Plane Universe

Chapter 2247: The degree of physical defense

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Fangming Wanggong practice has already worked, and Cheng Buyun is inexplicably surprised in his heart.

What surprises him most is that Fang Ming Wang Gong was actually driven by Chaos Engulfing Secret Code, which made him practice the Fang Ming Wang Gong more effective.

No, it's less to do less with less, but to make rapid progress.

Just started practicing, he already felt that his body was much stronger.

In terms of his current strength, a little progress is extremely horrible.

The higher the body's life gene multiple, the more natural the body's defense is.

Just like the gods and beasts of the Eight Kingdoms, perfect-level life, it is necessary to send countless powerful people, including many of the strongest in the universe, to participate in the encirclement and suppression. One can imagine how strong their bodies are.

Like Cheng Buyun, although the body reaches a height of 100,000 kilometers, wearing the crystal emperor armor allows the power of the realm to reach 100 million times. In fact, it is also a weak chicken for the universe overlord.

And let the other party helpless, in fact, the body's powerful defense is working.

Perfect life, if there is no special place, I am sorry for this name.

Just like the future Luo Feng this guy, to contend with the Lord of the universe at the level of the venerable universe, is his realm of law really awesome?

Not really.

But his body is too arrogant, and under the blessing of the treasure, he has suffered very little damage, making him able to fight with the other party frantically without defeat.

After all, it's clear when you think about it. A second-order universe master, the genes of life are at least a thousand times weaker.

The main level of the universe is 10 billion divine powers, and the most respected universe is 100 million. Even if it is multiplied by 10,000 times, it is only 1 trillion times divine power.

The second-order universe master has at least ten trillion times divine power.

That kind of attack intensity, how can the Lord of the Universe endure.

The primitive universe is not a special life without thousands of times of life genes. Have you heard of a strong person who can contend with the master of the second-order universe?


Only Luo Feng can do it.

Perfect life, not only the body is tall and powerful, the defense is also extremely strong,

Cheng Buyun is becoming more and more abnormal.

Once the immortal Wang Gong was completely cultivated by him, the defense increased by 100 times, I am afraid ...

It's no wonder that no one of the five side beasts of the main universe has fallen. I'm afraid this is also the reason.

Perfect level of life, the defense is increased by 100 times, even if it is attacked by hundreds of the strongest in the universe, I am afraid it is all tickling.

In the primitive universe, the master-level strongmen of the universe are sheltered by the rules of the universe, and any strongman can at most exert the sixth-order strength.

Under all kinds of restrictions, it is really difficult to fall like such a strong man!

In the future, Cheng Buyun is also such a perverted strong man, able to run rampant in any primitive universe, without fear of any strong man.

"It's worthy of being the only secret code that time and space taught to himself. It was really domineering, and it was integrated into itself, ha!" The surprise in Cheng Buyun's heart was beyond words.

The effect of Fang Ming Wang Gong is a little bit condensed and fusion, so that his body is strengthening every moment.

The soaring of the defense, I can feel it, and naturally made him more pleasantly surprised.

I don't know how long time has passed, and Cheng Buyun's cultivation finally stopped.

Because the first layer of Fangming Wang Gong has been cultivated, his defensive power is twice as strong as before. The kind of physical strength and resilience, soaring in all aspects, surprised him repeatedly.

Even, he deliberately took out weapons to cut around his arm and body.

The artifacts of ordinary level are cut up and emit a burst of metallic sound, which can not be cut at all. This has never been the case in the past.

After all, he is only a realm, not an immortal god!

Sharpness can't break the defense like attacking an artifact, one can imagine how perverted.

Catherine, who watched his movements next to her, was completely shocked, and her eyes almost glared out.

"Master has been so perverted? Can't even cut the artifact?" Catherine stared at the weapon in Cheng Buyun's hand, and felt it seriously. arms.

She was speechless.

Attacking the artifact is a very sharp treasure, and its strength is as strong as if she can resist without wearing armor, she can easily cut into the body.

Of course, chopping in does not mean that she can be hurt.

Divine body Divine body, only the attack of divine power can hurt.

Ordinary people hold the treasure, and can not cause a little damage to an immortal god.

Of course, the power contained in Treasure itself is very powerful. Once a Treasure is inserted into the body, I am afraid it will cause a huge amount of damage.

Arcana itself contains the power of law.

"Haha, good!" Cheng Buyun laughed wildly, never having been happy.

Zhennima was mentally ill and chopped himself with a weapon, but he was so happy.

There is no one.

"Do not move Wang Gong, it's really strong and perverted, I like it!" Cheng Buyun laughed wildly. The joyful expression came from the bottom of his heart.

Catherine was immediately clear and shouted joyfully: "Congratulations on the master's great work."

Cheng Buyun turned his head with a smile, gently waved his hand and smiled, "It's still far from Dacheng."

Catherine was startled again. Wasn't it a success?

Master, this is going to heaven!

Now it's enough perverted, what kind of situation will it have in the future?

Just thinking about it, she shuddered, mourned for the enemy, and was also sad for her ethnic group.

I only hope that in the future, the master will not kill the mother emperor!

"Oh, what's the situation now?" Cheng Buyun suddenly asked: "How long have I been in retreat, the peak power war, where has it been?"

"Nine days have passed since I returned to my master. The peak power battle has been held, and many powerhouses can reach the holy land in a few days." Catherine said back.

This time it took Cheng Buyun to retreat to practice immobility Ming Wang Gong for almost ten days. At that time, the peak power war had already reached the level of immortal king.

"Nothing unexpected happened?" Cheng Buyun asked with a smile, but he believed that with the suppression of his name, other powerful people coveted and should not provoke his anger.

He has this confidence.

Unless those guys don't want the blood of the beast god.

Under this premise, it is totally unnecessary to do some dirty things by risking offending him.

The tearing of the face is extremely serious in any strong man.

Knowing that Cheng Buyun's strength is the foundation, he still insisted on provoke, that can only be said to be a fool.

There are no stupid people who can cultivate to the level of immortal.

The quasi-Saint strong disdain to do these things, and Senior Immortal Venerable can't provoke Cheng Buyun at all, so naturally it becomes clean in the first sight.

"No, for the time being, the strongmen who joined our empire haven't heard any attacks yet," Catherine said proudly.

"That's good, call those strong people to train as soon as possible, we have little time." Cheng Buyun said.

"Already doing it, there are already a large half of the strong people gathered in the capital star, as soon as the remaining part arrives, they can come over immediately." Catherine replied respectfully.

Capital Star, the highest administrative institution, is three trillion kilometers away from the Holy Land, and is also the closest life planet to the Holy Land.

Unlike the nature of the holy land, the holy land is generally the residence of the royal family, a place for genius cultivation, and it is difficult for outsiders to enter.

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