Plane Universe

Chapter 2284: Divine prestige is like a prison

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Cheng Buyun sitting on the Qianbao River suddenly opened his eyes, and two mighty divine lights shot from his eyes, dazzling, reaching the void hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

This means that Cheng Buyun's will soul has been strong to a certain point, and even reached the ability to make the enemy fall with a look.

At the same time, a powerful and appalling coercion spread from him to the surroundings. Such a mighty power of the shore made all people speechless for a while.

Needless to say, immortal gods, many cosmic Venerables felt a trembling of fear.

They are well aware that this is not an illusion, but a feeling transmitted from the soul.

Under this breath, they are like a small boat in the sea, as if they have a feeling of overturning at any time. Some of the cosmic venerable disciples look at each other, with a terrified expression at the same time, said: "Sister Brother Coercion, if you get close, I am afraid that you will not be able to rise up to the idea of ​​confrontation! "

A master who has just broken through, can make the Lord of the universe feel fear and fear by coercion alone. What kind of great strength is that?

Even things that cannot be done by many special lives in the universe have appeared in Cheng Buyun.

Worthy of being the strongest and highest pinnacle of human history, there is no one!

Cheng Buyun stood up and bowed his head slightly, overlooking the expressions of everyone in his eyes, even revealing a hee and a smile, and suddenly seemed to let the spring breeze here, everyone also recovered, and excitedly smiled and laughed. .


"Your Highness moved!"

There was a cry of exclamation, and listening to Cheng Buyun's ears made him feel sullied for a while, and the movement of the **** Nima!

I'm not dead, so what's so strange?

It ’s strange not to move.

In front of the Palace of Time and Space, the wives, Luo Feng and his wife, Zhen Yan Wang, Shu Ying Wang, and even a large number of King Feng Feng Hou Qiang all looked up and smiled with joy on their faces.

Cheng Buyun looked at the past, nodded his head gently, and was very happy to say: "It makes you worry, the breakthrough is very smooth, I have entered the immortal eternal realm."

Although there is a judgment in everyone's mind, Cheng Buyun said it completely.

It was just a simple Annunciation, a group of people suddenly showed more smiles.

Luo Feng also showed a happy expression, gently nodded his head and laughed, as if the man who broke through today was like him.

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness for a smooth breakthrough and becoming an immortal eternal powerhouse!" Under the leadership of Shu Ying Wang, a group of Cheng Buyun suddenly kneeled to the ground in front of the Palace of Time and Space.

Such a move even brought many maid envoys of the Chaos Square, and even the immortal guards, quickly bowed, or kneeled down, and issued a screaming loud voice, "Congratulations, Your Highness breakthrough, become the immortal eternal powerhouse!"

Cheng Buyun was very pleased to see this scene. He smiled and raised his right hand in tribute: "Thank you for your respect. In the future, I will make more contributions that are beneficial to the ethnic group and fight for more resources for everyone in the universe. Let everyone easily cultivate and become stronger, no longer be troubled by resource restrictions, no longer need to worry about resources! "

"We human beings are a pinnacle group, we must have the arrogance and grade of the pinnacle group, I hope that in the future, I can win this pride and grade for the group!"

"For this purpose, I will try my best to do my best, and use all my abilities to lead mankind to become more brilliant and greater!"

"Thank you!"


"His Royal Highness!"

A group of people shouted in excitement with excitement, and their expressions were extremely hot and trembling, and they looked forward to everything Cheng Buyun said.

Although Cheng Buyun's impromptu speech is brief, the content is not simple at all, and the core meaning is even more intriguing.

Luo Feng's eyes widened, and his heart was even more admirable for Yun Ge who spoke these things.

Such a noble ideological connotation has never been said publicly by the strong.

After all, I didn't reach that level, and I couldn't say anything.

Even if you want to lead the glory of the ethnic group, you must have strength and patience.

Even some of the universe's masters dare not say such things, fearing to be beaten.

But Cheng Buyun said today!

As for what will happen in the future, will Cheng Buyun's remarks today become his taint, or even a joke of aliens, as Bu Yun's own ability.

The words spoken are like splashed water.

Of course, if you insist that the water can be recovered, then there is nothing to say, this is just an analogy!


After everyone's hot mood dropped slightly, Cheng Buyun said happily, "Shuying, set it up, have a celebration banquet, and have fun with everyone, so you do n’t have to wait for me. Come back later and drink with everyone. "

"Yes, Your Highness." King Shuying hurriedly bowed and shouted happily.

Cheng Buyun nodded and looked at the happy wives and Luo Feng. They said again, "I will go back as soon as I go."

Then stepped forward, walked in the void, instantly crossed the endless distance, and instantly moved into the Chaos Palace.

Close contact with Cheng Buyun, the kind of powerful coercion is even worse, a large number of immortal powers and even some cosmic Venerables feel that an invisible pressure is coming, almost breathless.

When Cheng Buyun's figure was gone, they exhaled heavily, and then found that their forehead and back were soaked with sweat.


With a faint calm smile on his face, under the respectful expression of countless strong men, Cheng Buyun slowly crossed the front hall and came to the main hall.

"come in."

The chaotic city master's incomparable joy sounded in his ear.


In the main hall, Cheng Buyun respectfully saluted the Lord of Chaos City, and then said to the smiling Lord of Darkness: "Uncle Ershi."

The Lord of Darkness was in the Palace of Chaos, and he was not surprised at all. He had an extra domain treasure to help him hide the vision. He already knew that the Lord of Darkness was there.

Even if it is not the Lord of Darkness, it may be the Lord of Ice, or even the Lord of Dragons.

"Yes, Not Bad."

The Lord of Darkness lamented and laughed, and he was no longer satisfied with Cheng Buyun's uncle and nephew. He was happy that his brother had such a proselytized disciple, and he was also excited about the fact that the virtual cosmos company could provide another outstanding strongman.

"Very well, I can step into the immortality so quickly, I did better than I thought, and even exceeded my expectations. The teacher is really happy for you." The chaotic city master looked at Cheng Buyun's satisfaction and nodded, his face There were expressions of relief, joy, happiness, etc.

"Being able to cross that threshold so quickly is also good for the teacher's teaching." Cheng Buyun now had some humility, and the two universe masters laughed.

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