Plane Universe

Chapter 2230: Genius

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Once within a kilometer, it is immediately sensed by the consciousness.

Incomparably fierce fighting broke out.

Or plains, or oceans, or lakes, or mountains, or wilderness.

The white light of Xianli penetrated the weapon, slashing with the secret method.

puff! puff! puff! puff!

Countless weapons cut into body sounds, metal collision roars, etc., deafening.

Throughout the billion-kilometre world, continuous roaring and shaking, blasts of energy burst like tornadoes.

Less than ten seconds after the battle started, there were already millions of strong contacts in millions of places. Once the two sides contacted, there was nothing to say. They all carried the weapon and rushed to kill.

Xian Li broke out without reservation!

The degree of fierceness made everyone stunned and their eyes rounded.

This is a strong fairy!

very scary!

The ground was cracked and the lake water was rising. The level of such powerfulness made some little guys who were still in the foundation period scare their faces and tremble.

Fortunately, in the virtual world, there is a virtual system protection, otherwise watching such close-range combat with the powerful, it is estimated that it would have been scared to death.

Although the immortal powers of the participants are unified, there are naturally strengths and weaknesses in the secret law, and Cheng Buyun's rules can only guarantee relative fairness.

If there is a huge gap in the realm, then he can't help.

After all, he has done all he can.

There can never be a few levels in the fairy level, a limit of ten times!

That's a joke!

And some strong men, the strength is weak, but the realm is super high, it is not a problem to leapfrog the enemy.

So ... in a few seconds, more than 150,000 world zones have already made the list.

Moreover, there are still many strong men on the list, as many as millions.

Although some of the participants have the strength to participate in the strong battle, how can the realm say that it is not much stronger than the real master, it is simply to fight soy sauce.

Spicy eyes!

Your sister ... just Cheng Buyun saw that an immortal had been given a knife or two by a genius participant during the robbery, Zhen Nima's spicy eyes!

For the sake of your fairy face, you have to carry it twice anyway!

Killed with a knife, let me go!

However, there are still a lot of geniuses in the more than 150,000 world regions. They are definitely the treasures of all major families and families.

Before not participating in the selection of geniuses, naturally it was disdain and participation. This time, the power of the temptation of the top strong and the temptation is too great. No matter whether it is a genius or a strong, it cannot be resisted.

In less than a short time, tens of millions of participants have been eliminated from the major world regions.

The battle is very fierce, and it is a matter of course that the weak are killed by the strong.

"Alas! Master Wang Lin failed, only 6 points were killed, there is no possibility of promotion!"

"Yeah, it's a pity that I met Tian Linzong's progeny genius disciple, and he was defeated after working hard for nearly half an hour."

"I can kill 6 strong men in this place, Master Wang Lin is already very powerful,

The viewers sighed temptingly, and some people cheered to the fullest.

Fierce battles naturally have little value for viewing, but for those who can not participate in the battle of the strong, it is still very interesting.

Inside the palace.

"Genius is really quite a lot." Cheng Buyun pointed his finger, and a virtual scene appeared next to it. The content of the video was exactly the battle between the top power and a certain world division.

Two young men of young age are fighting each other at this moment. You come and go very fiercely.

At the same time, the strength of the two is not the fairy level, but the peak of the robbery period.

The two young people during the robbery period have the least genius level to qualify as members of the original secret realm.

The original members of the original secret realm of the human race are also known as the preparation of the immortal **** camp. Once each member breaks through, the strength will not be low, at least they are the master level of the immortal army.

If the breakthrough is just an ordinary immortal god, it will definitely be looked down upon.

After all, the virtual universe company spends so much on cultivating resources every year, and most of them are used to train members of the original universe. If you do n’t have any scores, you ca n’t do it.


The two flying swords fought in the air and then quickly bounced off, then turned into an arc at the same time, and then attacked towards each other.

The sound of the collision of weapons is endless. It seems that the strength of the two is not much different, and the moves are also inseparable from Zhong Bo.

If you have to separate the avatars, I am afraid this time will be very long.

Long-distance engagement can't help each other, but they are not willing to give up in this way. Both are geniuses, arrogant people, and they are willing to retreat without pressing their heads.

Immediately, the two bodies were ejected together, and the sword was squeezed back with a stroke of their hands, and then rushed towards each other.

Both geniuses actually chose close combat and killed each other.

In fact, this is totally unnecessary. The best way is to give up and hunt for the weaker ones to get more points to advance.

But Cheng Buyun understood the ideas of the two young geniuses.

Who did n’t have the second grade on that day, I thought Laozi was the best in the world, and he just had to press the other side to be happy.

Are you confident in your strength?


Hope not to be profited by other fishermen in the end.

Cheng Buyun's playful smile, near the two, but a lot of strong people ambushed, waiting for the two of them to kill dimly, and finally came out to pick up the leak.

But it turned out to be a genius. It shouldn't be so stupid. There are many strong men ambushing around, and the two young geniuses can't be detected.

Sure enough, the close fierce battle overturned, the two listened together, Qi Qi said: "You are very good."

When they heard each other's words, they were the same as themselves. Both of them couldn't help laughing. They felt a little sympathetic. "Just stop here, wait until the end is almost the same, how about we fight again."

"Okay, I look forward to it."

After talking, the two sprang up and rushed towards the ambush strongmen around.

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, finger a little again, and two concise materials appeared beside him.

Wu Fan, Black Wing Immortal (Senior) immortal, a disciple of Feiyun Zong, has the peak strength, 78 points.

Lin Fan, an immortal from the Water Curtain Fairyland (Senior), a disciple of the Huoyang Clan, a peak in strength, 85 points.

The two people have the same name, the chance of coincidence ... But yes, there are countless people in the fairy country, there are so many words, and trillions of people with the same name and surname cannot be overstated.

Want to be different, only the title, only the title is unique, and no strong will be the same.

Of course, it is not an easy task to get a title. It requires a lot of strength and fame. At least one immortal country must admit it in order to put the title on its own.

In fact, it is almost the same as the original universe!

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