Plane Universe

Chapter 2238: Fairy Strong

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Cheng Buyun put aside all the trivial matters, and once again sink into the cosmic source perception method, unable to extricate himself.

The third kind of enlightenment of the universe is very difficult to understand, and his progress is very slow.

However, the inheritance of the beast gods confirmed each other, and the combination of laws is much faster than other powerful people who understand the origin of the universe.

Understanding such super-strong ideas requires powerful comprehension and very few powerful people who can achieve success in the universe perception method.

Below the sage level, a slap can be counted.

Many powerful Immortal Venerable Powers and Divine Venerable Powers have been converted to the universe's source of enlightenment and practiced, but most of the Powers are stuck in the first layer and are simply not qualified to understand.

Money wasted in vain.

The two major perception ideas, the cosmological origin perception method and the Tao Yun rhythm perception method, are the most difficult ideas to practice, and require a powerful comprehension.

Even as strong as the Lord of the universe, cultivation is very slow, and it is stuck in the third layer like Cheng Buyun.

The enlightenment of the origin of the universe is much harder than Dao Yun's.

Dao Yun only needs to perceive Dao, so that his body fits the Heavenly Dao more and dissolves in the Heaven Dao.

Well, try to be a puppet!

Outside, the strongest players were fiercely fighting, nosebleeds flying, but Cheng Buyun was quietly practicing in the palace, ignoring things outside his body.

Another half of the month passed and the Celestial Power Contest ended and the Golden Celestial Power Contest began.

The number of Jinxian-level strongmen is also quite large, reaching more than 3 trillion.

More than 3 billion were promoted, and the remaining 3 trillion were eliminated.

Very cruel selection criteria, choose one out of every thousand, you say it!

After such a fierce operation, it is estimated that for a long time in the future, the quality of the strong will decline by several levels.

After all, the good ones have been selected, and the rest are naturally crooked!

Heavenly Court is very generous. It did n’t come to trouble with Cheng Buyun at all. Heavenly Court also has its own forehead training system. It is not a serious matter to collect the strong guys with good quality.

And even if Heaven Court wants to stop it, there is no good excuse.

In the final analysis, the carrots brought out by Cheng Buyun were too delicious and attracted everyone.

When it comes to the fairy general level, the number of participating strongmen has dropped by several levels, with a total of more than about 600 billion. The first level of the fairy will be more than 200 billion, the second level is not even 200 billion. The more exaggerated is the peak fairy He won't even have 100 billion. After surpassing the knockout, he directly entered 100 million, and immediately got a qualification.

This cent-level knockout game was extremely fierce, and each world zone formed countless teams and played crazy.

To the level of immortal generals, the realm of each strong person is not much different. For a quota, it can be described as a means, the conspiracy is strange and useless, and everyone is stunned.

Spy installation, ambushing, temptation, etc. are all staged one by one.

For the sake of hundreds of billions of wealth, or something, just go!

In such a crazy situation, even if an individual immortal will have a strong secret method, he will not dare to fight alone, because he will be besieged by dozens of hundreds of powerful people, terrible!

In the fairy king level competition, there are fewer strong players, and the total number is less than 10 billion.

Barely reaching 6 billion people,

Is there a small number of strong people at the level of human cultivators?

Not really.

Because many of the strong kings of the Immortals, most of them went to the Heavenly Court for the same day, or went to the border alone to support the war.

Although the border war is very dangerous, the rewards are extremely rich. If there is a life where it is mixed for a billion years, the net worth will be rich after retirement.

Like many independent fairy lords, they used to be mixed in the frontier battlefield, and they have hundreds of billions of holy coins.

Because to support border wars, not only will you get wealth, but your strength will also be greatly enhanced.

As long as you are lucky, you will have everything you dream of.

The junior fairy kings who are below 30,000 times the fairy power account for 4 billion, and the number of intermediate fairy kings who are higher than 30,000 times is about 1.8 billion. The senior fairy king is not even enough for 10 million. There are fewer peak fairy kings, only one million.

Therefore, in order to screen the strongest players to the maximum, the fairy rules changed a little bit. The first level, with one million people as a world division, a total of more than 4,000, taking the top 10,000, a total of 40 million.

As long as one percent of them are willing to join, it is enough.

And with the potential of the space-time empire, there should be no one.

As for the last two levels of immortal kings, all of them are promoted, you can choose whether to join the space-time empire, as to what rewards you can get, see the ranking.

After all, Cheng Buyun had long considered that the number of strong fairy kings would not be too large. At that time, the top 100,000 were stipulated for rewards.

But there is also a benefit. Any advanced fairy king, including junior and intermediate, is eligible to purchase a piece of armor at a one-hundredth price.

Billions of sacred coins are not too many for the strong fairy king, and anyone can take them out.

Even if you do n’t have this wealth, you can owe it and wait for it to be returned later.

Of course, this benefit is only available if you choose to join the Empire of Time and Space.

Immortal king strong who can advance, the talent is still good, the secret method is the least to match the strength of the secret method.

A few have created secrets that go beyond levels,

Overall, not bad!

"the host……"

The call sounded from far and near, and kindly and softly rang into Cheng Buyun's ears. During his training, his eyelids tremble for a few seconds and he retreated from the perception. He opened his eyes in the light voice and saw Catherine's flawless Beautiful face.

"Master, the Fairy Race is about to start." Catherine said softly.

There are not many Xianjun strong players participating in Xianjun level tournaments.

The number of people is only more than 100,000, and the average number of more than 6,000 immortals is less than 20.

In fact, there are a lot of top sects. The lords of the top sects are at least at the level of the fairy monarch to qualify as a top sect. Many elders like the sect are also strong sages.

If you think about it, you know that even the Jinshan fairy country has nearly 500 fairy monarchs. If other fairy empire makes a half-fold, then there are two or three hundred.

It is a pity that many top lineages have complicated relationships and have backgrounds behind them, so they cannot claim for themselves. They are not under the command of the immortal Venerable Powerhouse or the children of this Immortal Venerable Powerhouse.

Naturally, I won't come to participate in the peak power war organized by Cheng Buyun.

It is not that the rewards are not high enough, but that when the rankings are reached, if you do not join, it will inevitably cause Cheng Buyun, the newly-promoted host, to be unhappy and worried.

It is something that no strong man is willing to do to provoke a big man who cannot be provoke.

Since you cannot join, it is best not to participate.

Save yourself from getting into big trouble.

While watching by Cheng Buyun, Xianjun Strong just finished the group event.

More than 5,000 rings, in groups of ten, with a maximum score of two fairies, will be eligible for promotion.

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