status?

It is just their worries that they cannot turn the wheel of history at all, nor can they reverse or fight, and can only follow the trend of history.

"King's armor is the last armor of the fairy, and the most powerful treasure among them."

"The pinnacle work in the fairy, with stronger defense and more powerful amplitude, any strong man wearing the royal armor seems to wear a fortress on his body. ,but……"

"I'm here to confess to you that there will be no worries of life under the circumstances of fighting alone!"


Wang Jia ’s effects have not been really introduced yet. With the passage of Qingluo Fairy, everyone has exploded.

No wonder everyone exploded.

Listen clearly, there is no worry about life in the first level of the immortals, it means that as long as the king armor is put on, even the ultimate immortal monarch cannot kill it.

What kind of lying trough?

But Wang Jia does have such capabilities.

Even if an immortal would wear the king's armor as long as he didn't die on his own, even if the enemy was the ultimate immortal monarch, he could escape.

It's no joke to ignore the armor effect of 100,000 times divine attack.

And it can also weaken 90% of the attacks, plus the solid defense of the armor itself, it is difficult to kill such a fortress defense!

Really desperate!

Not only the Xian-level strongmen were shocked, but even the Xianzun-level strongmen were also surprised.

The expression has become more serious.

They have to take it seriously. Many of Xianzun's strong men have such a group of strong men. No matter how many of them are powerful, their strength is also very good for them.

For example, in support of border wars, if Wang Jia is available, they can also let Yu go down and earn points for them.

In the past, supporting border wars cost more than gains.

So slowly, no need for Xianzun to let Yu go down and participate.

But now that there is King Armor, it's different.

The question is whether these armor can be mass produced, this is the ultimate problem.

"In addition to the stronger defense, the basic effect of the king ’s armor is an upgraded version of the armor. The basic wearing requirements are: 10,000 times the magic power or divine power. The first effect is that the wearer will increase the amplitude of the magic power or magic power to 100,000 times, the second effect is a material attack that ignores 100,000 times of divine power or fairy power, and the third effect is that when the enemy ’s material attack exceeds the second effect, the enemy ’s material attack is weakened by 90% and resists the enemy by 90% Soul attack, shock proof, shock proof! "

"When the user's strength is 100,000 times divine power or immortal power, it can perfectly exert all the power of the royal armor, directly granting 100,000 times divine power or immortal power, and has a stronger defense force, even if it is subjected to a superior power. The attack can also resist one and a half strokes, giving the wearer a chance to escape. "

When Qingluo Fairy introduced all the effects of Wangjia, all the powerful people who participated in this auction were completely shocked and paralyzed.

Even the supreme-level strongman can resist one and a half strokes, as if listening to a heavenly book.

The general level of Lingbao does not have that kind of power.

Lingbao gives you, you have to be able to play it!

The powerful fairy, who possesses Lingbao, can exert the power of 50% to 60% of Lingbao itself.

Generally, it is only up to 30%.

After all, Lingbao is the standard for Zun-level strongmen.

Just like the holy treasure, it is very difficult for the venerable strong to maximize the power of the holy treasure. Unless the realm is very high.

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