Plane Universe

Chapter 2318: The Human Alliance is excited and shocked

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At the end of the video call with Venerable Lan Yu, Cheng Buyun laughed sorrowfully. For those so-called high-levels, the proposal of Venerable Universe was not taken into consideration at all.

See what you can do one by one.

Elder Sister Lanyu also advised herself to recall her strong men.

What a wonderful place to think!

The knives were all pulled out, and you have even suggested to yourself not to cut off the aliens, for fear that they are not traitors from the aliens!

Recall, yeah, recommend it!

Cheng Buyun smiled coldly, stood up directly, looked up at Shu Ying Wang, who was addicted to the practice of the ocean, and then left the top floor, a teleport towards the palace.

In a blink of an eye it was tens of light years away.

The Lord of Chaos sensed the teleportation fluctuations, his eyes slightly raised, and he saw Cheng Buyun teleporting towards the direction of the Chaos City, and he laughed.

For what happened in the extraterrestrial battlefield, the chaotic city lord has known for a long time.

Not taken seriously at all.

Fighting experience is naturally good, and the losses are relative.

And no matter how to kill, it is nothing more than a matter of an extraterritorial battlefield.

That is to say, those who respected the universe jumped up and down very anxiously.

It can be seen that the master who is responsible for managing the affairs of all extraterritorial battlefields is anxious?

No matter how they fight in the extraterritorial battlefield, it is nothing more than trivial and controllable. Each extraterritorial battlefield possesses only a small part of the strongmen, as long as it does not let the strongmen support it in the past.


After continuous teleportation, Cheng Buyun quickly reached the mouth of the cosmic passage. In a burst of rumbling sound, he stepped in and stepped into it.

Chaos City... The scenery remains unchanged for thousands of years, quiet and peaceful, one by one immortal powerhouses or geniuses are immersed in hard work on every roof.

The battle of geniuses has been two more times since Cheng Buyun's one.

The new batch of talented little guys also had the honor to join the virtual universe company, and became one of them, majestic.

Looking forward to one day's rise!

However, this genius is much worse than theirs.

Cheng Buyun's eyes turned from time to time to look around the roof below, flying in the sky, there was no black robe messenger dared to block.

As a messenger of black robe in Chaos City, who can't recognize this person's status and ability?

Don't say anything, just the name of the protagonist of Chaos City is enough.

In terms of status, the black robe messenger had to shout ‘Young Master’ towards him!

The wind and fire rushed into the main palace, and the diameter went towards the treasure house palace.

In the rumbling of the ancient bronze gate, Cheng Buyun entered calmly.

Porcelain bottles floated above the stone plate, and the endless light wrapped up.

‘Oh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

A large number of porcelain bottles floating in mid-air fell into the open hole on the stone plate. A small line of writing was faintly visible on these porcelain bottles.

Like the law Wei Neng Dan (Zhongbao Senior), or Huishen Pill, Hui Yuan Pill, etc.

The stone plates kept storing porcelain bottles, and it took hundreds of millions of porcelain bottles for a long time to finish.

This made Cheng Buyun look helpless.

Although it is a waste of time, things have to be done.

There are more common panacea.


'Ding! ’

The system-wide email reminds that the virtual universe system quickly sends out emails, as long as the universe venerable level has received this email sent in the name of a group.


All the powerful alliances of the Human Alliance open!

In order to enhance the strength of the strong ethnic group, the strong people in the family have gone through endless tests... Anyway, it is a written language, a lot of gorgeous words and sentences...

Now the strong ethnic groups share their contributions and give the group a lot of treasure resources (consumption). Interested parties please log in to the palace of the treasure group to view.

I wish all the strongest players in the alliance endless treasure and eternal life!

The ethnic group was sent at a certain time in a certain year, month and day. "


The cosmic sages who received this email from the ethnic group all changed their looks. The ethnic group rarely sends such emails. Only when there are a large number of treasures that can change the current form of the ethnic group, will the mass mailings be so solemn.

Such as the previous standard heavy treasure beast magic soldier, or some standard heavy treasure armor, etc.

Standard treasures are heavy baby items that can be produced in large quantities and are extremely cheap.

Another example is the magical suit that Cheng Buyun contributed to the ethnic group last time.

This time it turned out to be a consumption of heavy treasure resources, which is a bit scary.

The most consumed by an ethnic group is resource treasures. After all, treasures can be used forever as long as they are not destroyed.

Only one resource, one resource, and one resource are all consumed.

And now...Zhongbao resource treasures.

I go!

Tens of thousands of venerable universes logged into the virtual universe almost at the same time and opened the treasure trove to check out what kind of treasure this new treasure resource is.

Not suitable for own use.

When these digital cosmic sages saw the red medicine area in the treasure trove of resources, their faces were full of doubts and strangeness.

What is the Elixir?

In the primitive universe, few people understand it.

But they may wish to know the introduction of the content of the elixir.

The immense power of that kind of immortality shocked all the venerable universe.

Almost one is counted, as long as you see the introduction of immortality, they are all stupid and foolish!

This email reminds that not only the Lord of the Universe can receive it, but also the Lord of the Universe.

The digital masters of the human race who are rushing back to the original universe in the universe sea have also changed their face greatly after inspection, and are curious and surprised.

"There are such powerful gadgets in this world?" The founder of the giant axe on the way, looking at the various immortals on the virtual treasure trove, with a happy smile on his face, growled loudly, "It is God bless me human !"

The invisible sound waves quickly spread towards the surrounding voids until 100 light years away.

Although the Elixir has no effect on the strongest level of the universe, it still has many uses for the main level of the universe. A Elixir can enhance the power of a 10%, it is not small.

Every treasure that can enhance the fighting power of the ethnic group is a blessing! .

"These... many medicines must have been contributed by the evil spirit." The Lord of the Void Gold doesn't need to check to know who contributed this medicine.

With such an abrupt appearance, who will be besides Cheng Buyun?

Not only did he think so, all the masters of the universe of mankind also thought so. It is clear that these immortals are contributed by Cheng Buyun.

Earlier, it was said that the masters of the universe who consumed a lot of resources, such as the master of the desert and the sun, etc., were ashamed.

"My God, the strong human beings have come up with such great resource treasures!"

"Is this true or false?"

"I can't believe it."

"It's terrible, it's a pinnacle group, and it really deserves our follow-up!"

More than a dozen alien cosmic masters also exclaimed again and again, and sent excitement to the Master of Chaos City by email.

Then they chose to go back.

The Treasury Palace is facing the entire human alliance, and the Lord of the alien universe is naturally qualified to exchange the authority of the Elixir.

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