Plane Universe

Chapter 2225: Unparalleled power

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The misty light around dissipated, showing two figures, a figure less than one meter and three tall in height is the little red with a phoenix crown, and the other is of course the immortal **** strongman who newly joined Cheng Buyun.

Xiaohong said softly: "You wait outside for a while, and I will notify you when I come back."

"Yes, Master Xiaohong, I'm waiting in the East Lihuaya." The man with the strength of the guardian level said quickly and respectfully.

I dare not have a sense of neglect.

As long as they are members of the heavenly court, who has n’t heard of Xiao Hong ’s great achievements?

The quasi-Saints can play casually, and the powerful level of the senior immortal venom can be shocked to kill, how dare to stab?


Xiaohong's petite body disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After looking at the little red that Teleport left, the guardian-looking man was full of envy and desire, "Gee, teleport, I do n’t know that I will have such a powerful ability that time."

After rushing into the void in the red, a notice has been issued at this moment, "Guests, the goods are about to arrive. Please also come to Zhongtian Temple Square to collect your express. If the time is not suitable, the parcel will be stored in the express hall, Then ask everyone to collect it in their free time. "

This announcement after Xiao Hong suddenly surprised countless powerful people.

After the auction, many people were already calculating the arrival time of the goods, but they did not expect that the time and space state animal husbandry was so interesting. As if they knew they were impatient, they immediately delivered the goods.

Almost immediately, most of the strong men who had captured the treasure hurried towards the Zhongtian Temple, and some strong men who were not in the Tiangong Palace hurried back.

At this moment nothing is important to get the blood of the Divine Beast.

The blood of the gods and beasts, the thing that can double the genes of life, who can not worry!

At the level of the quasi-sacred Divine Emperor, the significance of a little life gene is extraordinary, and no strong can ignore it.

After passing through Nantianmen, Xiaohong was symbolically blocked for a while, and after she pulled into Buyun's identity card, those Xianjun guards were released even before the inspection.

After the famous little red, who in the Tiangong does not know?

When Xiaohong later arrived at Zhongtian Temple Square, there were already a hundred strong men waiting.

"Such an important transaction, the time and space state animal husbandry did not come?" Some quasi-sage strong men were a little dissatisfied.

Although the dissatisfaction on the quasi-saint face flashed away, Xiaohong still realized that he secretly pouted, who is your elder brother, can you see it if you want to see it?

Intercourse and relationship, depending on the opportunity is not!

"Everyone, please check the nuclear identity information and then deliver the currency." Xiaohong later opened the Tianting network to scan and confirm, and then took out a transparent transistor made of glass about fifteen centimeters in size. Golden light, bursts of surging energy emanated from the transistor, covering the surrounding space, and there was a roar in the ear.

The surging energy, the roaring roar from vaguely, the eyes of a group of powerful people around them widened.

Is this the blood of the beast?

Sure enough, it wasn't easy. They fixed their eyes on the transparent transistor on Xiaohong's small hand.

But what makes everyone wonder is why the look inside the transistor is golden, which is fundamentally different from what was seen at the auction?

"Don't doubt it, everyone, this is the original appearance of the blood of the Divine Beast. You have to remember that our time and space empire produced all the treasures are fine products." Xiao Honghou looked disdainful, and he must be honest in doing business. Do they still hold some Fake to deceive people?

do you need?

For their selling price, these goods are worthless!

Yes, the cost of the blood of the Divine Beast is almost negligible.

The delivery of goods was smooth, and everyone hurriedly took the treasures back as if they were treasures, and it was a bit impatient.

"Trouble you, Xiaohong." Fangshui Shendi and others and Xiaohonghou greeted for a while, and then went back to each other.

Xiaohong flew to the Express Hall, and recorded the goods of the blood of the beast, blood Luojing, Lingbao and other goods captured by the other guests, and let the Express Hall replace the delivery and discuss the consignment matters with the other party.

These are trivial things and not troublesome.

The strong men who can't wait to go back quickly said to go to retreat and use the blood of the Divine Beast.

In the practice room, Fangshui Divine Emperor took out the transistor and enjoyed it for a while, then immediately smashed the transistor directly according to the instructions, and a golden light dropped on the palm.

If you look closely, you can still see the silk-yellow liquid implied in the golden light. There are countless laws of secret thread flowing in the liquid, and a large number of laws and secret threads form complex law symbols.

These symbols cannot be understood by even the strongest in the universe.

Of course, I ca n’t understand it. These symbols of law are the most mysterious patterns in the origin of the universe. If you understand it, you can make it yourself.

In the final analysis, everything in the world is composed of energy, and then the secret pattern is added to reflect the effect.

The golden liquid rolled in the palm, and Fang Shui God Emperor's expression was a little agitated, took a deep breath, the golden liquid in the palm immediately melted into the skin, and then quickly spread throughout the body, so that the exposed skin is hidden There was a golden glow.

"Wow, ah!"

Fang Shui Divine Emperor suddenly cried out in pain, his eyes were extremely distorted, his face was exposed with gluten, and he was about to cramp and faint.

He had forgotten how long the pain in the bone marrow had not manifested.

I can't think of it today but let him recall again.

The whole body twitched, the whole body was unable to support and fell directly to the ground with a bang, then the body bowed like a shrimp.

Woo ~~

The deep cry of pain continued from the mouth of the **** of water, and a layer of sweat flowed from him to the ground, forming a small puddle.

"My Nima, what the **** is this, and it hurts so much when integrated?"

"Zenima is suffering."

It's such an amazing thing to shout out from the mouth of a Divine Emperor, if you see it, you will have to shatter your glasses.

At this moment, Fangshui Divine Emperor had been covered with golden light, and the secret symbols of complex rules circulated and spread on his body, and then slowly integrated into his body.

I don't know how long it has passed, he finally turned up and restored his previous appearance.

"Oh, although I have suffered a little, I have to say that the effect of the blood of the Divine Beast is really great." Fangshui Divine Emperor felt that the body was more surging than before, and his expression was undoubtedly very excited. He praised it.

The increase of hundreds of millions of times of divine power has not only strengthened the strength, but also increased the pure brute force defense, which is an all-round evolution.

"The Brothers of Time and Space have the strength comparable to the immortal Divine King at the level of the realm. I think it is the effect of the blood of the Divine Beast. It is really an amazing background. It is enviable and sighing."

"With the help of the blood of the endless mythical beast, the genes of his life are limited by the universe."

"Of course, there may be some blood of the gods and beasts." Fangshui Divine Emperor said in silence.

Being able to radiate a breath like an immortal prince, the genes of life will certainly not be so low.

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