Plane Universe

Chapter 2235: Group competition is intense

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Xingmang Shenjun and others were shocked by Zhong Rou's new introduction.

Doesn't it mean that the members of the female royal family are invincible at the same level?

This is a bit exaggerated.

A little unbelief in my heart.

It's just that Chong Rou said this in his mouth. Although everyone was skeptical, they didn't show much.

Everyone still knows the strength of Zhongrou. Although the strength is only the level of the realm, the secret method is extremely good, surpassing many gods and kings, including all of them here.

In these times, all ten of them have studied with the leader Chong Rou.

The Void Fluctuation can be said to have made them suffer.

It is also that Zhongrou has not reached the level of immortal gods, otherwise, once it can burn the **** body, it is estimated that a few punches can erase them.

It's really unreasonably strong.

"Come and come, drink and talk, try our unique fine wine Bihuo Jiu, it is rare that the owner is so generous and unlimited in supply today." Chongrou laughed.

"Okay, let's try." Xingmang God and others also laughed.

Bihuo wine is a very precious wine in the primitive universe, and the output is not much. Generally, the immortal gods will never spend that money to enjoy.

A bottle of tens of millions of dollars, whoever drinks it is distressed.

In other words, Cheng Buyun, a prodigal, takes money improperly and spends it indiscriminately.

However, the direct exchange of energy is not precious. Bihuo wine will be so expensive. The main reason is that the brewing procedures are cumbersome. It has to go through tens of thousands of processes, and it is expensive because of the continuous application of the laws.

In terms of material cost, even 100,000 yuan is not available.

Fine wine is not a super treasure, it can be exchanged for a lot of time and space.

There are only extremely rare special alcohols, such as the big-bellied orangutan "Purple Fire Ape Wine". Because only the Purple Fire Ape can be refined, Cheng Buyun also needs a bottle of hundreds of billions (1000 energy degrees) to copy.

The exchange price is higher than the military system outside the territory.

The amount of purple fire ape wine is very small, and the auction requires more than 100 billion yuan.

However, Purple Fire Ape Liquor can not be arbitrarily drunk for everyone, only for reward.

Purple fire ape wine can improve the soul, slightly improve the clarity of the law of fire, and make the body gradually adapt to the law of fire, whether it is enlightenment or display.

It's just that the average strongman can't afford to drink it. Hundreds of billions of dollars is almost a tenth of a king's ultimate strongman's net worth. Is that strong man willing?

Isn't other resources fragrant?

Cheng Buyun smiled and looked at the many people under his command. Although the number of immortal strongmen under his own is small, but the quality is high, the two empresses of Cecilia and Milia swinging outwards are enough to shock all the high cosmic venerable .

It is extremely difficult to train an empress to become an immortal deity.

It is estimated that the original universe may not even have 100,000 immortal empresses.

It is not difficult to cultivate the empress, there are billions of eight billion, but it is less than one that can become the immortal empress.

Many cannot break through even at the end of their lives, and are trapped at the main level of their lives.

Otherwise, you think that in the treasure trove of humans, why is there no one wanting the two empresses who are asleep? !

This is the reason.

Hard to enslave, hard to cultivate!

Even Hu Yanbo had the luck to get a head queen, and he didn't dare to try to enslave, so Luo Feng was cheap.

After the celebration, everyone dispersed, what to do and what to do.

Milia and Cecilia left behind, standing in front of Cheng Buyun with a respectful expression, no waves on her face, but her heart was very nervous, and her eyes slightly showed a look of excitement.

They are now immortal powerhouses, capable of nurturing immortal warriors.

But how can Zerg's immortal warriors compare to Titan warriors?

Titan warriors, they envy the long-awaited, just thinking about the many powerful fighters around them in the future, the excitement in their hearts is almost difficult to suppress.

"Master, please allow us to nurture Titan warriors." The two emperors even asked with excitement.

Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded gently, saying, "Well, no problem, Catherine has the method of cultivation. If you don't understand anything about cultivation, you can ask her."

"Thank you Master." The two little empresses showed joy in hearing their master Ying Ke, unable to maintain the peace on his face.


Catherine coughed softly and said in a deep voice: "Do not be rude to the master."

Although the two younger sisters had shouted and shouted at her before: traitor.

But she didn't remember her hate. The two sisters hadn't been illuminated by the glory of their masters at that time, so they thought it was wrong.

Not true!

"Yes, Sister Catherine, please also take care of Sister Catherine in the future." The two empresses said very respectfully.

Catherine is the elder sister of her master's family, and has enough qualifications to teach them.

This is seniority.

Even if they have the same strength as Catherine in the future, they have to be respectful in their behavior. He Kang is now.

Besides, in practice, Catherine has also given them a lot of advice, and she is very kind.

"Work hard, don't fall off your master's name, go!" Catherine nodded slightly, and the two little empresses would be busy later.

And you must also make achievements as soon as possible, because it is not long before you can support the border war.

Because of the different legal attributes, it is not easy to cultivate Titan warriors.

Unlike the Immortal Warrior, it is directly a template and can be nurtured when taken over.

The power of the Titan warrior is not only experienced on the **** body, but the attribute law possessed.

Will the gadgets obtained through the hands of time and space be ordinary goods?

Cheng Buyun's gaze turned to the peak power fight.

Challenge group.

A group of 100 people, a pair of two matches, the winner is 1 point, the loser does not score.

Due to the urgent time, we need to play 20 games every day.

Twenty games, for the fairy level, the load is not too big.

A large number of strong men fought and fought fiercely, and all the immortals were seen freely.

After all, when he came up, he fought fiercely, and displayed his madness madly. The level of fierceness was not understood by anyone who had never seen it before.

It's an eye-opener.

It is a good thing to let the ordinary fairy people understand the endless style of the strong.

Even the Heavenly Court feels that such a strong fight is very inspiring, and considers whether to organize some such events in the future.

A good wind direction!

The ring division ended with a motivated fight, the promotion was extremely happy, and the loser was downcast.

Especially some strong elders who are just a little bit, and the unwillingness in their hearts is not humane.

Random grouping has a huge luck component, and it is likely that a group will be divided into more than a dozen strong people who are expected to advance.

But in the same group, only the top ten are taken, so the failure of these strong men is excusable.

Continue to work hard in the future, and it is not without opportunities.

After all, he has joined the core layer of the space-time empire, and there are opportunities in the future.

The part of the genius and strongman that Cheng Buyun paid attention to was also promoted smoothly, making him nod secretly and smile.

At least my own vision is okay. I haven't been beaten badly.

Although Catherine didn't dare to laugh at him, but this gluttonous big mouth is gluttonous. If it comes suddenly, it will be embarrassing!

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