Plane Universe

Chapter 2270: Luo Feng is a little flustered

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Alice ...

An extremely difficult female lunatic, especially when the female lunatic still has a strong strength, even makes the alien strong man afraid.

Burning divine power after the battle, and then crushed with the domain treasure, and then madly mad at you, how many alien strong people are not afraid?

Especially on one occasion, Alice was fighting with a Northern Xinjiang Alliance cosmic overlord.

From the normal universe to the mezzanine of space, the fight killed for three days and three nights, and finally ended with the retreat of the universe overlord of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance.

Let Alice fame the entire universe and let many alien strong people awe.

It is also after this battle that everyone knows the foundation of Alice's power.


And it is a very large avatar.

Otherwise ... with Alice ’s realm of competence, fighting the cosmic overlord will not be an opponent at all.

Because of the judgment made by a large number of battles, Alice ’s mystery power can only be regarded as good, probably in the realm of low-level universe Venerable.

The ability to kill a moderate level of the Universe Venerable is a treasure.

Especially the field treasure on her body, once it is displayed, the power is incredible.

Many alien cosmic sages have suffered enormously in this regard.

The realm is obviously stronger than her, but in the end it is beaten miserably. If it is not for the strong men in the forces to respond, I am afraid that Alice's kill list has to add many strong names.

There are avatars to supplement the divine power, and there are powerful domain treasure limits. Once the enemy cannot fight, they will be chased.

The end is extremely miserable!

Therefore, many alien high-ranking venerable cosmos do not want to meet Alice, even if they see it from a distance, they will turn around and run away.

Without interest, there is no needless **** between aliens and female lunatics.

This female lunatic is full of muscles and only has the desire to fight. No matter whether it is good or not, anyway, when you see the strong foreign man, she yells and rushes past to kill.

Let all aliens have headaches.

The ordinary high-level universe secret that Alice went to was already in a mess.

It's not too much to jump with chickens and dogs!

Alice running around,

No one can predict her route. It can be said that there is her figure wherever it is lively.

With the support of ethnic intelligence, she has robbed some of the most valuable treasures to help her strong side, and has many resources.

Every time I rob a treasure, I play crazy.

Fearing the aliens, even the strong human beings are inhaling.

Alice's strength is beyond everyone's imagination.

It's really abnormal.

No matter how it is played and how it is consumed, Alice's divine power is always at 100%, and she can exert her maximum strength.

The opponent's alien strongman naturally cannot compare.

There are two avatars hidden in his body, one is the golden horned beast, and the other is the Youhai avatar.

In particular, the two major avatars are more than 90,000 kilometers in height, and they can scare the aliens to the ground.

Alice, her body has reached its peak, not comparable to Luo Feng's breakthrough.

There are only those in the net worth, even without a treasure armor, even if there is much power, it can't bear the attack of the universe overlord.

Alice is completely different, with Cheng Buyun's support, she is armed to the teeth.

A soul treasure at the ordinary level, a treasure weapon at the top level, an armor at the top level, an armor at the top level, a feather at the top level, a field treasure at the top level, and a flying palace at the top level.

All kinds of treasures, can ordinary people compare?

Even the general master of the universe does not have Alice's current net worth.


Browsing the news of Alice in the ethnic group, Cheng Buyun showed a faint smile. Through these plain language words, he seemed to see an arrogant female God of War.

"Two thousand years of fierce fighting has made great progress in tempering. She should almost be summoned back to let her meditate and meditate on her own."

Cheng Buyun touched his chin, and he said with a smile, "There are all kinds of powerful secrets brought back by myself. Alice will die again. I am afraid that the interracial will be dumbfounded again!


Not moving Ming Wang Gong is not only suitable for him, but also suitable for all those who practice the Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

Including Luo Feng, because their figure genes have exceeded the normal limit of the universe, and it is useless to increase it.

It's better to cultivate the immortal Wang Gong to strengthen defense.

As for strength!

No need for it!

Although the secret method will not be able to attack if you don't practice the increase in growth, but the defense is not as fierce as it is.

Although Cheng Buyun didn't feel that King Ming was good, he couldn't make a decision for others. Anyway, where was the secret code? Then let Luo Feng choose by himself.

If you feel unsuitable for practice, choose another one.

There is no chance of repentance if you are not practicing.


Time has passed quickly, and Xiaohong has taken Cheng Buyun into the coordinate space of the original secret realm.

After a little change, Xiaohong recovered his body, then began to slow down, and stopped after a few seconds.



The chaotic city host who was about to leave had a fierce meal, his eyes stared at the rippling void, ten seconds later, two figures appeared, and a smile appeared immediately on his face. Yun Tu'er, you are back, take a break first, the teacher still has something to do. "

Then waiting for Cheng Buyun to answer, the breath of Chaos City Lord has disappeared into the original secret realm.

"Teacher has something to leave?" Cheng Buyun was startled suddenly, and suddenly thought that there shouldn't be many things that can make the teacher leave in a hurry.

Moreover, the general rescue mission can't move the chaos city master.

He will not be dispatched unless it is his own disciples who are in difficulty, or the master of other universes, or the most important cosmic hegemon of the ethnic group is oppressed by the master of the alien universe.

"Won't you go to Wuhua's secret realm to rescue Luo Feng?" Cheng Buyun squinted. At this time, the only person who sent Chaos teacher out was Luo Feng.

Should n’t it be two or three hundred years?


Regarding Luo Feng, the chaotic city lord naturally attaches great importance to it. The latter knows the potential of the earth's veins in the future. Every one is the treasure of the ethnic group. Precious wealth will easily make the aliens chaotic.

Yu Qing Yu Li all came to lie down.

Besides, an ancestral **** order is slightly worth the chaos city lord to go out for a wave.

Wuhua Secret.

Luo Feng, who was suspended in the starry sky at the moment, was stunned. What about the teacher?

How is a giant wolf?

Where is the teacher?

Suspended opposite Luo Feng was a giant towering palace bathed in flames, the invisible powerful pressure ... It was simply astonishing, far exceeding the eclipse palace that Luo Feng had ever seen, and that faint It seems that the huge ghost image of the master of time and space around makes Luo Feng tremble.

The white giant wolf beside the phantom was Sbwa who had been fighting with him for a long time in the ice star.

"Broken, this is the cosmic master of the Sirius family." Luo Feng was shocked in his heart. The other party's means clearly controlled this time and space. The teacher may be difficult to send it directly to the Kingdom of God.

Bad things.

How to do?

PS: Reply to Moyue Tianyu's book buddy, soon, the next two or three chapters are the next volume, make an advertisement in advance-‘Immortal Eternal Volume’ is about to start!

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