Plane Universe

Chapter 2244: Fudo Ming Wang exercises exercises

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The two secretly negotiated the result, got what they needed, and immediately smiled.

By using the power in his hands, Baiyan Zhunsheng obtained benefits for himself, and of course he got the blood of the gods and animals at a relatively cheap price.

Cheng Buyun got the spirit stone he needed, and sold the blood of the beast **** at a relatively high price.

He never thought of selling the beast **** blood at a price of 3 billion points per drop. In the future, he will maintain the price to 2 billion points or holy coins.

After all, 2 billion points are already very expensive.

There are very few strong people who can buy.

In the future, he will even drop to 1 billion points, or even 500 million points, even if 100 million points, he will sell.

When the stronger ones are no longer needed, don't they make money anymore?

Naturally, the target is placed on the high-level fairy venom, and finally the middle-level fairy venom, low-level fairy venom, and ordinary fairy venom.

Even the fairy king.

Squeeze everyone with the blood of the Divine Beast and Blood Luojing.

They pit them.

The mobilization of the Spirit Stone also takes a short time. Cheng Buyun naturally cannot wait here. After chatting with Bai Yan Zhunsheng for a while, he will leave.

And Baiyan Zhunsheng immediately acted, and ordered to reach a large number of Tianting Banks, and each branch of Tianting Bank immediately ordered the spirit stones out of the warehouse and transported them to the Tiangong.

Although 35 billion points sounds like a lot, the amount is actually not large, which is probably equivalent to more than 400 treasure points. With the huge volume of human immortals, it can be gathered in a blink of an eye.

Baiyan Zhunsheng said that he was in difficulty, but he just wanted to knock Cheng Buyun's bamboo pole to benefit himself.

This is Cheng Buyun's exchange of points for spirit stones. If it is another god-cultivator, even the Charm Blue Divine Emperor is not easy to use.

It will definitely be dragged for a thousand or hundreds of years.

Of course, no one would use the points to go to the logistics department to exchange spirit stones.

Change also with other strong players, 1 to 100.

But now, the exchange rate of points and holy coins has dropped, diving likewise, no one wants to change 1 point for 300 million holy coins.

The auction held by Cheng Buyun, Lingbao is only more than 40 trillion holy coins, who would fool the holy coins for points?

He was like Sun Monkey now, feeling that the whole heaven was turned upside down and the situation was turbulent.

Waiting for the moment.

No one wants to lose themselves.

Treasure house.

This is the third time Cheng Buyun has come.

With a huge sum of 200 billion points, I do n’t want to waste the arrogance, I am sorry for the support of the brothers and sisters.

With a big wave of hand, the fifth layer of the universe's source perception method, and the first to fifth layer of the chaos source perception method are all bought.

21.11 million points went.

It is not that Cheng Buyun does not want to continue to buy other layers, but cannot.

The ordinary members of the Tiangong Powerhouse are only allowed to purchase up to the first five layers of the five major ideas. After the sixth layer, more powerful contributions are required.

That is not something wealth can solve.

After thinking about it, once again, with a big wave of his hand, Panguguan's ideas and Nuwaguan's ideas were also included in his pockets.

These two great ideas are also very useful. Looking at the explanations and introductions of the ideas, especially for the law of enlightenment, the research and creation of secret methods have a powerful effect.

In the blink of an eye, more than 43.3 billion points went.

The points are spent very fast, and it doesn't hurt at all.

After buying the idea, Cheng Buyun's eyes were on the body training.

Body exercises are also a major feature in the main universe.

After comparing several body-building exercises, Cheng Buyun finally chose one of the most powerful body-building exercises he thought.

Of course, this is the most powerful, just what he thinks.

There is a total of nine layers of immortal Wang Gong, which has only one effect and increases its own defense.

On the first layer, the defense power doubles, the second layer doubles, the third layer five times, the fourth layer 10 times, the fifth layer 20 times, the sixth layer 30 times, the seventh layer 40 times, the first The eighth floor is 60 times, and the ninth floor is 100 times complete.

In the end, the ninth level of consummation can increase your defense by 100 times, which is not powerful.

No wonder Cheng Buyun chose Fang Ming Wang Gong, because this is the most suitable body cultivation method for him to practice.

At the same level, there can only be one type of physical exercises. The effects of higher-level exercises cover the effects of lower-level exercises, and they also cover the exercises at the same level.

For example, if you practice the top-level immovable Ming Gong, and then practice the nine-turn golden body skill, or 8-9 Xuan Gong and other top-level physical exercises, you will immediately cover the immovable Ming Wang Gong, and all the effects of the immovable Ming Wang will also be Disappeared immediately.

Even if other low-level exercises have been practiced before, once the high-level exercises have been modified, the special effects of the low-level exercises will be completely covered, so that all the previous functions have been eliminated.

That is, the life genes that have been added to the practice of extremely low body exercises have been overwritten and disappeared once they are fixed.

Of course, body exercises are the best for you.

This is not to say that several other top-level exercises are weak.

For example, in terms of turning the golden body, each level of cultivation can provide a cultivator with one point of life gene enhancement, while also increasing the strength by 100 times and greatly increasing the explosive power of speed.

Another example is 8-9 Xuan Gong, which can enhance the life gene, up to 9 points, and at the same time can increase 50 times the strength and 50 times the defense.

Therefore, there is no strongest, only the most suitable.

If Cheng Buyun did not have a perverted power amplitude talent, he would definitely not choose the Ming Wang Gong, but would choose 8-9 Xuan Gong.

However, top-level exercises are difficult to practice, and even the strongest who can reach the peak are few and far between, and almost every slap can be counted.

Just like the chaos war recipe taught by the chaos master, the only effect is to increase power.

Because the primitive universe did not have physical exercises, or there were, but very few.

The Nine Tribulation Secret Codes such as Luo Feng and others are all classified into physical exercises, but the Nine Tribulation Secret Codes are no doubt more powerful.

Chaos like Cheng Buyun's practice of engulfing the secret code is also a kind of refining code.

He is a little worried now, whether he can practice Wang Gong himself.

If you can't practice more than double the defense, it will be a huge loss.

He apparently forgot that he had practiced the lowest level of body exercises long ago.

There is no need to worry about such things at all.

Of course, whether he can practice himself or not, Wang Gong still needs to buy it.

If he can't practice, he can also take it back to the original universe and sell it to other powerful people, or dedicate it to the teacher.

No waste anyway.

The top-level body exercises are also very expensive, with 10 billion points in all nine layers and two pieces of medium to high price.

The ordinary Xian Zunqiang do not have this kind of wealth.

If you want to buy all, it is impossible.

With Cheng Buyun's current permission level, only the first six tiers can be purchased, and the seventh tier requires a higher contribution.

However, the first six layers are also sufficient, and many immortal Venerables do not have 30 times the amplitude strength.

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