Plane Universe

Chapter 2327: Start of transaction

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As the meeting at the highest level of mankind ended, a wind broke out secretly.

It is said that mankind intends to take out the alchemy secret heritage and trade with the universe.

As long as you can get the treasures and resources, any ethnic group can allow transactions.

Such rumors surprised the entire primitive universe.

Are humans afraid?

Therefore, even such a precious inheritance was handed over in order to achieve stable development.

But such speculation, but few strong believe.

Most scoffed!

Mankind is the pinnacle group, and the strongest man in the universe sits in town, will he be afraid?

Just kidding.

You ask, Zerg, Demon, and Mechanical tribe dare to attack humans and fight with humans.

As for other hegemonic forces, it is impossible to deal with this peak group of human beings alone.

Their allies will not contribute to these matters.

What a bully as the founder of the giant axe!

The founder of the giant axe was polite and humble, but it was because he did not want to bring disaster to the ethnic group and tolerate the burden and move forward!

If you think he is bullying, you are wrong.

After all, it is a character taught by the original ancestor, where can the strength be weak!

The strength is at least eight higher levels.

Because a long time ago, the strength of the founder of the giant axe was already the eighth-order strength. The two demon ancestors who played the Demon Clan could not shake the place and were beaten.

Today, trillions of years have passed, and strength is really difficult to judge at that step, because very few powerful people have ever seen the creator of the giant axe.

Too humble, too polite.


Many primitive cosmic solo travellers will give some thin faces.

If the human beings are really retreating and hiding in the initial universe, the creator of the giant axe is not crazy.

At that time, it was very difficult for anyone to face such a strong man.


After the rumors came out, there was immediately the first alliance force to come to the door, the Spur Ring Alliance!

"Nothing, don't talk nonsense, that's not what I said from human beings." For the thorn ring alliance strongman who contacted him, the chaotic city master still came to deny the three companies, and he was very annoyed to investigate and want to send the rumorer. Find out to settle the bill.

Language expressions are in place.

But who is the other party?

A great existence that stands at almost the peak level, and its strength is almost the same as that of the Chaotic City Lord. How could it be deceived by this set of words, and even saying don’t be angry, I heard the rumors.

But when I finally came, I said one thing. If humans really want to sell the Alchemy Secret Code, it might as well consider the thorn ring alliance, the price is good, it can definitely be satisfactory.

After disconnecting the communication with the other party, a strange smile appeared on the face of Chaotic City Lord, and said softly, "Old Fox!"

If you shirk yourself, although there are no mistakes and no loopholes, but if such rumors are not nodded by humans, who dares to spread indiscriminately in the universe?

It is almost certain that any aliens know that this is what the human thief calls for the thieves to send people to do. The aliens can also guess that humans intend to share this hot potato.

"share it?"

The Lord of Chaos smiled with a smug smile, teasing and laughing: "Let your clan be cunning again, this time I have to drink the dish of Lao Tzu's foot wash, it's still the kind that doesn't have any drops left."

Such a bottomless thing, the chaotic city lord will not normally do it, but if it has great benefits for the ethnic group, it is an exception.

For the sake of the growth of the ethnic group, what can I do if even a thousand fingers mean?

A little face is better than this huge benefit, don't forget it.

In the mind of the Lord of Chaos, on the importance, first is the ethnic group, and then it is up to you.

From the moment the original ancestor was shocked, in his understanding, nothing could compare with the ethnic group, even his own life.

Because of the promises made to the teacher, for trillions of years, he has been cautious and cautious, and he has never dared to make any mistakes.


After the opening of the good show, after the power of the continued thorn ring alliance came to the door, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, the Northwest Union, the Star Beast Alliance, and the Prison Alliance all contacted the Chaotic City Lord through the virtual universe, and the conversation was full of temptations.

Do humans really want to trade alchemy secrets?

This is a major event, and no ethnic group can miss the chance.

These alliance forces came to the door in turn, and the chaotic city lord naturally took the same kind of talk. He pushed two or five and said that he was not clear, and this was not the case.

But the strong man who came to the door is not an old fox, and he has left a message. If humans are interested in trading, don't forget to wait for them.

Then, after these top power alliances have all gone through the door, the ancestral **** as a neutral force also sent a strong man, the Nine Nether Lord who has deep friendship with the Lord of Chaos.

Treating this old friend, the chaotic city master naturally cannot treat the aliens and chose to tell the truth: "I humans really intend to come up with the alchemy secret trading, but everyone is still fiercely considering the gains and losses. However, even if they are willing to take out the transaction, there is only The first half of the content, and the price will not be cheap, the bottoming must exceed the value of a peak treasure."

The Lord of Nine Nether nodded, and had already prepared for the expensive transaction, he didn't care much.

And in terms of the number of treasures, the alliance power of the original universe is comparable to the ancestral religion?


Over the past month, there have been many rumors outside, and many ethnic groups are envious of humans.

My eyes are red.

One month after the time had finally passed, the Lord of Chaos finally sent people to notify the three pinnacle groups, replied that they could trade a small part of the Alchemy Secret Code, and sent people to choose a place to negotiate.

At the barren border universe void a month ago, the gravel nebula belt, the four pinnacle groups, a total of twenty cosmic masters were on a relatively large meteorite, a square stone table, and there was intense negotiation between you and me. .

No one will obey anyone.

The saliva almost sprayed on the other person's face.

The Lord of Dragons is one-to-many, and a dragon claw is constantly stretched out to point at the other party's angry spray. The words are called a sharp, spraying the alien strong to doubt life.

Why is it so rogue!

After nearly ten days of conversation, the two sides stepped back one step at a time. One pinnacle treasure, two top attack treasures, two top armor treasures, and the remaining six missing peak treasures can be replaced with resources.

Only then did the big deal be completely resolved.

The three pinnacle aliens received part of the alchemy secret code, and they left each other with joy.

In this transaction, who made a loss.

It's really bad!

It is said that humans have made money, but it has indeed come up with the alchemy secret code, so that the three pinnacle aliens have a barrier to entry, and anyone in the future can make it clear.

Could it be that the aliens got these alchemy secrets, what about luck?

If the content of the follow-up alchemy secrets is worked out, then mankind will suffer a great loss.

In a word, no one in the cruel universe is the eternal winner.

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