Plane Universe

Chapter 2258: Demon servant army

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Soon, the troops of the First Space Fleet Army of the Space-Time Empire moved.

Each legion reached the defense zone and landed on those broken lands, or replaced by white dwarfs, or even some broken planets.

Many planets are already deserted, traces of various wars are imprinted on the land, and a large amount of law power remains on the surface.

At the same time, the Provisional Seventh Space Fleet Group Army also assigned six out of one strongmen to various giant fortresses to control those mechanical cannons.

At this time, these strong men just put aside some snacks.

It seems that oneself and others should not be regarded as cannon fodder.

In the front line, we can see more detailed information at this time.

In the void in front, a lot of corpse fragments remain, as well as a large number of weapons and armor fragments drifting with the waves, cluttered in the void.

These things are of little value, and there is no need to charge them. Generally, after the war, the powerful fairy digs a treasure, or packs these debris, and the broken weapon can be exchanged for some money.

Zhongrou raised her eyes and looked at the distance. A large number of demon clan enemy forces have been prepared again, but it is estimated that it will take a long time to see its speed.

Why don't the human immortals cultivate counterattacks, but defend?

In fact, it is now just a harassment battle, and the Demon Clan is not serious at all. The previous wave of attacks was just an attack by the Demon Clan's servants.

There are few formal strongmen at all.

The calm of the battlefield was finally broken again a few days later.

The attack power of the Demon Race this time is obviously very different from the previous one.

Even the supervisors came to communicate in particular, to alert all defenses, and don't be careless. The next wave of attacks will be very intense.

Because of the information feedback from the intelligence team in front, the official members of the Demon Clan have been assembled, and there are also a large number of powerful people such as fallen people and aliens.

The next battle is expected to be very intense.


Sure enough ... half a day later, where Chongrou's eyes were, a large number of black-red skinned thin and small demon clan servants with a height of only one meter and two held the shining blade in their right hand, and the black shield rushed in the left with a black shield.

These little black and red dwarfs are not ugly, but they are a bit cute. There are two raised lamb horns on the round head, no hair, blue eyes like jewels, round nose, and a mouth. Two yellow-yellow fangs stick out.

The small arms, thin bones like thighs, and the short body like malnutrition as if the muscles were atrophy, sharp claws, and there were no distinguishable gender organs on and off. Obviously, these little dwarfs could not breed offspring.

The demon clan servant army branch, the small devil clan, is the most inferior member of the devil clan. It is said that the life was born from the hatching pool. After birth, it is the immortal level, and the strongest is the peak of the ordinary immortal level, which is 99 times divine. degree.

After that, the strength can no longer be increased.

Behind these little black and red dwarfs, there is a pair of sheep's hooves. The thick thighs are extremely strong. The skin of dark red color is protruding a lot. That is the armor, which is distributed in important places throughout the body.

Arms like tires, the height of the body is also five meters, dragging a black sword like a small door with one hand.

It's just the opposite of the little devil. It's not as strong as being strong, and it feels very sturdy when the whole body bursts.

The big demon, the main level of the immortal army, has less chance to break through to become a lord class, but there are very few such big devil.

It is rarer than all kinds of geniuses.

Behind the big devil is a guy in a black robe with various rune marks on his face. He has the same height as a human, but his face is blurred and there are no facial features.

Plague demon, caster.

Just look at its name and you know it's not hot.

The level of power of this branch of the demon servant army varies greatly, from ordinary immortal gods to princes. For example, the prince-level plague demon has a very powerful power, and a poison spell will continue. Can be immediately hit.

It even fell.

Very scary kind of guy!

Suddenly, a group of black clouds rushed behind the demon servant army. Looking at it closely, they were sturdy and two meters tall, with a pair of bat wings about one meter long behind.

Sparse and yellowish hair, triangular eyes, and a nose with a pointy curve, the deep surface is also covered with a large number of fine red spotted scales.

The surface looks really ugly.

The four demon clan servants came out together.

The atmosphere of human immortals is extremely tense, especially the plague demon among them, it is not easy to mess with at all.

Every time this group of guys come out, it means that there are a lot of strong men falling down on the side of the human immortal.



"Roar! Roar!"

The demon clan soldiers roared and roared one by one. The huge roaring roar shook the void, and the world suddenly lost its eyesight. Their eyes showed blood-like killing desires, like red-eyed gamblers, violent and crazy Running, the feet that stepped in the void were all turned into afterimages, like electric motors.

Red tide is coming.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A large number of mechanical giant cannons vibrated, and the white beam of light appeared to explode the void, so that there was a short sound in the universe void, suddenly bursting out like gunpowder.

The discolored light beams blasted, and all the great demons waved the giant sword like a door plate in their hands.

Numerous mysterious attacks attacked the white beams of light, and there was a strong explosion on both sides of the void. In front of the void, there was even a huge abyss like Tianhe, and the space collapsed.



The demon clan is a dead guy, there is no reason to go, and you will die with you when you come up.

"Master, did our fortress fire?"

Chongrou immediately ordered, "Fire!"

Anyway, the energy consumption of the mechanical cannon is supplied by the heavens, not in vain.

The bombardment of mechanical giant cannons is actually not very effective, it is only used to consume the power of the great demon, and it is also the only effect.

In a few rounds, just ten million kilometers, it was fleeting.

"Warriors, beware of the plague demon opposite you, follow me!" Chongrou shouted, trembling a million miles, even if you can't hear it from a distance, you can hear commands from the communication channel.


"Roar roar!"


A large number of soldiers appeared from various broken land and within the planet, and the figure that followed them charged towards the demon clan servant army.

In the roar, the soldiers began to condense a piece of black armor.

The clang sounded again and again, and the void was shaking at the moment.

A large number of Xianjiang strong appear, of course, only Xianli reached!

"Go to hell."

The soft and soft hands spread like a phantom of rainbow light, the body turned over, about 300,000 kilometers in an instant, and the body hit the air and hit it with one foot.


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