Plane Universe

Chapter 2313: Something serious

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The top floor of the back hall of the Space-Time Palace.

I have been watching Cheng Buyun, who understands the content of Chaos engulfing the secret code. My brain suddenly moved slightly, and I noticed that someone was coming up.

Shuying Wang quietly stood aside, with a respectful face that didn't dare to bother me.

Because Xiaohong's lord is not here, she can only trouble your Highness.

But Her Highness is in cultivation, she can only wait.

"Shuying, what's wrong?"

Cheng Buyun opened his eyes and sat up and looked to the side. He asked faintly, "What's the matter?"

He didn't ask why Shuying Wang stood by and could not accept the inheritance, but even waiting, there must be something to report.

"His Royal Highness, bother."

King Shuying fell back slightly, and then came forward to respectfully say, "I have arranged the things that your Highness has instructed. Please look over."

Virtual system prompt: Receive an email from Shuying Wang.

Cheng Buyun opened the email and immediately smiled and said, "I forgot the panacea, but I asked Xiaohong after the first-order optimization!"

The equal-order optimization of the Palace of Time and Space, he just glanced at who knows who is from, otherwise it is impossible to carry it literally.

"Yes, Your Highness, I didn't like the few plans I thought, so I finally asked about Xiaohong's master. She optimized the current content on one of my plans." Shuying Wang naturally dare not take credit, but Do n’t dare to deceive your Highness.

That is impossible.

"Well, just follow the current rules." Cheng Buyun nodded and suddenly waved aside, a world ring floated in the air and merged into the corner of the wall.

Then a portal emerged from that corner, but Cheng Buyun solidified it with his powerful ability, and the world ring formed an independent world.

With Cheng Buyun's current capabilities, all this is a breeze.

"Elixir is in it. You need to take it as much as you want, don't give it to people." Cheng Buyun said without concern, how Shuying Wang has been under his command over the years, he can certainly believe it.

Shuying Wang bowed and looked at the lower hall with his eyes closed, with a smile on his face, and his heart was very happy.

Immediately, he came to the portal as soon as he walked, and then disappeared into the hall one step further, and has entered the independent world.

When she came to the newly formed world on this side, she looked at the elixir mountains in front of her and fell into shock.

These elixir mountains are too huge, a giant mountain about ten kilometers high, a finger-sized elixir, what is the number?

Before flying to an elixir mountain, King Shuying looked up at the stone tablet standing next to him and recovered the elixir.


The double recovery power is a low-level recovery pill. The price is 1 contribution value and 10 pieces. The normal mixed price is 100 mixed yuan. It is not expensive, but this is a giant medicine mountain about ten kilometers high and close to ten kilometers at the bottom.

I am afraid that the Lord of the Universe will be able to get this wealth.

Even if the Lord of the universe sees the wealth that will be jealous.

So shocking!

All the wealth possessed by His Highness is shocking, and it has made several immortal giant mountains ... The wealth possessed by this independent world, I am afraid that only those great beings can compare with one.

After looking around for a while, King Shuying looked at the giant mountain next to it that seemed to be endless, and got it.

After a quick beckoning, countless porcelain bottles seemed to be remotely controlled. They quickly swallowed, and each of the elixir was filled into the porcelain bottle for ten units for one unit.

After working hard for nearly an hour, Shuying Wang finished the panacea purchased by the internal members and let her give birth to a kind. It turned out that making money is not an easy job!

Can't be busy alone next time.

With the Elixir, Shuying Wang left again in a hurry, sealed the Elixir in a space ring, sealed it, and handed it to an escort.

After busy working these, Shuying Wang finally laid back, and once again came to the top floor of the apse, standing in front of the Book of Classical Inheritance.

She stood in front of the book stand of the Star Artistic Conception, and her mind couldn't calm down for a long time.

At this great moment, no one can become calm.

I don't know how long afterwards, the Shuying Wang, who finally stabilized his mind, showed a solemn color on his face, and slowly adjusted the palace makeup skirt to sit on the ground.

The soul communicates the secret code of the artistic conception of the stars.


I felt that my soul was shocked and immediately fell into a state of disappointment!


A small spaceship quickly shuttles in the dark universe, and the powerful humans in the spaceship are constantly cooperating with the intelligent calculation of coordinate points, and the spirit is highly concentrated.

Looking at the face of this strong man, it is one of the thousand guards of immortal gods in Chaos Palace.

He is currently helping the Space-Time Palace to transport treasures to the virtual universe company.

As for whether the treasure will be carried in private when it is transported, it is almost impossible.

What a felony it is to transport treasures and carry treasures away!

Where do you put the Lord of Chaos?

In less than a minute, the small spaceship finally shuttled back to the normal universe again, and the coordinate point was just the void outside the virtual universe company.

The small spaceship disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the human immortal guard immediately flew towards the port, and reached the port in a few minutes. A light wave swept through, but it did not affect the speed of this human immortal guard.

This is the alert system of the virtual universe company.

The security of the headquarters is still very important.

In fact, there is more than a security system here. The entire original secret realm is almost full of security systems. As soon as the enemy comes in and does not meet the identity, the realm system will immediately call the police.

Countless strong men will rush over in the next moment.

If it is an alien who intruded inadvertently, good luck can still leave a life, otherwise ... the ashes are the end!

Space-time palace power station.

At the moment, a large number of strong men were waiting in the station. When the immortal human guard arrived, they were immediately surrounded by countless people and roared wildly: "Don't say anything, hurry, the space ring!

A crazy group of strong men almost tore the human guards away, scaring the other person's liver to tremble.

Zhen Nima is crazy!

He quickly threw out the space ring. After confirming that the seal was intact and did not open the seal, the human immortal guard escaped and left this crazy place.


"Be quiet, don't hurry!"

"What is it, is it yours?"

The scene was almost in a mess. It was still those Feng Qiang who swept away a group of crazy guys, which made it quiet.

Half a day later, the panacea was finally distributed.



"Ao! Ao! Ao!"

The huge roar shook the void, spreading towards a large number of places around, and alarmed countless powerful people, and all of them flew up one by one, and looked over here.

Hum ~~

One spaceship took off.

"Everyone, Jian Gong Li Ye is just today. Follow me and go to the battlefield outside the Seventh Territory!" A strong King Feng roared with passion and jumped into the spaceship.

"Crush! The enemy is killed today!"

"Shock the Ten Thousands for your Highness, rush!"

One by one, the crazy momentum almost made the eyes of countless people around him almost burst.

What's going on?

Why are you crazy one by one!

problem occurs? ? ?

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