Plane Universe

Chapter 2343: Practice also requires a combination of work and rest

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In the highest hall of the main hall of the Palace of Time and Space, a figure flashed, and Cheng Buyun appeared, and in an instant, he had completely seen everything around him and obtained the results through the monitoring of the virtual universe system.

More than ten years have passed, and Luo Feng and Shu Yingwang, who sat cross-legged and practiced, have already left.

But in the past ten years, Shuying Wang has come many times, and hastily left after accepting the inheritance.

Luo Feng also came several times in succession, each time for a year and a half, and the major artistic conception of the stars has reached the level of the second level of success.

Even if there are beast-god moods that mutually confirm each other, but such achievements have been achieved in just ten years, Luo Feng's perception is really terrible.

King Shuying is still rolling in the first layer. The artistic conception she has practiced in the past is only relying on her own experience and humility, and her achievements will not be high.

It is almost the most powerful secret code of artistic conception to cultivate and understand in a short time. If it is not for the universe to directly instill the content, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get started in more than ten years.

Starry Artistic Conception is the most advanced cultivation secret code, and its level is higher than that of Beast God Artistic Conception.

The difficulty of enlightenment is still very large.

Cheng Buyun's spiritual consciousness moved slightly, and the whole hall's scene appeared in his mind.

The practice of Chaos Devouring the Secret Code not only strengthened his divine body, but also made great progress in all aspects of his soul. It was at least twice as powerful as before breaking through the first stage.

It made his consciousness sharper, his thinking speed faster, and his consciousness also increased a lot.

In short, the practice of chaos engulfing the secret code has many benefits. It is not simply a certain progress, but the whole person is jumping and sublimating in all aspects.

Big or small.

A powerful divine body also needs a strong soul consciousness in order to be better called.

When I swept through dozens of small palaces, I saw Alice sitting in it at a glance. The special mysterious atmosphere of his body was very strong.

According to Cheng Buyun's judgment, at least in the second level, it is almost the same level as Luo Feng. Alice and Luo Feng must have exchanges in this regard.

Of course, Luo Feng’s esoteric aspect is not personally seen, but is only judged by the answer given by the fundamental virtual universe system.

At the same time, Cheng Buyun also saw that the two had also entered the small palace of enlightenment and secrets, and they both chose the white tiger figure of the mythical beast.

In the main universe, the white tiger belongs to gold, and the master kills!

The blue dragon belongs to the wood owner recovery, the Xuanwu belongs to the earth owner defense, the Suzaku belongs to the fire owner destruction, and the Qilin belongs to the water owner Taiping.

This is the five beasts, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!

The eldest son of the beast, and he is born with the two laws of space and time, and his power is endless.

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun couldn't help looking at the location of Brother Two, but there was no figure in the station hall.

Obviously, the Oneness One has awakened from the epiphany in these ten years.

"Xi Yun, what about the One?" Cheng Buyun's figure moved and appeared in front of an immortal deity. The close-fitting maids sitting in the hall with their eyes closed surprised, and they all woke up together.

"Your Highness!" Everyone quickly stood up and saluted Cheng Buyun.

The immortal deity maid named Xiyun quickly and respectfully replied: "Back to His Highness and asked, the one who has left has been away three years ago. When he left, his face was full of red light and he was extremely happy. His Highness helped him get this opportunity, and said that when His Highness is free, let us send him a letter and he will thank His Highness again."

"It turned out that I understood." Cheng Buyun nodded and asked softly, "What big changes were there?"

"I don't know. At that time, I only saw the flash of light and shadow, and the Oneness One lost his trace. When I saw you again in a few minutes, it was no different from the ones I saw before, except for happiness." Be careful and respectfully replied.

I dare not conceal anything at all.

In the Palace of Time and Space, Your Highness is heaven.

Not to mention that she is just a little ordinary immortal deity, even at the level where the king is strong, only kneeling before the temple.

Xi Yun is the maidservant manager of the Palace of Time and Space, and under her leadership, he serves hundreds of male and female servants of the realm, serving Cheng Buyun's daily life.

It is under the influence of Shuying Wang that he considers choosing to be sent over.


Cheng Buyun nodded, thought about looking at her, and said, "Go tell the Shuying Consul, make a record, and then go to the inheritance hall to choose a secret code of understanding."

When Xi Yun heard it, her head exploded, and the whole person became trance. Fortunately, she remembered where she was, and she knelt down excitedly, shaking with excitement and saying, "Your Highness!"

"Go, for more than 10,000 years beside me, there is no credit but also hard work. This little reward is nothing. In the future, a good understanding will become a reward for me." Cheng Buyun smiled slightly and stepped away from the main hall. .

Seeing the figure of His Highness leaving, Xi Yun raised a mist of water in his eyes.

She is just a very ordinary immortal god, and her talent is not how clever. She who has achieved immortality is experienced endless suffering. In the large family of virtual universe companies, in many immortal **** levels, it can only be regarded as the lowest level. A member of.

Most ordinary ordinary immortal gods joined the virtual universe company during the period of the landlord, and they were treated as thugs and guards. They were not well trained at all.

Resources are pitifully scarce, so being an immortal deity really has experienced many life and death dilemmas.

It was also a coincidence that he could join Cheng Buyun. At that time, the requirements for admission were not high. As long as the immortal level can be joined, Xi Yun signed up.

The appearance and posture are acceptable, and it is also a human female, and Shuying Wang passed.

At the beginning, he was the secretary of Shuying Wang who handled some affairs. Later, he was sent to the space-time palace to serve Cheng Buyun.

The number of strong women is still relatively small, and none of the ten strong women are necessarily women.

I don't know why.

Women are not necessarily much weaker than men in their cultivation talents, but in high-end force, it is difficult to see women.

Especially at the great level of existence, humans have no one.

Very strange!

Is it because the motherhood of the woman is too heavy to want to see life die in front of her own eyes?

Believe you a ghost!

Bad old man gets water!

The corners of Cheng Buyun's mouth are all ripped, maybe!

Sitting leisurely on a stone table under a tree facing the light in the garden, the stone recliner that fits into the shape of a walking cloud accommodates his body very well, and several maids on the side arrange a variety of gourmet drinks and so on.

On the left and right sides, there were two beautiful maids half kneeling and rubbing their legs to serve, and behind them was a maid helping to press her shoulders.

What a picture of corruption, what a landlord's killing card.

Cheng Buyun has fallen!

What is depraved, can't you say something nice?

Cultivation also requires a combination of work and rest, right?

After working hard for more than ten years, what happened to me?

I enjoy what happened! ?

Have you eaten or drank yours?

Such resentment!

Who's the hindrance?

Cheng Buyun's mouth opened, and a small white tender hand was stretched out next to him, and a small purple-red fruit was pinched between his fingertips.

"Huh, this is life!"

Cheng Buyun sighed with emotion, causing the several maids next to him to laugh with a smile.

In fact, Cheng Buyun is already low-key in terms of enjoyment.

In addition to the material aspects of enjoyment are relatively expensive, other expenses such as banquets are almost nothing. Unlike other strong people, every time after a period of time, they gather with friends to feast and eat and drink indiscriminately.

There is a lot of waste, but no one dares to blame.

PS: Resuming Hongmeng Tianyuan book buddies, it is estimated that it is a coma, and it should not affect the content plot.

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