Plane Universe

Chapter 2254: Formally form a space fleet

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The immortal cultivator cannot be unified, there are too many members, and there are various personalities, unlike the unity of the **** cultivator.

And not everyone is eager to fight, some strong only seek stability, or indulge in alchemy.

Anyway, there are many members of the three major systems to join them. After all, many strong people have not pursued their immediate interests for stability.

First stabilize for a while, wait for the upgrade, apply for blood Luojing, improve the fusion, and be more sure to go to the border war.

After three days, all members have been selected and counted.

In addition to the previous warlords and soldiers, the army members have increased by more than 25 billion. Among them, there are three levels of the fairy level, and the number is more than 22 billion. Of course, a large part of them are during the robbery.

The robbery period occupies about one third.

This group of members will not be sent abroad. Their current task is to work hard to prepare for future breakthroughs.

Becoming a fairy is not easy.

A large number of hijacking periods are stopped here, and even at the last moment to try their luck.

Even with the ability of the 13th floor of Tongtianqiao, I am not sure that I can survive the sky-tribulation.

Only the 15th floor is more certain, the realm of the law of the houhou level!

Those below the Fenghou level are all fighting luck,

In fact, crossing the robbery is to look at the background, the background is strong, and the sky robbery is strong.

Like the evildoers Cheng Buyun, the advent of Heavenly Tribulation might be the main strength of the universe.

In a word, the rules of the universe depend on people to eat, and the weak have the opportunity to survive the sky-tribulation.

If the double life gene is normally in a normal state, the rule can be stabilized if it is completed.

Every time the life gene doubles, the difficulty of crossing the robbery doubles.

Genius and ambition are relatively large. It is almost impossible for you to prevent them from practicing those advanced physical exercises.

The three major systems, the logistics department in charge of which is also in the hands of the central governor Bai Suzhen.

In fact, it is not so finely divided. The new empire is imperfect in every aspect, and it is impossible for an important department such as the logistics department to be handed over by uneasy people.

In the final analysis, it was actually caused by too few people under his command.

Catherine, gluttonous, etc., it is okay to kill, kill, kill, let them manage an imperial government, it is estimated that it will be a mess in a few days.

Bai Suzhen has such a kind of patience, and has also been a general manager for nearly ten thousand years. After a lot of study, he has the current patience.

Even so, it was a stumbling block at the beginning, and many things were a knife.

The strong is also respected, with Cheng Buyun supporting in the back, and no one in the empire dares to jump out and oppose it, otherwise it will be chaotic.

There were flames in the imperial territory.

A big fist is good!

No matter how you do it, no one dared to oppose it, only to obey.


"Now ... give you all the members of the army to join the vanguard soldier status, divided into reserve soldiers and regular soldiers."

"At the same time, the formation of six space fleet army."

"The First Cosmic Army is commanded by Chongrou, the Second Cosmic Fleet Army is commanded by Empress Miriam, and the Third Cosmic Space Corps Army is commanded by Empress Cecilia."

The virtual influence of the two immortal empresses appeared in the void, let everyone know first, Xiao Hong later said: "The second and third commanders are temporarily closed."

"The Fourth Space Fleet Group Army command is temporarily replaced by Xingman Shenjun, and the Fifth Army Group command is temporarily replaced by Ziye Shenjun."

"As for the command of the 6th Space Fleet Group Army, it was originally assumed by the star Xianjun Lan Xueying, but now she has followed the practice of Yunxiao Zhenjun, so the removal will be temporarily replaced by Yaoyang Xianjun."

"Each space fleet group army is composed of 10,000 legions, with a total of 10 billion soldiers, and each legion has about 1 million members. The head of the legion is temporarily replaced by a strong fairy,"

"Each legion is divided into 100 regiments. The head of the regiment is temporarily replaced by the strong king of the fairy king. According to the way from high to bottom, those who are on the ranking list have priority."

"Every thousand people is a big team, every 100 people is a squadron, every ten people is a squadron, officers at all levels are temporarily replaced according to the ranking, and all remaining vacant positions are temporarily assigned by the leader."


10 billion members of each space fleet group army ...

When everyone heard this, they were ignorant.

There are a total of 6 Space Fleet Group Armys, that is, 60 billion strong men, and the entire Holy Land is not enough to add up, the vacancy is a bit big.

Of course, the six fleets did not say that they must be full at once. Except for more than 18 billion reserve soldiers, there are more than 16 billion full soldiers.

At the peak of the powerful war, the fairy level is 15 billion, of which 6 billion belongs to the robbery period.

Celestial level, more than 4 billion people.

Jindan level, more than 3 billion people.

A total of 300 million people will be gathered at the fairy level.

There are more than 60 million people in the four levels of fairy kings, including more than 40 million junior fairy kings, 18 million intermediate fairy kings, not even ten million senior fairy kings, and less than one million peak fairy kings.

The Xianjun level is more than 110,000 points.

Although the quantity is not large, the quality is very high.

Almost enveloped the most top-notch people in the human fairyland.

The number of top fairy kings is actually not small, but most of them belong to Zongmen strongmen, and 70% of these sects belong to the control of Xianzun. Naturally, it is impossible to participate in the peak strongman battle.

Of the more than 16 billion strong men, two-tenths of them have joined the other two systems, so the official fighters are about 13 billion.

Assigned to the 6th Space Fleet Group Army, the number of official soldiers per unit is ... 2.16 billion.

It's still far from being 10 billion full.

However, 13 billion official soldiers are enough, which greatly exceeds the number of border wars that need to be supported.

Among the 6 space fleet armies, the second and third space fleet armies are the strongest.

Inevitably, the fleet commanded by the two mother emperors alone is terrifying for the Titan warriors they own.

Titan warriors, as long as they have money, as much as they want.

"The distribution is like this for the time being. In this limited time, everyone needs to step up and strengthen their own strength. What can be done by applying to the Logistics Department."

"Also, the six Space Fleet Group Army, the commander of the heavy and flexible have the right to command." Xiao Hong later arranged everything, and then disconnected the communication.

The members of each fleet have basically been arranged. More than 70,000 strong and powerful immortals, and more than 10,000 of them, all remain in the Holy Land as teachers to teach genius.

The remaining more than 30,000 immortal monarchs will naturally either defend the territory or contribute to the expansion of the chamber of commerce.

The former Boundary Warrior has been converted into a member of the reserve army. Of course, although they are reserve troops, they are all gold in rank.

After all, the main warriors are all wrong, and the treatment is definitely not bad.

In the future, the reserve soldiers want to participate in the battle, only to go to the universe to experience the journey.

Although the general universe is not rich, it is safer.

The border war is still too cruel, just like the previous war with the Jinshan fairy country, although the main fighters were wearing armor, they still sacrificed a lot under the fire of a large number of immortals.

Up to now, there are still a lot of sacrificed warlords who cannot be resurrected.

However, these are already arranged, and it is not too difficult to let the fairy lord who is sitting in the holy place to resurrect.

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