Plane Universe

Chapter 2338: Only when you become stronger can you do what you want

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In the chaotic market.

The face of the Eclipse Palace was shocked and shocked, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

The e-mail sent by the ethnic group, the content described in it, made his heart turn over the river, as if the world was quiet, giving him a feeling of not knowing where he was.

"Teacher, the Master of the Solar Eclipse Palace has now been shocked." Cheng Buyun said with a joke.

Hearing Cheng Buyun's remarks, Chaotic City Lord suddenly gave him an angry look.

Under such a powerful inheritance, who should not be forced?

It was as strong as many great beings, but it was looked at and lively by oneself at the time, let alone weakened a big realm of eclipse palace.

"Okay, look at you and get angry."

The Lord of Chaos smiled and scolded, and flew towards the space ring with a wave of a space ring, saying, "The space ring is the resource I have asked you for from many great existences, and I have already marked it. Take your things and go quickly."

"Thank you teacher."

Cheng Buyun grabbed the flying space ring, quickly bowed with a smile, and then left the Chaos Market, heading towards the treasure trove of the ethnic group.

The eclipsed the eclipsed palace master, but at this time, he could not recover.

Because everything is too shocking, even if the will is determined and superb, it is impossible to avoid this moment of coercion.

This is different from the treasures that have been harvested by adventure. When robbing, the spirit of fighting is highly concentrated, and the best baby does not know who is distracted when he tends to content.

But the result of the safe place is very different.

Suddenly seeing such content, the trance is completely justified.

Inheritance means strong for an ethnic group!

At the same time, he also has some breakthrough opportunities for those who are only close to the goal. This is the main coercion.

Lord of the universe!

Who doesn't dream!

The celestial eclipse palace has been trying to reach the level that he hopes to achieve, and now he has a chance... he was shocked, stunned, and at a loss.

"Oh my god!"

"I won't live in a dream!"

The celestial lord of the solar eclipse rolls and swallows hard,


The gentle and heart-warming voice of Chaos City Master awakened the trance of the eclipsed Sky Eclipse Palace Master. He even thanked and said, "Thank you Chaos City Master, thank the ethnic group."

As for Cheng Buyun, who had already left aside, although the Eclipse Palace Master noticed it, he didn't think much about it. The most important thing now is inheritance. It is not too late for Cheng Buyun to visit later.

"Don't put pressure on yourself, relax." Chaos City Lord gave a smile encouragement, said softly: "Just a good understanding, I have strong confidence in your talent, go!"

The celestial lord of the palace eclipsed and bowed towards the main chaos of the chaos city, and then he was very excited, and his head was eagerly running out of the chaotic market with his head on his head. temple.

"With such inheritance, I, the Lord of the Solar Eclipse Palace, will surely be able to inherit this name and dare to call himself the Palace Lord." The Lord of the Solar Eclipse Palace roared in his heart, who can block me?

Who can!

Although the inherited content is incomplete, only half of the content is enough.

He has great confidence and understands the fifth level of any kind of mood.

The consummation of the fifth layer of the artistic conception of the stars is the main state of the universe.

This piece of heritage can go directly to the pinnacle of the universe, or it can be said that, in addition to the spirit of the demon god, the four preceding moods can go directly to the pinnacle of the universe.

That is the level of the chaotic city master.

Unfortunately, with Cheng Buyun's status in the main universe, the five major secondary ideas can only get the fifth level of content, and the other four levels of content will take time.

That cannot be solved by points.

You need to be approved by Tianting to be eligible for exchange.


Cheng Buyun, who is heading to the treasure trove of ethnic groups, is in a good mood.

The celestial eclipse palace master is the first to accept the inheritance, and it will not be the last one.

Looking at the human race with their own help, the background is more than a day, a little bit more powerful, that sense of accomplishment.

It's wonderful!

It's indescribably cool!

In this universe, he has lived too long.

There are his friends, brothers, teachers, and relatives. Under many factors, he has regarded it as his hometown.

On the contrary, there is nothing about him in the main universe. When the parents are resurrected, there will be less concern.

Thinking of his parents' resurrection, Cheng Buyun had a little melancholy on his face.

It was also because of this worry that he did not go back to try.

He didn't even dare to ask about time and space, as to his parents' resurrection, whether he could succeed.

Because it concerns his most important blood relatives, he flinched.

Fearing that he would fail, he did not dare to imagine his parents disappearing in front of him, and his own weakness.

It was a trauma to the soul.

With his present power, even immortal gods can reverse the time and space resurrection, but his parents are not immortal powerhouses or even cultivators.

But ordinary people without any power.

There are actually many shortcomings in reversing the resurrection of time and space.

It is not as easy as he had imagined before, as long as the strong man who reverses time and space can resist it will succeed.

The simplest truth is that ordinary people cannot bear the damage of time passing by.

The time lapse of nearly 20,000 years, just ordinary people's parents, can not bear the powerful time lapse. Even if you look back, the parents' body will immediately become a smear under the rebound of time and space.

The power is not enough!

But he will never be weak enough. When he surpasses the universe one day, or can use the original power, time will never be put in his eyes again.

Even ordinary people, even for more than ten million years, he can let the main universe rule to sell his face and release the true spirit of his parents.

Only now, all this is deeply buried in my heart and becomes a temporary regret.

Maybe, time and space will have a way!

But he did not dare to ask, because he was afraid that he would lose this extravagant hope again!

That's a bit cruel to myself!

Heaved a heavy breath, this grammar is still too heavy, let's put it aside first.

Converging his mood, Cheng Buyun watched the bronze door rumbling open in front of him, and slowly walked in.

This time I came to the treasure house, not for treasure, but for resources.

Cultivating and engulfing the secret realm is not an easy task, and requires the use of a large amount of treasure resources.

But now it's just the start, it won't cost too much.

There is probably a cost of tens of thousands of treasure points.

Not enough.

The resources that can enhance the genes of life are very expensive, and ordinary strong people, such as the one who can't afford it, cannot afford it.

It's too expensive.

The huge stone plate kept rising and closing, closing and sinking.

In just a few hours, Cheng Buyun actually spent nearly a thousand Zhibao points.

But this small number is not enough.

Fortunately, the ethnic group gave 100,000 Zhibao points this time, otherwise... Cheng Buyun could only be blind.

The new-level universe master at a general level, upgraded to a thousand-fold life gene, and one hundred Laizhibao points should be enough.

But Cheng Buyun is different. He is now pushing the limits and needs to pile up with wealth.

The cost is much higher.

Resources seem to be free of money. They are stored in a large amount in the inner universe, stored in a space, and then called out when needed.

Of course, it's okay not to spend this fortune. The progress of the cultivation of Chaos Engulfing the Secret Code is probably described in terms of speed.

Cultivators can never lack training resources.

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