Plane Universe

Chapter 2302: Veyron Dan

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"Your Highness."

"Your Highness."

On the way back to the Palace of Time and Space, I saw Cheng Buyun coming over, and each one gave way to the middle position, standing by and respectfully saying hello.

Along the way, Cheng Buyun kept smiling on his face. When he was about to reach the gate of the Space-Time Palace, he suddenly tapped his head and turned back the same way.

It caused a lot of people to feel very weird. His Highness went to the entrance of his palace. How did he go back and look at the route he walked, as if going to the palace of the Lord of Chaos.

Yes, Cheng Buyun really remembered that there was nothing he could do.

After a while, he returned to the Palace of Chaos and entered the apse with permission.

"How come the teacher is here again? What's the matter?" Chaotic City Lord looked at Cheng Buyun back and asked in amusement.

"Oh, I did forget a thing just now, so I came to report to the teacher." Cheng Buyun turned his hands with a smile, and the three elixir lay in his palm gleamingly.

Seeing the three elixirs lying on the palm of Cheng Buyun, the chaos city master was immediately taken aback. The feeling that the elixirs came vaguely was extremely powerful.

Because after the appearance of these three immortals, Cheng Buyun's body was distorted in the space of a few meters around the body, and a large number of laws and powers vaguely sent strong fluctuations, causing a sense of discomfort.

If a person who is not strong enough is within this range, below immortality, I am afraid he will die immediately.

It's a bit scary, the power emitted by the Elixir is even more lethal than a masterless treasure!

"Is this?" Chaotic City Lord's expression was more solemn, and he quickly looked up and asked Cheng Buyun.

"Law Vernondan."

Cheng Buyun Lian explained: "Zhongbao-class elixirs, the level of the Universe Venerable, after taking it, you can enhance your own Arcane power within 1 hour."

"One time? So little?" The Lord of Chaos was a little stunned. Even the immortal **** level burning divine power can increase the power by a hundred times. This immortal medicine only doubles in amplitude, which is naturally unsightly.

Not even Mao is counted.

The law lying on Cheng Buyun's hand, Wei Neng Dan, sensed that the might is so powerful, how can it only enhance such a little energy.

"A lot more, teacher, it is enhanced overall." Cheng Buyun said quickly: "If a cosmic vener burns divine power and then takes the law power candan, it can also increase the arcane power to 2000 times, if It will be more powerful if you take the Attack Treasure. Like the World Treasure, the amplitude will be thousands of times more, and the power should be very good. "

The Lord of Chaos nodded and said, "In this case, it is really very good. How about the price?"

The elixir is a good elixir, the problem is the price.

Once it is extremely expensive, it is not very cost-effective and can only be used as a means to press the bottom of the box.

"It's not expensive. The low-level heavy treasure rule is Vondan. I can sell it to the ethnic group for 3 trillion yuan. As for the price of the ethnic group, I don't care how much it is priced, but it is better to be a little cheaper. Just fight. "

"As long as 3 trillion yuan?"

The chaotic city lord was shocked and looked at Cheng Buyun seriously and asked, "Are you sure?"

"I didn't think about how to make money when I took this out. The Venerable Universe is too poor, and I can't look down on that net worth." Cheng Buyun said arrogantly, seeing the chaos city lord's face straight.

If you do n’t exploit the group of cosmic venerable people, you have to exploit it elsewhere, and the object of exploitation is still to be said?

Ethnic group!

They are great!

"In addition to the lower level, I have two types of intermediate and advanced, which are 2 times and 3 times stronger, respectively. The treasure level rule has no power, a little regret." Cheng Buyun pouted, the Shengbao level rule has power. The cultivator is not without, but he is not qualified to exchange.

"As for the price, the intermediate 30 trillion yuan can also be paid with Chongbao. The advanced 3 million yuan can also be paid with Chongbao. As for how to customize the price and qualification, it is the ethnic group's business. I just One supply. "Cheng Buyun said with a smile:" The three levels of the law can power Dan, each supply 100 million pieces, first placed in the ethnic treasure trove to exchange for everyone, if someone changes the ethnic group, they will give me money. "

The Lord of Chaos nodded quickly. He was really afraid that Cheng Buyun asked for money.

Your sister, a three-hundred billion yuan hybrid high-level power Dan, equal to 30 points.

And 100 million is equal to 3 billion treasure points, which is equal to hundreds of thousands of treasure points. It is not good enough to sell the chaotic city owner.

That's more than 700,000 treasure points, you really think it's a joke.

And not only that, he also has the intermediate rule of Vondan, even one of the three treasure points is close to 300 million, which is a total of 800,000 treasure points.

How do you let the ethnic group pay?

Thinking of this, the main teeth of Chaos City hurt.

This apprentice is always beyond his expectations. Where did he get so many precious things, and the opening is a transaction of hundreds of thousands of treasure points?

Cheng Buyun chuckled, in fact, copying the law of power can be really expensive, the big head is just herbal medicine, a multi-billion herbal medicine is the main medicine, supplemented by some other herbs, the cost of each piece will never exceed 10 billion yuan.

The intermediate level is about 20 billion yuan, and the advanced level is about 50 billion yuan.

The law Wei Neng Dan sells expensive, but it is labor-intensive and difficult to refine.

But for Cheng Buyun, with the help of time and space, it can be copied easily.

After all, Cheng Buyun itself has the power of the main god, which further compresses the cost.

And just now he said that he didn't want to earn money from the Venerable Universe.

The conscience dripped badly.

At a cost of only one or two hundred billion yuan, you have sold for several trillions, several tens of trillions, and the final high-level medicine is sold at a price of 300 trillion yuan, 30 treasure points.

I bother!

black merchant!

Three kinds of immortality medicine, the profit is one hundred times, one thousand times and ten thousand times respectively, also said that they do not want to make money, really black!

"Teacher, give it a try and see how much advanced Power Dan has effect on the Lord of the Universe." Cheng Buyun said with a smile. According to the estimation of time and space, if the Power Master of the Lingbao-level law is used by the Lord of the Universe, it is only about 10%. The amplitude and duration will be reduced to about 5 minutes.

"Okay, I'll try the effect of the power candan." The Chaos City Lord concealed all the surprises in his heart, nodded and said, then took the high-level elixir handed over by Cheng Buyun in his hand and signaled to leave a distance , He was afraid of hurting the latter for a while.

The rear hall of Chaos Palace is very large, with a radius of nearly ten thousand kilometers.

Cheng Buyun stood and looked at the furthest place.

The Lord of Chaos's eyes narrowed, and the high-level Spiritual Power Law held in his hand, Power Dan, had disappeared, and he was fused into his body. Suddenly, a strong power radiated from him, covering the entire huge palace.

Cheng Buyun felt that his breathing wasn't breathing so much because of the huge pressure from his face, as if he was oppressed by a heavy mountain, and it seemed to be thrown into the thick mud, and he felt that his surroundings were blocked.


This is the main level of the pinnacle universe. It is really powerful. There is no chance of winning.

‘Indo! ’

The Lord of Chaos raised his hand a little in the air in front of him, a wave of ripples spread rapidly towards the surroundings, and the fragile space was like a piece of paper, no, it was more fragile than paper.


Power burst, and the entire palace was violently shaking, but the next moment, the light flashed, and the attack from the chaotic city master had disappeared.

But there was a mess outside. Everyone's face was panicked, and he kept looking up at the void and all around.

They thought that the enemy had dared to attack the original secret realm!

"Don't panic, I'm trying to move, all are gone."

The majestic voice of the Lord of Chaos resounded in everyone's ears, which calmed the noise outside.

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