Plane Universe

Chapter 2290: The human race will be brilliant again

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The Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Darkness are extremely excited.

How precious are the eight kinds of artistic insights mastered in the human race, and they are still similar to the cultivating secrets of ancestral teachings that directly instill content.

Just look at the ancestral religion to understand.

In addition to the three ancestor gods and the eight beast gods, the ancestral gods are more than one beast gods (masters). Many of the alien universes now come from the ancestor gods, and many of them are related to the column teaching.

It is based on the powerful inheritance of the holy land of cultivation secret realm.

Now ... my human race actually has this ability, how can this make the chaotic city lord and the darkness lord not excited?

What they can foresee, as long as they develop peacefully, as long as they give the human race time, the future ... The number of universe masters definitely exceeds the imagination of all powerful aliens.

There are not many hundred, thousands can imagine.

They all want to scream directly to express their excitement.

Today is a lot of surprises, there is a feeling of overwhelming them.

What a surprise!

This is the resource!

The best resource for growing the ethnic group is also the most precious kind, even if it is given to the cultivation resources that Xeon Zhibao does not change.

An Xeonzhibao will enhance a strong person. Although the human race lacks this type of treasure, it is not unbearable. At least no one dares to really provoke the human race.

Cultivable resources are something that Xeon Zhibao cannot exchange for.

If you have the strongest treasure, can you force the ancestral gods to give you a few more inheritance orders?

Can you exterminate the other three pinnacle aliens?

The answer is no, no!

But these cultivation resources are okay. When the human universe master exceeds a certain number, even if the strongest one of the universe has the strongest treasure, seeing hundreds of thousands of the main universe beating himself, I am afraid that he will be scared. Cracked, immediately turned around and ran away.

Of course, Xeon Zhibao can immediately increase the deterrent force, but the inheritance of these cultivation resources requires time to slowly accumulate power. For a group that desperately needs the strong to deter all parties, it is naturally the best one before.

But for the human race, it is definitely the best of the latter.

Obviously easy to see.

The strength of the human race is not weak now, and it is not very urgent for the peak power.

After all, in the primitive universe, one-third of an acre, not many dare to provoke them.

As long as these cultivation boats are not exposed, other powerful forces will not tear their faces with humans and fight for both defeats!

"Okay, okay! That's great!" Chaos City Lord's happy words were incoherent, trembling with excitement,

The Lord of Darkness is not much more confusing than the Lord of Chaos, and he is so happy and crazy.

Everything that Cheng Buyun took out today is far beyond all their imagination, and it is so shocking that they have been completely ignorant.

Looking at the shocking appearance of the teacher and the uncle, Cheng Buyun was still very fulfilled, especially to be able to help the ethnic group, making him even more happy.

The humans of the two universes, the human race of the primitive universe should give him a sense of belonging.

Because he grew up here, there are beloved teachers, and brothers with excellent feelings.

The Lord of Chaos closed his eyes and eased his spirit, and his face was much more stable. He looked at him and said with a smile: "Oh, I just heard that there is still a physical training method, what kind of secret is it?"

"Body Training?"

Cheng Buyun flipped through a pile of books at his feet, picked up one of them, and handed it to the chaos city master to explain: "The physical training method is actually almost the same as the chaos warfare body taught to me by the teacher, but nine There is more than power to increase the gold body tactics. It has more effects and should be one level stronger than the teacher ’s chaos. "

Hearing Cheng Buyun say that the most triumphant secret code he created in his life is not as good as this nine-turn golden body tactic. The chaotic city master smiled slightly and was not angry at all.

He is even willing to create the secret code of his own, which is better than the nine-turn golden body tactics.

Because of that. The value of this nine-turn golden body formula will be higher.

After all, if the effect of cultivation is the same, then there is no value.

"Teacher, there are nine layers of nine-turn golden body tactics, the effect is to add 1 life gene to each layer ..." Cheng Buyun explained with a smile, but when it came to this, he was suddenly interrupted.

Two exclamations rang out directly, and the Dark Lord asked with surprise in his face: "Wait, Bu Yun, what are you talking about? Do you say this can increase the gene of life? Are you kidding me?"

The Lord of Chaos also stared closely at Cheng Buyun, his face full of excitement.

In fact, he already believed it in his heart, because he knew his disciple's personality very well. He said one thing, unless he didn't say it, if he could say it, ten percent would be true.


Cheng Buyun focused on confirming that Shen Sheng said: "Each layer adds 1 point of life gene, and it has an effect of 100 times or less."


The Lord of Darkness felt his teeth hurt, and the smile on his face couldn't stop.

Today, this matter has made him unable to describe it in words. The preciousness of these books is much more precious than the treasures he has struggled in the sea of ​​the universe.

Even the two are not comparable at all!

"Unfortunately, the strength of the nine-turn golden body formula is relatively low, and the ninth level peak limit is only 50 times, but it can defend the body of the strong amplitude 50 times." Cheng Buyun said with a sigh: "Unfortunately, the strength is weak After a while, they can be beaten even more. The kind of goodness varies from person to person. "

"It's not necessary to say, of course, this nine-turn golden body is the best way." The Lord of Darkness even laughed: "Endurance has always been the pursuit of all the strong. The power is just to increase the chance of breaking the defense and increase the effect of knocking back the enemy. , Far worse than defense. "

The Lord of Chaos nodded even. Although the enemy's high strength can retreat the enemy to get a better offensive opportunity, but in the final analysis, the fight of the strong man finally pays attention to the damage rate.

Divine power can falsify attacks. Once penetrating the armor, in addition to weakening the performance of the armor, it can only rely on itself to resist hard. Why is the beast stronger than humans?

Just because the beast is covered with a thick carapace.

This is born, human beings cannot compare in this respect.

But now with the nine-turn golden body formula, mankind can catch up in defense and bridge these gaps.

In the past, humans were able to compete with the strong aliens on their own, and they lost and won. After that, these gaps were cleared, and the winning rate between the strong humans and the aliens would be higher.

Cheng Buyun smiled. Of course he knew the powerful effect of the nine-turn golden body tactics. Apart from the effect of increasing the gene of life, the defensive effect can make everyone feel excited.

The strong man cultivates a balance, with only strength but no defense, and how long he can resist it.

this is a problem.

After all, there are places where continuous combat is required, especially in dangerous places such as the Universe Sea. It is important to maintain a full divine power for a long time.

Stop and stop, even if there is a treasure in front of you, you can't **** it.

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